Freelance Horror Short | Screamfest

Freelance Horror Short | Screamfest


2 года назад

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@kareneastman9695 - 03.07.2023 03:47

She only agreed to do the first segment.😲No.😞I hope he's just unconscious.🙂😀

@americanitalianisrael4008 - 06.07.2023 14:43


@trudypops - 13.07.2023 05:58

Def needs more views & likes. Well made & entertaining. Way better than so many low budget films that get released mainstream.

@RandomComment6 - 22.07.2023 05:00

Interestingly enough, the missing woman was from Long Island. So am I and I’m here for these amazing shorts.

@Acharmedlife - 22.07.2023 05:08

It’s just nice to see a lesbian as the protagonist once in a while. Quite rare indeed.

@tashatasha7496 - 09.08.2023 03:45

What did she wrote in the end? Anybody know?

@christinamateus2064 - 12.08.2023 20:03


@USANAK - 01.09.2023 11:00



We all need encouragement, to hear what we have done well. High quality production. Excellent camera angles and use of locations - his apartment is one of the strangest I have ever seen. All of the actors provided a professional performance.


If we want to grow and improve, we need this too. Predictable. In almost every scene, I knew what was coming well in advance.


Still well worth a watch.

Well done and thank you!


Audiences must be able to suspend disbelief; however, there is a limit to this in that the internal logic of the film must be adhered to. We expect people to pretty much act as we would. Therefore, breaking the rules of a movie's universe needs to be justified. We cannot arbitrarily portray Superman as a Kryptonite addict, for example, Batman struggling with morning sickness due to being pregnant, or Wonder Woman having an OnlyFans subscription service to make ends meet - imagine how much cash that would being-in, the word "epic" springs to mind.

Case in point is Ant-man, in that he is able to communicate with insects. Nobody in his universe, not even himself, can do this simply by being miniaturized. Therefore, the writer/s introduced the "cybernetic helmet" which clearly explains how this is possible. It is enough to allow for the suspension of disbelief to work. While we cannot accept him being able to talk with insects simply because he shrinks himself down to their size, we can accept that the helmet makes it possible for him to do so.

Unfortunately, in various areas, this short horror-movie is let down by its lack of attention to its internal logic. Consider the following.

1. Our freelancer is short of money, no idea why, she just is.

2. A client underpays her, which begs the question how this would be possible, because in my world there are plenty of safeguards in place, as well as my own terms and conditions that prevent this ever happening to me.

3. She is threatened with eviction - okay, I will give you a pass on that one, as I do not know what the laws are where she lives, but it would be an empty threat where I do. That threat though does serve to justify her decision to accept the work, plainly an act of desperation.

4. So begins an all-nighter, although why is never made clear. There is no indication of a deadline that needs to be met. Of course, it could be argued that she is doing so because she needs that money to pay her landlord and thereby avoid being evicted, but she makes no move to pay him anything, because the last time we hear him the debt does not appear to have been paid. As for being told not to keep them waiting, as far as I can tell that is about accepting the work.

5. At one point, it is revealed that they recorded the conversation she previously had with her now dead friend. If we accept that they somehow managed to do that, why on earth are they playing it to her on her deceased friend's phone? They already have all the leverage they need and obviously, they can kill her whenever they want to.

6. What is so great about her editing that they are going to such lengths to ensure she keeps doing it for them? It would even appear that they would still be paying her $1,000 per job, seeing as they have already offered that for her to edit a second video - if she did such a great job first time, you would think they would at least offer to pay her more. The reality is that they now own her, if for no other reason than the fact that she is now an accessory to murder because she has not reported the crimes to the police.

The Problem is not the Problems

The issue here is not that these problems exist - as well as others such as the dead woman being missing, her body having been dragged out of her home, but for no discernible reason her dead friend's body being left behind. The issue is that no attempt is made to deal with them. Which brings me to one of the things I find particularly irritating about most movies these days, the failure to deal loose ends.

1. Are the ghosts real, or one part nightmare and one part hallucination?

2. If they are real, how is that possible in the universe of this film?

3. What is it the ghosts want?

4. Who are the killers?

5. What is their motivations?

6. Why did they choose her to edit their videos?

7. If she is that amazing, why is she in financial trouble?

A short-movie format does not excuse failing to answer questions like these. Other short-movies, for example "Bar Talk", are excellent at ensuring the audience are given all the information they need to understand and accept the story and yet still engage in speculation. Such movies have well-written, tight, well-developed plots, with an absence of major weaknesses in any of the three acts. What they do not do is leave it up to us to decide for ourselves, which in this case is nigh impossible, because the supposed 'cliff-hanger' leaves no option but to make blind guesses.

Ending? No Idea. Let the Audience Decide.

An increasing number of modern moviemakers are now using this well-worn and tired-out excuse, claiming they decided to leave it open-ended, so that the audience could choose the ending they wanted. As far as I am concerned, that is cop-out. In the majority of cases, I believe the real reason is that nobody could think of how to end it. In my opinion, these 'non-ending' style movies disrespect their audience, offering a poor return for our investment of time and trust. When we start out on this journey with you, the vast majority of us expect an ending. Look back, at the great and the good, no matter what form of media they are, and there it will be, repeatedly, a beginning that pulls you in, a middle that keeps and deepens your interest, and an ending that is eminently satisfying.

Still a Good Movie

This is not a bad short-movie. As previously stated, there are many good things about it. It did manage to maintain my interest, because I wanted to know how it would end, thus my feeling cheated by the provision of an ending that was not an ending.

You Are Good, Now Shoot For Great!

I hope though, that you will keep going. There is plenty of evidence here demonstrating how good all of those involved with this project are, and that greatness is something that could be achieved in the future. My further hope is that what I have written here will, at least in some small way, help in making that happen.

@elaineermis531 - 28.09.2023 01:46

You know she did. 😊

@tomsmith2587 - 30.09.2023 03:55

No subtitles for the hearing impaired. You lost me.

@Sanatanwaryam - 03.10.2023 19:14

It's a Deal...Enter

@LASPROJECT_LILO - 27.10.2023 23:09

Apik banget! ❤

@horsluva0758 - 07.11.2023 19:04


@stupidfuckingidiot - 23.01.2024 17:37

Damn, she thicc. So fuckin creepy though, they had her phone tapped and got her boy dinner within a day.

@divyasharma4834 - 04.03.2024 01:47

Me too freelancer ... Loved it 😅❤

@doriancarnesi1727 - 10.03.2024 02:06

This girl is the real deal❤️‍🔥phenomenal actress❤️‍🔥 love the short from beginning to end❤️‍🔥scare the heck out of me😱❤️‍🔥🫣

@kurtrich27 - 26.03.2024 20:45

Great movie, but “f*ck my dad with a strap-on”? I’ve never liked hearing women swear; that phrase makes her sound like a meth addict. I guess that’s the norm these days, tho.

@SpookyNero - 31.03.2024 02:50

I liked everything but some of the script choices. 'You're like an ethics ninja' and 'fuck my dad with a strap on' were pretty bad...

@MrSbygneus - 15.06.2024 14:56

Very good acting!

@AJITHAjith-h2j - 27.06.2024 22:12

Film very bouring,hesitaeing😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

@pmaximus5659 - 01.07.2024 08:38

Wow! This was a great movie, very well executed.

@pmaximus5659 - 02.07.2024 17:28

Best short story movie I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen ALOT! Let’s support this channel, I do

@ricardoat6671 - 07.08.2024 03:44

@EarthSublime_369 - 25.08.2024 05:36

Now THIS. This was terrifying.

@RWR1911 - 03.09.2024 13:47

The threat of eviction is absurd (legally, it could take months) and the film is not frightening, but the lead actress is really quite good.

@Klutchdwd3 - 14.09.2024 02:30

I've had to do videos with phone not everyone is lucky like the preps or jocks wow this is gonna be a weird year

@Klutchdwd3 - 18.09.2024 21:24

Ghosts are real in my island we have cryptids or at least u can beat them with a prayer or some times there's shadows but the unknown is also a specific being beyond what people can see even with some there third eye kicks in and I can't see it's also a disability I call my town foggy hillz but it has a historical place and value like the universe of weird things happen

@justhereforagoodtime88 - 22.09.2024 04:24

When are we going to get a part 2??

@denissaknepp2290 - 12.10.2024 08:26

That ending was so stupid

@debanjanabanerjee7856 - 26.10.2024 23:36

Fool story. Rubbish....

@sagelinngrace - 27.10.2024 02:34

This was actually so good! I don’t say that in a patronizing way. I have just been watching sooooo many shorts lately and this one came on randomly and I love it!

@chauncitoney6578 - 11.11.2024 13:04

I really enjoyed this and the plot is not so far removed from reality with all the weird shit on the dark web... Great creepy short, even without all the gore/blood. Well done, also, really liked the actress.

@loudunne4404 - 18.11.2024 00:05

Excellent ! 👏🫶🇦🇽

@milliejohnson9711 - 27.11.2024 10:44

That it's not always good to jump for fast money. Sometimes is bad money...the best part about this is you never knew who was doing it.. love it 😊

@wolfiedagger2287 - 30.12.2024 03:36

I clicked on this video and I'm glad I did! FIRST OFF the movie was top notch and had my heart thumping the entire time (I wish it was longer!) second the main actress is gorgeous and also her acting chops were really good I'd love to see her in more movies props to the writer,director, and cast very good!

@اريدكانتموت - 16.01.2025 04:34

queria legenda☹️

@VinnySantos_PE - 16.01.2025 17:25

Coloca legenda em Português por favor

@fantasticavivi - 17.01.2025 04:21

Alguém tem o vídeo legendado? 🇧🇷

@jefersoncamargo7992 - 17.01.2025 20:30

what she wrote in the final?

@Mclaudman - 20.01.2025 20:35

Só eu acho essa garota parecida com o John Travolta? 😂

@andrewwritesel1585 - 23.01.2025 11:47

I think there should be subtitles if you want/need them??? Just saying, for there's other people who need/want them in comments....

@MikeGerbino - 29.01.2025 17:30

I'm the writer of this short! FREELANCE is now a feature film starring Nicole Pastor available in the US and Australia on Apple TV and Amazon!

@leonardodalongisland - 05.02.2025 23:31

Sorry, bad writing and really bad acting....better luck next time.

@AlmxstCvnt - 14.02.2025 04:57

This kinda remind me of a movie about a guy who was invited to an arthouse project but what there didn’t realise it that the director was directing a snuff film

@annecohen8927 - 17.02.2025 15:23

When a simple “Do Not Keep Us Waiting” becomes a real threat …….
