We all love a comeback - and we are poised for an amazing one as we think about coming out on the other side of the Coronavirus outbreak. What will you do differently because of our "new normal" and how will you prepare for the uptick in service as social distancing ends?
I'd like to help.
Let's talk about social media strategy: snapchat, twitter, facebook, instagram, tik ok, youtube, and linked in. It's mostly about authenticity.
These strategies are great for retail, restaurants, small businesses, grocery stores, department stores, and fitness. This series is ideal for any manager, leader, supervisor, or executive who wants to drive great service and tremendous sales growth.
Let's connect to talk live about your customer experience, employee training, branding, and leadership development.
Call, email, or text me today.
[email protected]
You can even call or text me on Google Voice @ 407-494-2716
Instagram: RecipeForService
Facebook: TonyjohnsonCX
Twitter: ServiceRecipe
Snapchat: TheTonyJohnson
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