Seattle expecting $100 million in economic impact from 2026 World Cup | FOX 13 Seattle

Seattle expecting $100 million in economic impact from 2026 World Cup | FOX 13 Seattle

FOX 13 Seattle

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@SupUce - 05.02.2024 09:20

Now Seattle officials are going to clean up the city like what San Francisco did…🤣🤣🤣…losers….

@Sketchylemons - 05.02.2024 09:32

What a great excuse to clear out the homeless

@joelbeske1504 - 05.02.2024 09:53

Where are they going to temporarily hide the homeless during this time frame?

@MrBadjohn69 - 05.02.2024 10:23

World Cup?? Oh great soccer thugs in town to fight the drug gangs.

@LovePeace2025 - 05.02.2024 10:44

what is the fuss? The money goes to the rich and the homeless grows each year.

@DarkstarDarth - 05.02.2024 11:56

I’m just here for the exquisite comments..😀

@williammurray1341 - 05.02.2024 13:58

Is that positive or negative impact? US cities tend to spend way more than predicted on these things.

@cook4470 - 05.02.2024 15:06

Oh, wow, one hundred million?!!! We've given waaaaay more than that to the migrant situation.

@pulda015 - 05.02.2024 15:17

How/why?.... The city the airport and its transportation infrastructure are barely functional at best under normal loads.

@gustavotoro7938 - 05.02.2024 16:05

Given the way the fans support the Seahawks, and other teams of the city, I think that Seattle, and Kansas City are the best possible places for the US National Team to play its games.

@Kyzer1146 - 05.02.2024 16:52

Just so they can spend it on more rocks yay

@timothysmith6330 - 05.02.2024 17:01

What about security and law enforcement?

@RedWork55501 - 05.02.2024 17:28

you know whats funny about soccer players and fent users, they both stare at their feet

@RedWork55501 - 05.02.2024 17:34

oh and speaking of "the world will be watching you" yes you are right FOX 13, the world has been watching and laughing at us for a few years now when it comes to seattle.

@Nhaflm1821 - 05.02.2024 17:35

I'll be in America but i hope you guys clean up ur country n finally take care of the homeless for once

@laurosaquipay1459 - 05.02.2024 18:00

Let’s go USA 🇺🇸
Let’s go Seattle

@nwdieseltech - 05.02.2024 18:05

Seattle will use the money to give illegal immigrants pre paid cell phones and debit cards instead of using it to clean up once was amazing go to city - what a shame

@joshyoung5160 - 05.02.2024 18:09

Hell no.

@PeterJPickles - 05.02.2024 19:22

The walking aspect will suit us Europeans :)

@JustinDrew-ur1hr - 05.02.2024 20:30

They have two years to clean this city up. Better start now🤣. God damn!!! Break out the overtime now help and get some of the homeless people off the streets, and get those pressure washers and work trucks out ,and street sweepers, pick up all that garbage everywhere, guess the amazing graffiti is gonna have to be covered up here and there. But. Man oh man. The city of Seattle has a chance to clean up the city for a few good reasons now and try to keep it that way, One, it needs to done anyways. Long over due, and two the world cup now I guess so better start now. Flowers pots everywhere, hanging baskets, stores will comes back slowly. Police doing their jobs and making sure it's safe!!! and stuff for everyone.

@pnw6324 - 05.02.2024 20:53

We do not need that! Could you imagine the Seattle streets?

@user-su2yj6fi1f - 05.02.2024 22:12

Please clean the city

@creatorofgods1668 - 05.02.2024 23:57

Seattle would have been the best location to have the World Cup final.

Perfect weather, beautiful scenery, and good restaurants.

New York is nice but, where is the scenery.

@hhch2 - 06.02.2024 00:14

Seattle streets smelled like piss yesterday. It smelled like piss today. And it will continue to smell like piss into 2026 since the city gov isn't doing anything about the homeless and the drug addicts.

@seattleryan5721 - 06.02.2024 00:16

hahaha, BOY oh boy is the world gonna be so let down by Seattle. Wonder if they will ask the residents to volunteer and clean-up the city/local governments mess.

@letsexperienceearth3034 - 06.02.2024 01:38

Not everyone follows anything, but more people follow soccer than anything else.
Over 1.5 BILLION people watched the Final in 2022 on television, making it the most widely watched televised sporting event in history.
In 2026, those numbers will be even bigger.
It's a MASSIVE DEAL, and it's funny how many Americans don't understand this.
BILLIONS of eyes will be on Seattle. Millions of fans from all over the world will fly into America for this tournament and bring all their passion and culture with them. Hopefully Seattle puts it's best foot forward.

@pacifickaihomesllc3605 - 06.02.2024 02:11

Major protests incoming.

@fredymelendez4773 - 06.02.2024 02:20

Best sport ever❤

@josetheclassicstarwarsfan8514 - 06.02.2024 02:54

Go Mexico!🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽

@bumi5892 - 06.02.2024 03:11

I remember that Seattle had a basketball team in the NBA e.e ! and also is imposible not think about Nirvana i hope Argentina play in that city

@Jimmynitro76 - 06.02.2024 03:21

Oh good! Here in vegas we just had the F1 racing and now the super bowl so it will be nice to go back to the regular tourist when this is all over.... good luck Seattle.

@cryptoman9781 - 06.02.2024 03:45

What $100M impact? A movie can generate 10x or 100x 😂 😂

@hugonongbri8100 - 06.02.2024 04:36

US will finally witness what a global sporting event looks like 👍

@HawkSea - 06.02.2024 05:10

Now we can do something about the homeless situation with that revenue yeah?

@dave4158 - 06.02.2024 07:13

Soccer is for globalists. Totally unAmerican.

@jhericlexto4961 - 06.02.2024 20:13

It would be interesting for those folks who love to complain about the homelessness and drug addiction in our city to kinda put their money where their mouth is. COMPLAINING DOES NOT GET YOU ANYWHERE!!! If you’re so concerned about it, then do something and help out.

@SAJDES - 06.02.2024 20:26

i have been reading the responses of host cities of the World Cup...the citizens of all host cities are complaining about the homeless and cleaning up...

@tanthiennguyen9308 - 07.02.2024 11:07

Bitte nicht Polizei um der Sicherheit Massnahmen Schalgeschwindigkeit Berücksichtigen können

@takada603 - 08.02.2024 01:31


@juliozarceno7038 - 12.02.2024 19:40

Good for Seattle. Just because there is a serious problem on the streets is insecurity because of all the homeless people who are drugged on the streets. That looks very horrible, especially in the city center.

@JackNicholls-f3c - 15.02.2024 17:51

In 2026 in North America

@JackNicholls-f3c - 15.02.2024 17:52

America Mexico

@thailor - 19.03.2024 07:38

Better hurry up and clean this dump of a place up then.... lmfao. Europeans gonna show up like WTF IS THIS?!

@Michmichoacan - 24.07.2024 07:08

North America 2026

@judd442009 - 04.09.2024 15:07

Will Mayor Harrell and the City Council clean up the streets again like they did for the 2023 MLB All Star Game?? Why didn't FOX ask about how "City Officials" are handling the people camping on the streets doing drugs?

@JulesS-jc5tt - 01.10.2024 10:06

Seattle better get their s@%t together before this. Yes, Seattle is walkable but not safe and the streets are covered in druggies and homeless. Hopefully our police force can handle all this.

@sov19871987 - 07.01.2025 08:36

Can't wait for the world to see our homeless camps.

@zachj4253 - 15.01.2025 11:36

USA!!!🇺🇸 USA!!!🎉 I can’t wait for FIFA 2026

@mattmatt7072 - 02.02.2025 03:28

Whoopee do
