GMG Reviews - Bushido: Risen Sun 2 Player Starter Set by GCT Studios

GMG Reviews - Bushido: Risen Sun 2 Player Starter Set by GCT Studios

Guerrilla Miniature Games

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@DawidGrajczyk - 26.07.2019 14:45


@battlemind - 26.07.2019 15:30

This sure looks like a good time to jump into Bushido. Thanks for posting this Ash!

@Marc_4 - 26.07.2019 15:46

I love this game and the new edition looks fantastic. Thanks for the review!

@SergeyBel - 26.07.2019 15:57

thx for posting :) will you lso do a serie of videos playing each Infinity: Wildfire mission? ^^

@DracWasRight - 26.07.2019 16:13

This ruleset is leaps and bounds better than the last version. Excited and hopeful to see the game grow! Looking forward for you kicking my butt in this new version lol.

@richmcgee434 - 26.07.2019 16:32

Didn't realize this was out already.  1st ed was pretty good.

@richmcgee434 - 26.07.2019 16:51

Heh.  Wait Action options should clearly include "Check phone" and "Reply to text" these days, right?  :)

@silvarknite7 - 26.07.2019 17:03

I was just about to buy this game, glad I waited a few weeks! Can’t wait to pick up this edition.
Hope to see some games on your channel if this game(and maybe ragnarock and that cyberpunk game you did a video one a week or so ago)

@yixiyixi4057 - 26.07.2019 17:25

Is this available in US retail?

@Aenion11 - 26.07.2019 17:32

The melee -1 and Ranged +1 on Kinu is a damage modifier, not a die modifier. She rolls 2 dies for ranged attacks, but her damage roll gets a +1 bonus

@Zikekiel - 26.07.2019 17:51

So tempting, love the setting. Love the look of the Tengu and Ito. So much good stuff coming out! Great review.

@Typhestus - 26.07.2019 18:08

I really enjoyed this review. Never head of Bushido before but it looks great. The fact that it is a small skirmish game with around 6 models per person, really sparks my interest. Going to check out where it is sold right now!

@chicodanks5241 - 26.07.2019 18:25

Played many a game of Bushido Rising Sun so looking forward to Risen Sun. Though not so thrilled about buying new card packs for 3 Factions I own + Rulebook. £50 too spend and no new toys isn't great for a cheap git like myself ;)

@sirbobulous - 26.07.2019 18:33

Yes! Been waiting for this to come out for a while. My Temple needs some shiny updates :)

@otro_dany_mas - 26.07.2019 19:12

Curiosity question, ash have you ever played blood bowl because it is very good and worth playing a season

@macewen1 - 26.07.2019 21:58

Is there something like this for Chinese myth too?

@SidneyGutteridge - 26.07.2019 23:24

Damn another dope game to ravage my wallet

@Senpai-hy1jm - 27.07.2019 08:27

Hey Ash turn those disguise tokens up the right way and you can read em lol

@dimitrismanousidis4774 - 27.07.2019 16:52

Small scale company, amazing game really, still a lot under the radar for what it offers. Beautiful ruleset once you get the hang of it, needs more pressence and recognition. I dare to say this is the best skirmish game i ve personally played. Cheers Ash for the presentation! PS: Please do more vids if you get the chance with the new ruleset!

@Jmann-jj1jo - 28.07.2019 04:29

Hopefully I can inspire FLGS to tap into this, ordered this starter, faction dice and the Eldest Brother with cult of yueri pack with hinato thanks ash once again for giving us the goodies again

@johnmiddleton4291 - 07.08.2019 12:26

The mini rulebook actually looks like it is useable and readable, unlike most shrunk down A5 books that are basically a waste of paper.

@Rackhamish - 11.08.2019 07:11

Just jumped in via this starter + some Minimoto Clan - really looking forward to playing this game.

Also, I've been enjoying watching the Bushido battle reports! Any chance of a new battle report with just the content available from the 2 player starter in the future?

@a-blivvy-yus - 20.08.2019 23:23

Minor detail but... that text isn't "backwards" it's just upside down. And the images look like they're meant to be up the right way for the text, too, so that's probably not a mistake.

@Ophiel61 - 26.08.2019 17:40

Does anyone know a site I could get these in the states?

@leviberruezo5862 - 25.10.2021 14:25

Hi I was considering on get this starter set, and give the game a try. in terms of the dice. do you need to get special dices? or any dice will do?

@V081WLBlue - 07.01.2022 06:28

Rip off, you do not get a ton of stuff in the box. You get 6 miniatures 17 cards, token set and small rulebook. Also why show your cards that do not come with the box! The rules are free as are the cards to download so 6 30mm figures for approx £38. Wise up!
