Are aliens & angels the same thing? This is the question I explored with Chris Bledsoe, a man considered the most credible experiencer in the world of phenomenon, someone whose experiences have been studied by NASA, the CIA, academics & the defense intelligence agency.
Additionally, he is set a part from many other experiencers in that he is a deeply religious man who continues to experience rejection & judgement from his spiritual community for sharing his message.
What others have labeled separate from God, he believes is connected & in this video he shares his experience of orbs, angels, shadow people & miraculous healing.
This is episode 207 of my podcast, Meredith for Real: the curious introvert. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Video Assistant: Micah Minnocci
Set Consulting: Travis Patterson
Video Editing: Pensacola Digital
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6901A N 9th Ave # 195
Pensacola, FL 32504
#aliens #ufos #ufoofgod
#Are_aliens_really_angels #are_angels_aliens #chris_bledsoe #ufo_of_god #ufos_and_angels #alien_abduction #beyond_skinwalker_ranch #history_channel #christopher_bledsoe #ufo_of_god_the_extraordinary_true_story_of_chris_bledsoe #alien_abduction_stories #meredith_for_real_podcast #curious_introvert_podcast #meredith_hackwith_edwards