We got BILLET Aluminum Rotors in the 1 Rotor Miata

We got BILLET Aluminum Rotors in the 1 Rotor Miata

Rob Dahm

5 дней назад

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@wiggi0483 - 21.03.2025 00:32

You need a frunk to hold a backup rotor

@chash7335 - 21.03.2025 03:09

Many years ago titanium was considered as a rotor material but not much happened. Aluminum is light, but not that strong and weakens considerably as it heats. I think wear of the apex seal and corner seal grooves will be an issue, along with the rotor pounding itself loose.
Also, the rotor width is measured across the gear and opposite thrust ring, not at an apex.
Interesting show and I'm very curious as how the aluminum rotor works out.

@ThomasBilt - 21.03.2025 03:54

They should coat the combustion chambers with the speed of air type coating

@reyalPRON - 21.03.2025 04:07

im sorry to say that these are dying and going away, sadly. one question though, how can u have rotors in a singleplate, would that not be a rotor?

@itstrenttv - 21.03.2025 05:42

This is making a 1 rotor sound really fun

@JohnDough1776 - 21.03.2025 05:45

I would put the big daddy of oil coolers on there

@scott2100 - 21.03.2025 06:38

there's a lot of automotive stuff going on in New Zealand, two different Cosworth like engine builders where one of them has their in house foundry, and now this company

@thetommantom - 21.03.2025 06:50

I use 0w20 so if it burns it'll get thicker and then I top off with 1 quart 10w40 it doesn't burn stock 1JZ-GTE

@toupe454 - 21.03.2025 07:15

What are your thoughts on long term reliability? The fatigue properties of aluminum worry me more than thermal expansion.

@GooseDub - 21.03.2025 08:00

Is the 12 rotor getting aluminium rotors now?

@zendrives9287 - 21.03.2025 08:14

Suzuki Cappuccino needs a one rotor (tiny) hybrid turbo to swap in. Then, two rotor for miata. Finally 4 rotor for RX7 and the uberrotor for the dragster. The Family will be Komplete.

@FLORIDAMANIAM-he2lz - 21.03.2025 08:15

You ever gonna finish this

@UncleTriangle - 21.03.2025 09:58

If this setup works out well, you should put it into an Exocet chassis. You could possibly have a total weight of around 1200 lbs, assuming that this engine is about 200 lbs lighter than the original..

@mikescudder4621 - 21.03.2025 10:01

Aotearoa represent!

@smirkingrevenge6 - 21.03.2025 10:06

Bloody hell the science going into this.... Hats off to you good sir, but I don't know if it would fit given how much info is in that head of yours!!!

@TechteamLLP - 21.03.2025 11:26

I’m interested how your going to balance your one rotor with a much lighter rotor where are you getting the balance weights from

@Venom22250 - 21.03.2025 11:48

10/10 would love to tutor you in driving stick. It’s so much fun🤘🏼

@mihailpetrovici5044 - 21.03.2025 15:34

Ayo, I just realised something.
1. Maybe you can coat the combustion side of the rotor in something to reflect the heat.
2. I know you talk about side clearance of the rotor. Maybe you can try line2line coating, they do piston skirts to a smaller tolerance than needed. And being an abraidable coating, it will wear out where it need to wear out and remain where it doesn't need.
Also they do oil pumps, compresor housing, to take out any space that shouldn't be there

@panzerducky - 21.03.2025 15:43

What your opinion on the new rotor design where it’s a Dorito block and a peanut rotor?

@calebtuaiti5114 - 21.03.2025 18:01

Other than price and availability why not just use titanium?

@hush8108 - 21.03.2025 22:39

important to keep in mind that the weight savings is in rotational weight. Amplifying gains.

@HulluJanne - 22.03.2025 00:03

Should try and make a ceramic coated rotor. Maybe also adding dimples, similar to Speed of Air piston design.

@jesusvargas3188 - 22.03.2025 00:07

El rotor de aluminio ya se trato y falla por que se cuando se calienta se expande y los sellos fallan cuando haces power de verdad

@jonathanwright5550 - 22.03.2025 00:29

Wouldnt it pay to get the combustion cambers coated with a nickel

@miscbits6399 - 22.03.2025 00:58

Perhaps the combustion chamber could be ceramic coated - best of both worlds if you can make it work

@ScrewUserNames6587 - 22.03.2025 03:17

If you make 300+ to the wheels with this I want to run it in my GR86, so be prepared to do another one 😅

@vica153 - 22.03.2025 06:21

Ceramic coating on the combustion area of the the rotor?

@jessesuttie4240 - 22.03.2025 06:28

Super excited & spending lot’s of love for this project as it’s been a dream build since I was a kid but a missed spent youth got involved but it’s a great idea for sure and I think it’s going to make a the mx5 the car Mazda should have made to start with anyway please inform me with a eta on next video

@simow77 - 22.03.2025 07:12

That's pretty

@simow77 - 22.03.2025 07:29

Are yoy guys mental 😂😂

@biff647019 - 22.03.2025 08:09

if i hadnt have just watched the fast and the furious i might not have gotten that reference near the end

@teknogeek1300 - 22.03.2025 10:04

VR-1 in my Harley all day, every day!

@leviandronicous4193 - 22.03.2025 14:28

You need to make a big block rotary

@remutar6979 - 22.03.2025 15:31

Bruh I wanna build a 1 rotary engined dune buggy now with a turbo ofcourse.😂

@BinkyTheToaster - 22.03.2025 15:53

Try this; have the rotor machined so that the combustion chamber is more forward on the rotor toward the apex that's on the leading side of rotation, and take the spark plug ports and narrow them to a slit that's thinner than an apex seal. This will move the combustion forward and provide a better lever arm on the rotor, and narrowing the spark plug ports will prevent the intake charge/combustion charge from sneaking around the seal. I've seen one design that took both into account and was able to provide power and torque numbers much closer to a piston motor and improved efficiency to match.

@nevinbontrager8828 - 22.03.2025 16:51

LIES! Title is wrong. ONE rotor, not rotors.

*cries inside because I don't do anything this cool *

@nikosl3l377 - 22.03.2025 21:28

@Rob Dahm try to build a rotors from 7068 tennalum t6 from kaiser industry or titanium aluminide

@kyledavis8176 - 23.03.2025 02:16

Why has no one (*cough* Rob *cough*) attempted to cnc a rotor prototype using Ernie Brinks ideas like the offset directional combustion chambers??

@troydority265 - 23.03.2025 07:29

I love it

@troydority265 - 23.03.2025 07:45

Rob look at v6 92 ford ranger parts.

@L0rd0verKill - 23.03.2025 12:48

"... I look like a liar, and I hate that."

Integrity. That's called integrity and we/"the internet" need more of it. Keep doing what you do Rob.

@pawelkapica5363 - 23.03.2025 16:56

It's so crazy in my mind how much power you can get out of a 1.3 Liter engine compared to a traditional one.

@TheMoghrabimahmoud - 23.03.2025 17:00

There's rotary mini bikes! U should get one!!!

@nathanclark81 - 23.03.2025 21:00

Great Video! Love the “lazer”

@NoLongerApcGamingFan - 23.03.2025 21:56

i want a billet Rotor/Billet housing single rotory engine in my honda civic 🤤🤣

@metalheartmachine - 24.03.2025 01:02

Beautifully explained. Keep it up.

@metalheartmachine - 24.03.2025 01:17

The Coefficient of Thermal Expansion question is definitely a thing to see about, as well as the significantly lower melting point of Aluminum.

@Thatdavemarsh - 24.03.2025 02:35

Are you going to need to do something like move the battery forward. That’s a lot of weight out from over the front wheels!

@kevinswenson3345 - 24.03.2025 10:18

Rob, how many projects do you have going.... yes! all of the them
