Does drinking coffee really help you stay awake? |️ 8 Minute English | Beginner

Does drinking coffee really help you stay awake? |️ 8 Minute English | Beginner

LEP - Learn English Podcast

55 лет назад

76,474 Просмотров

☕️ How to Stay Awake Without Too Much Coffee! ☕️
Welcome back to the 8-minute English Podcast Series on the Learn English Podcast channel! I'm your host, Nathan, and today we're talking about something we all know and love: coffee!

In this episode, you’ll hear a fun and helpful conversation between Drake, Mathew, and Jimmy as they discuss how coffee affects our energy, why it might not always be the best answer, and what other options we have to stay awake. 😴✨

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To your Inner child 💖:
🎙️ 8 Minute English:
🎧Podcast and Chill:
Learn English While You Sleep 💤:

☞ Please feel free to drop your questions in the comments below, and we'll address them in upcoming episodes.

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Remember: Coffee can be great, but it’s important to use it wisely. Try out our tips and let us know how they work for you. Thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you next time!


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