Never Fail At Fishing Laydowns AGAIN!

Never Fail At Fishing Laydowns AGAIN!

Brian Latimer

2 года назад

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@marknaglreiter9330 - 11.08.2022 20:13

I see that as: Straight Up, son. Thanks.

@lonestarbassholes235 - 20.08.2022 06:52

“Toe nails on the couch..” lololol! 👍🏽

@danspaghetti2797 - 23.08.2022 07:23

Look man….im new as f@ck but imma flip w.e the f@ck i wanna flip

@bromando44 - 25.08.2022 08:27

I never understood why right hand dominant people use right handed reels.... the rod should always be in the dominant hand. Reeling is almost a mindless operation that a weak hand can easily do. People that use right handed reels and cast right handed is like catching a baseball with your right hand, then taking the mitt off, and throwing the ball with your right hand. It makes zero sense lol horribly inefficient. I want to cast, feel what the bait is doing, set the hook, and fight the fish with my dominant hand.

@johnnysalami8617 - 11.09.2022 22:40

Love the toddler reference

@willtrax71 - 02.11.2022 02:32

Would you attack these Lay downs parallel to the bank if you are fishing from the bank or just pitch right out in front of you.? I’m a River Bank guy and see these quite often but always worry about hanging up.

@juanlara4127 - 12.11.2022 03:49

thank you

@MichaelRickman - 19.12.2022 20:00

B-Lat keepin it real... love ya man

@kyledabbs3072 - 03.01.2023 21:00

I taught myself to throw Lefty gear for the exact reason of flipping/pitching.

@PhotosinMotion2U - 23.01.2023 23:50

I’m new to pitchin and flippin, so this video was valuable for me to watch. I also liked your chatter bait video. Great instructions. Thank You.

@Adventures101. - 19.02.2023 20:40

Excellent video . Learned alot . Apparently there was a few things I was doing wrong all these years thanks for the advice.

@stepheng1138 - 21.02.2023 15:23

my sister moved in and she cuts her toe nail and leaves them on the couch...had me rolling.. loved your content,, thanks for your teaching..

@anthonytingle6578 - 28.03.2023 01:49

Man I wanna go fishing with you! Flipping trees and lay downs are my favorite thing to do. That's how you catch those big mama's lol

@divergent2619 - 30.03.2023 10:48

When to Texas rig worm vs creature or a jig??

@haz3t - 01.06.2023 22:13

"Man, I tell ya, man. My sister in law moved in with me, and boy she cuts her toenails on the couch and leaves them."

Probably the best example of a fishing conversation I've ever heard.

@bradyobrien9 - 06.06.2023 08:09

B-Lat your shit is the most helpful. You explain it perfectly in normal language. I watched your Texas Rig video last week and as I was hitting my spots I said and did "do do" as it started sinking. You said it sounds silly, but that shit works. Your "silly" little thing caught me a bunch of smallies in just 2 hours the first time I ever threw a Texas Rig. Appreciate what you do man.

@scottcarver6113 - 20.06.2023 08:01

Hey Brian, thanks for all your videos, I absolutely love watching them. I’ve tried pitching/flipping, but every time I do it right now, I end up with a birds nest. What am I doing wrong? I have a Shimano SLX DC I’m using.

@Tugdrugfishing - 29.06.2023 04:01

Can we go fishing together? I have no boat and no father growing up. I’ve been fishing since I could ride a bike to my local reservoir and creeks . I love it . I have 3 kids of my own now and I take them fishing 🎣 I hope and pray they get a passion to it like us fellow anglers! Peace and joy with you brother . I enjoy watching your videos

@JanoyCresva - 30.06.2023 00:38

You are a great teacher. Have a great idea of what us rookie anglers are wondering.

@Fishinforfatties - 22.07.2023 04:46

I like to fish my blades jigs on lay downs in the rivers and lakes down here in Florida

@TBeamon-z5j - 18.08.2023 21:18

Brain I appreciate your videos I've learned so much from watching you! Thank you!

@laimisvencius3624 - 18.09.2023 22:35

😂 thanks for a great video.

@laimisvencius3624 - 18.09.2023 22:36

Brian pulls up to a laydown and bass just rush to the boat to listen to his jokes😂

@tsr_outdoors - 18.09.2023 23:15

Man I enjoy your videos bud

@matthall8378 - 29.09.2023 12:37

Awesome video! Usually all the fishing videos are on fishing lakes or ponds but this is more like the river I fish. I usually catch most of my fish on laydowns or along the bank edges. I'm gonna try these tips out tomorrow!

@daleskelton8963 - 13.10.2023 14:59

I have never been able to pitch or flip. I just get birds nest when I try to

@michaelloucks4448 - 18.10.2023 07:29

Hey Brian thanks alot for this great info I'm not very good at pitching. God bless you and your family. Hey Brian those kids of yours are adorable bro.. I've seen them in some of the videos in your garage.

@reboot1017 - 24.10.2023 20:05

You sir are a great teacher. Enjoyed watching your videos

@tonyroberts3360 - 30.10.2023 03:17

Hi Brian thank you for all the information on bass fishing. I've learned a lot for your videos

@LakeBeltonBassin - 16.11.2023 03:37

B lats editing been on point lately. Got me watching videos multiple times!!!

@jdw88devils - 30.11.2023 18:35

Hey BLat this was a great video. I get more value from your instructional videos like this than any other channel on the tube. Keep up the great work!

@bruceraiken2806 - 23.02.2024 16:31

You're witty, hilarious at times, and on point with the technique -great video!

@nfgassmann8518 - 21.03.2024 01:50

Your teaching style is very easy for me to listen to and understand as a beginner. Thanks.

@kylesmith3211 - 24.03.2024 23:14

I got a 6'2 mh with 14lb flouro on it (right now) what would you use that for? Or should I give it to my son and get something for myself 😂.

@spencerbond3514 - 25.03.2024 16:08

I cast with my right hand because it is my dominant hand, the hand I throw with, so I'm more accurate and flexible with it. I've always held the rod with my right hand and reeled with my left. I've always wondered why you would ever want to be in a position to need to switch hands, as your lure is entering the water or as it is falling or as it is hitting the bottom........why would you ever want to be disconnected to your rod and reel at any time?

@Adventures101. - 12.04.2024 17:58

Awesome learning video . Thanks as always share your experience. Would love for you to start making videos like this one but in a kayak . Definitely different way to flip/ cast out of a kayak . Thamks

@rhodesianhunter9360 - 14.05.2024 14:43

Ohh this makes me want to go fish. It was the plan today, but my back planned a sneak attack. I’ve been river fishing smallies for years and I have that down but I’ve ignored a good large mouth lake that’s close to me until the last year or so. It’s fun because it’s different techniques than I use on the river. A lot of frog fishing and grass.

@jvfishingfever - 25.05.2024 14:46

Brian thank you for the video its great information! I'm new to this type of fishing and these tips will help a lot!

@farmerjoebrown2189 - 26.05.2024 13:15

Exactly what im lookin for. Thank u

@adammitchell3462 - 27.05.2024 20:51

Yeah,I'm kinda new to bass fishing but those submerged roots that are completely invisible unless you slow down and look for them. Those are an absolute gold mine for me

@adammitchell3462 - 27.05.2024 20:56

Good tip on bite detection...I struggle with this because if I don't feel a thump or my line doesn't just take off, idk when I'm gettin bit. I fish some killer areas that are completely off limits to most of the population and I know I've missed some killer catches because of this

@thenextstep5622 - 12.06.2024 10:23

"Toe Nails" That sounded personal.

@darkhorsefive0 - 23.06.2024 19:00

When would you peg the weight for this?

@chrisputh2644 - 12.07.2024 20:20

Great video 👍. Do you have preferences on pegging the weights or beads / no beads

@989MiFi - 26.08.2024 06:43

I love the rasta or yellow green black

@apinity4624 - 01.09.2024 04:07

What kinda hook sir

@nachopretzel3533 - 23.09.2024 02:44

"Flipping lay downs"?

@carlocross7769 - 30.11.2024 03:19

Always good information with Brian Latt! Personally, I like flipping and pitching with spinning equipment.

@denvercolorado811 - 16.12.2024 19:28

You're a pro.

@garylovett166 - 10.02.2025 12:40

Thank you so much for taking time to make these videos. I’ve learned so much from you already. From saving money to casting techniques. You’re very informative and polite. Great job.
