jaja lo mataron :v
Ответитьwhat mean reborn?, I still don't know that
ОтветитьOriginal seems better
Ответитьwith 8 GB Ram dota 2 would be fast ?
Ответитьabbadon looks sad on the reb.:(
Ответитьabbadon looks sad on the reb.:(
Ответитьboth are good but reborn is updating with new heroes
Ответить0.001% more different...yeah
Ответитьреборт полная хуйня,графон говно,фпс мало.старая дота куда приятней смотрелась и фпс было больше!!!!
ОтветитьWarcraft 4 sure looks beautiful
ОтветитьI atually think that reborn has a lot more realistic and natural rock formations and stone stairs. A lot of the original rocks seem too edgy, dark, and metallic. Reborn looks softer, and more textured. Especially dire rocks, or whatever.
ОтветитьOriginal trees are nicer though.
ОтветитьI think Reborn is basically a better client not graphics.
ОтветитьI see no difference
Ответитьwhy ABDDON is so SAD in
REBORN?? xdxd
original abadd: yeah die enemy die
reborn: kill me plsssss
yo even less frames and also why is everything more zoomed in and bigger in the reborn map?
ОтветитьDoes rebourn use direct x 11?
ОтветитьI don't care how many times they change Dota 2 and its still a million times better than LOL.
ОтветитьOriginal actually looks better to me. reborn looks over blended and crowded in places it doesnt need to be.
Ответитьin game, the first time when. i ve joined into reborn was clear, i dont know, i was feeling something a little bit different
Ответитьpls new vídeo ford dota 7.00 pls :)
Ответитьnive video. Ur intro and outro sucks lol
ОтветитьSo, who created Reborn?
Ответитьthe original: the creeps will follow to the rest of your life!!!!
the reborn : the creeps will just ignore you XDDDD
ОтветитьThe reborn is optimized for low end PC and have better performance than the original, but also changed the graphics, texture , etc.
Ответитьthe reason why i moved to HoTS
Ответитьi see no fucking difference lol
Ответитьthere are two dotas
ОтветитьAbaddom is sad :c
Ответитьfor me i like original
Ответитьme trae recuerdos
ОтветитьOriginal trusted!
ОтветитьOriginal has a sharper image and more contrast than reborn, looks better in general.
ОтветитьOriginal fps .. 80-120 most of the time 120
Reborn fps.. 45-75 most of the time 60
doto 7.07?
ОтветитьSome of our biggest achievements here at valve, is that we were finally, after 20 years of hard work and dedication... have finally added more Lily pads.
ОтветитьТеней от облаков больше нет
Ответитьgood old time bruh
Ответитьthe only thing that reborned is the main menu
ОтветитьI am unable to spot any difference at all :P
Ответитьthey added some plants
ОтветитьOmg remembering the original map breaks me into tears😭
ОтветитьOg is better ,overall it just gives me a good and interesting vibe ,the reborn color and texture make it brighter ad too childish
Ответитьmiss the side shop 😭
ОтветитьGood old simple map. No gates, no pools, no tormentors, just pure 5v5.