Create a 2-D pie chart (not exploded pie) on the active worksheet. Accept the default settings....

Create a 2-D pie chart (not exploded pie) on the active worksheet. Accept the default settings....

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54 года назад

127 Просмотров

Create a 2-D pie chart (not exploded pie) on the active worksheet. Accept the default settings. Each pie piece would represent the product and quantity data appearing in the 2ndhour2 worksheet of the IL-ates1527.xlsx workbook located in the IL-ates\Excel file on the desktop.Want more? Then download our TEST4U demo from
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TEST4U is an automated test which cooperates with the actual applications and can be used to prepare the students for certification exams (e.g. Microsoft-Certiport, ECDL/ICDL, DIPLOMA etc.) and train and assess employees.
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