Amazing gameplay 🤘🏻
ОтветитьIf you use this with the Pondhawk you would have a boomstick on a broomstick
ОтветитьFinally, a shotgun skin to match Angel's 30 blue outfits.
Ответитьin before you turn this thing into a sniper for some ungodly reason :v
Ответитьi wish it sounded more aggressive. it sounds like it has a full choke or sumn.
ОтветитьThe transitions are so beautiful 🤌
U can cancel your reload with the Plus menu.
Brady approves
ОтветитьRavic, you should start a masterclass on Battlefield strategies.
ОтветитьThat was intensive.
Ответитьwhats your fov?
ОтветитьThis.. is my BOOM STICK!
ОтветитьStill can't believe that the grenade comes out of the players hand before the throwing motion occurs lol
ОтветитьThis character voice always make your videos unbearable to watch man
ОтветитьI miss BF3's 870 so much, especially with slugs
ОтветитьWait, i have a question how did spot the enemy inside the bush?
ОтветитьRavic are shot guns your favorite weapon generally speaking in battlefield games? You seem to really enjoy the unadulterated fun of blasting people away at point blank range
ОтветитьOh god the memories are kicking back in..
Ответитьgun sounds are so lame in 2042. they have no depth to them. the shotguns in bf4 were awesome, it felt like you were blasting people away with the guns. same for the martini henry in bf. only gun that feels good in 2042 is the ntw 50.
ОтветитьI finally bought this game after you told me to get it on sale. It's definitely worth $5 and not 70 lmao. I have the occasional fun game but there's definitely a lot of servers still being dominated by vehicles with infinite flares lol
ОтветитьThis is my Boomstick!
ОтветитьThis is the best one yet! (Broomstick)Been watching for a while now! Ever think about doing a video on throwing knifes!!? I know you’ve got the skill , aim, and movement to make it look easy!
Ответитьwatched the video and tried it just now and can confirm, that boom do stick
ОтветитьThe war crime boom stick................
ОтветитьAmazing, really reminds me of the 870 in BF3
ОтветитьBruh, the enemies are sleeping hahahaa
ОтветитьLove that shotgun! Veteran skills 💪
ОтветитьRavic, Battlefield, Pump 12ga = Bliss
ОтветитьDamn Ravic that first transition was smooth
ОтветитьNext boomstick video has to be "Revenge of the Stick" surely
ОтветитьI hate shotgun it either I'm one-shotting them or doing absolutely nothing xD
ОтветитьAngel is a rare sight since Falck is obviously better in every way. Crazy that at launch he was the best specialist by a mile and now he’s the worst by many miles.
ОтветитьI used to think you with the guided missile in bfbc2 was op - Ravic with a shotgun is just unfair
Ответитьi saw which shotty he was using and after watching through bf4 years i knew this was gonna be good. the 880 is Rav's wrath
Ответитьare those actual human that he's playing against ? cuz i don't see any of those in asia server
Ответитьthat headshot is so satisfying
ОтветитьADS with a shotgun, for shame
ОтветитьSweet transitions editing :)
ОтветитьRoad kill to boom stick...most exellent lol
ОтветитьI think he cheat wallhack