is sugar pebels a real cereal?
ОтветитьDiets be damned if it isn't!!
Ответить1st of... diet coke has no fucking carbs
ОтветитьBut they taste like crap with the artificial sugars. D:
Ответитьmore beer less pretzels college will be one thin pass.
ОтветитьHonestly, as good at this advice is, it doesn't weigh in all the factors. Reason for lack of exercise: long hours of studying and work. Late night eating to keep you awake while trying to work on assignments. Not every campus has a good gym. I know mine doesn't. Classes cost a lot of money. The food offered on campuses aren't balanced diets. I know for me as a vegetarian there were no options, not even salad, so I had to eat cereal every day. I am off campus for that reason.
ОтветитьThat girl wasnt fat? o.O
ОтветитьNice! Good luck with your goal. And keep posting your progress. Cheers Erin
Ответитьhe looks like kinda like jim carry
Ответитьso i got to eat a handful of nuts? WTF
Ответить@Killerquatch I was sent here after watching a video about anorexia, how great...
Ответитьwhat happens when u have to make urself eat, ur not hungry
Ответитьshe has a killer stomach and she's not wearing a bra :P
ОтветитьNow, if only I could get my lady to implement these concepts
ОтветитьSup, have you wondered about this plan called the Fat Blast Furnace? (do a google search). My father says it helps people burn fat.
ОтветитьGood day! I'm Sarah.I did -15 lbs in 2 weeks.Visit
ОтветитьHey! I'm Elizabeth.I did -20 lbs past 1 week.Visit\#lRmLP
ОтветитьHello there, have you heard of " BellyFATtack " yet? Simply search on Google. There you will see a useful free video by a successful certified health practitioner revealing how you can eliminate body fat. This made it possible for Khalid to eliminate his tummy fat. I hope it works for you too...
ОтветитьSeems interesting, but .I did -10 lbs last one week.Open\#MuOmTXz
ОтветитьYour body contains the hormone that controls 100% ability to lose fat, it is Leptin. To burning fat effectively, you must learn the way to accelerate your metabolism.