When this happens, the judge who granted bail should be automatically fined. They need to pay a price for putting everyone in danger.
ОтветитьHe shoots 2 children and is out on $500 dollar bond? You’ve got to be kidding? He has former priors one being a gun violation? This commissioner should be not only called out he should be brought on to answer why? I’m sure by the time he gets to court he will be just a kid off his meds, misunderstood, a pillar of the community, a scholar, and just a good kid that was hanging with the wrong crowd. Are these people insane he shot two kids why is he out why did he get a bond?
ОтветитьIt's far past time for these judges to be held accountable for their actions.
ОтветитьThe blame game
Go back to the old ways of setting bonds
person said, " it's a little out of control, get the guns of the street" !! WTF? How about get the thugs off the street!
ОтветитьIt's a shame that the high percentage of perpetrators blacken the name/character/reputation ( no pun intended ) of the rest of the 13% in the minds of too many of the Public out there ! Recognise and remember the GOOD citizens !
ОтветитьIts all rigged. This world is a joke. When will yall get it.
ОтветитьWtf!! Why Is he out on Bail I Aint Even Did No Serious crimes & Ik down here In N.c. it would've been No Bond smh i just posted A 1,000 on A Traffic ticket & you telling Me he got out on A 500 Bond smfh The law Is Messed up In Some States .If This Was My family he Definitely would get his karma !
ОтветитьKeep his ass in jail....
ОтветитьWtf 😮 who let that Demon out
ОтветитьI'm starting to think this is by design you all want them to keep deleting folks Memphis might as well have a serial killer @ this point 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 they would be able to get away with it
ОтветитьTennessee has officially gone woke it’s ashamed to be in state next to you
ОтветитьCan you say vigilante
ОтветитьJudge in jail he is a thug
ОтветитьOver and over and over and over again
ОтветитьThat’s normal
ОтветитьLock up the Judge and the DA .
ОтветитьSuch transparency, of Chicago politics in Tennessee. Surprise surprise, This Democrat run city, looking a lot like Chicago!
ОтветитьAsk yourself, why are the Democrats who run that city allowing criminals to remain on the streets to hurt or delete people? Answer: it's part of the New World Order agenda. Just like the citizen in this video said, get the guns off the streets means ban all gun eventually. Now the globalists have full control of the people who have no way to protect themselves and their families. Wake up people!
ОтветитьPolicemen shut em down
ОтветитьHow about no bail
Ответить500$ Some people you just can't save and the Justice system seems not to understand the citizens are very afraid in Memphis, especially in the black community.
Ответить“Possessing an illegal modified handgun” … uh I think you mean possessing an illegally manufactured machine gun (as it is defined by the federal government)
ОтветитьThey released him because they know someone will k1ll him
ОтветитьThis kids should be given a feel of Africa, then they would appreciate, what they have.
ОтветитьSoros funded DA?
ОтветитьY'all should've let the dude out free . He just got a free get out of jail card for $500 that means he only paid $50 bucks to be released this is beyond sad. It's like the white man wants to see killers come back out go to the hood and kill some more . Like they're trying to just let the blacks kill each other up.
ОтветитьWe need Judge kersey. Paul Kersey!
ОтветитьWho's the Judge?
Ответитьkeep voting demoKKKRAT 💀
ОтветитьWhy don’t they give him the death penalty it makes no sense these are repeat offenders
ОтветитьMartin King is turning in his grave smh
ОтветитьWhat the bloody hell
ОтветитьWait What????? judges have to be doing that on purpose smh.
ОтветитьThe ? Is why was he shooting at the father that's what they should be asking.
ОтветитьPut the what down and do what??
Ответить😮 what!!
ОтветитьSo is this why we pay taxes for MFS like this smh why man
ОтветитьPray For Them Children🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьThey have to start revoking bonds when they already on one
ОтветитьPending for real smh
ОтветитьSad 😮
ОтветитьWhy can't jail keep these people in jail where they belong😮🤔they just running in and out of jail system 👨🏻⚖️⚖️when they get them charges they should not get out of jail at all🤔
ОтветитьLet me get this straight, he shot up a car full of kids, carjacked somebody, and got caught with a switch on a Glock and he was able to post for $500? Memphis will never be a vacation spot or place to visit for me ever.