Frosted Glass Spray Before & After - How to Spray Frosted Glass Spray for Privacy Spray

Frosted Glass Spray Before & After - How to Spray Frosted Glass Spray for Privacy Spray


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@Tech-Critic - 21.08.2023 23:54

Great product, This solved my problem

@drstapes-ravi - 20.02.2024 16:49

Can you compare spray with the frosting sticker. I always felt like changing the frosting sticker on the divider glass of my shower area, but the process with stickers are cumbersome and i dont have the confidence I'll have perfect output with it. I guess spray frosting is better afterall

@GwenMotoGirl - 12.07.2024 19:20

Thank you for showing the process! I’ve always used window film on larger windows but it’s not working well on a French door. I’ll try the spray.

@ToddDolce - 25.08.2024 18:38

Sadly, it EASILY scratches right off despite tons of coats.
