AMARE PRODUCTS TREAT ADHD?! | Amare rep exploits her child’s diagnosis to make sales #ANTIMLM

AMARE PRODUCTS TREAT ADHD?! | Amare rep exploits her child’s diagnosis to make sales #ANTIMLM

Hannah Alonzo

1 год назад

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@bender4262 - 04.11.2024 19:30

As some one that grew up with ADD and was put on pharmaceutical options that some worked and some did not this makes me so mad because a much as i wish there was a silver bullet but there is not. there are some things that help keep fucus but that is on an individual basis there is no perfect answer.

@rosegustkey9903 - 04.11.2024 16:52

There are A LOT of these adhd claims with Amare on Tiktok

@ZaynahZihoa - 03.11.2024 17:09

I have ADHD and was unmedicated as a child, when we're talking about how ADHD affects the mood, it goes all the way to suicidal ideation.
People who want to take their kid off medication need to ask themselves why they want their child dead.

@0utskirtsOfNowhere - 03.11.2024 13:52

That guy talking about the study was wrong, Adderal isnt methylphenidate... its amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. And its not necessarily long acting unless its specially formulated that way (the pills that look like they have little beads.) If hes thinking of long acting methylphenidate, maybe hes thinking concerta?

@dayaneraaer6089 - 02.11.2024 09:44

posting children on social media should be illegal in anykind ... only than this madness will end

@Abcd-dz2bn - 01.11.2024 20:19

good for you!!

@lindahansen45 - 31.10.2024 21:06

Well done, Hannah

@dateerrado - 30.10.2024 17:30

What does MLM mean?

@AllyBubblesSpriggs - 30.10.2024 16:18

KITTY!!!! ❤❤❤❤

@mirrorgirl3018 - 29.10.2024 00:42

This one hit HARD. I have ADHD and fortunately I was diagnosed early in life at the age of 12, my parents were always supportive in the medical decisions I made when it came to my ADHD and even though it took some time I found medication thay worked for me. I was OVERJOYED that I had found something that made my ADHD manageable and saved me from constant burnouts and hyperactivity back to back. Then there was my friends dad. He was the kind of guy who told me big pharma wanted to get me addicted to heavy drugs so that they could make a profit off of me, he was the kind of guy who said that all I needed to "cure" my ADHD was to walk around in the forest and smoke weed...when I was not even 15. He spoke about my ADHD as if it were a disease. I ended up flipping out on him totally when I found him taking my medication out of my bag and flush it all down the toilet.

@dianameredith8037 - 26.10.2024 06:55

This video came out a year ago and she is still making these claims on her videos. She doesn't mention ADHD in every video, but she still does from time to time. Also she reposts the same videos over and over.

@kellyeliason8925 - 25.10.2024 20:19

I live in Utah and yeah, MLM's are rampant here. Got involved in one in my 20's and thankfully got out after a couple of months with little impact to my life. I thankfully don't encounter them all that much anymore for a number of reasons. However, especially after knowing what I know now about MLMs, I think I'll explain that I'm not interested based on principle and if they would like to divest themselves I will help them make a money plan to get out.

@alexia3552 - 24.10.2024 22:40

Also, “all natural” is a meaningless phrase. Everything in the physical world is part of nature. And something that is not processed with as many steps as another substance could be MORE dangerous. Has it been tested for heavy metals? Naturally occurring plant plant toxins? Fungal overgrowth or fungal toxins?

Good god y’all, “natural” is meaningless and just meant to scare you. You don’t make logical decisions when you’re operating in your amygdala, “fight-or-flight” brain center. We need to calm down and consider facts if we want to make decisions that are safe for us.

And if you try a medication and it doesn’t work for you, stop taking that medication! It’s a reality that medications aren’t magical potions that delete the problem from your body. Neither are supplements. Supplements are just less regulated and scantily tested.

@alexia3552 - 24.10.2024 22:32

If you’re using a compound (like a supplement) to treat symptoms or treat a medical condition, YOU ARE MEDICATING. Everything is chemicals.

Make sure the chemical in question has been tested directly in thousands of people with the direct hands-on clinical oversight of research professionals. And every substance you take in order to medicate something away comes with benefits and downsides. The point of testing a substance against placebo in thousands of individuals is to demonstrate that it is more statistically likely that any given random person of a matching population (under 18, female over 40, etc) is likely to experience more benefit than detriment and is more statistically likely to experience a measurable benefit over taking nothing at all.

@jaysmamma2750 - 24.10.2024 17:32

I know this is off subject in a way but my daughter was diagnosed with ADD. They said she wasn't hyper active so they removed the the H. They medicated her and by the time she was in high school she refused the meds. She was 40 years old a couple years ago when I saw a Ted Talk by a lady named Temple Grandin. I saw my daughter in her mannerisms. I started digging and realized that my daughter was not struggling with ADD but is on the autism spectrum. (Please don't correct me because they changed the verbage because people need to know in order to help their children). I told my daughter she needed to get a new diagnosis. My daughter was solving puzzles as a two year old and she started in the center of the puzzle! She doesn't make eye contact and she can't read the room. She's very intelligent but lacking in social skills, which made her life difficult. At 40 years old she got answers to the mystery of her lifelong condition. If you are interested in more information just Google the symptoms. My daughter's misdiagnoses was the result of her being high functioning. Once you have the correct diagnosis you can treat it more effectively. I want to say one more thing. My daughter said that taking ADHD meds was overwhelming to her because she didn't have the condition. Good luck on the journey.

@kayleystensgard8360 - 24.10.2024 06:53

Can you do a video about the company Amway?

@fennecfoxart - 22.10.2024 04:00

Bro my ADHD diagnosis and medicine is cheaper...

@CombatOstrich - 18.10.2024 22:43

I don't undderstand why some parents are so against giving their kids actual medication for their health issues? I've been taking Prozac since I was like 12 and yes there were some unpleasant side effects but I'd much rather deal with those than be a 12 year old with debilitating anxiety

@somayabakir4739 - 18.10.2024 15:03

I have been bingeing your videos for 3 days now and I love how you laugh at exposing or people acting ridiculously (without actually showing their face ofc) its really funny, and you are so pretty. You look like a mix of my sisters haha

@Shadowkitty360 - 18.10.2024 01:06

You know what is a natural supplement for help with ADHD?.... it's called therapy

@veronicaburkey5126 - 17.10.2024 16:31

As a mother of children with adhd, I was forced by my son’s school to medicate him. I would never give him that! I hear pixie stick I think sugar. I would rather give him healthier food than drugs. We had a horrible experience with the drugs. Not all parents know the rules.

@druweyd - 16.10.2024 12:56

Having ADHD is not something to be ashamed of or to treat as a "disease to be cured". Our brains are simply wired differently, there are several types of ADHD and many different symptoms. Some people require medications, some don't. These predatory people spreading misinformation and disinformation AND exploiting their children just make my blood boil.

@GingerNinja1 - 15.10.2024 12:58

Thank you for having the moral fortitude to follow through on this matter. The fact that you went way above & beyond to not only inform the company, but also provided images, links, dates & other pertinent info speaks volumes of your integrity & shows just how much you genuinely care about the well being of others. As a mother of a child with ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorder & as an adult with ADHD as well, I too could've easily fallen victim to their schemes if not for the fact that I have 22+ yrs in nursing & I understand the seriousness of the situation. I realize this video is a yr old & I've been subscribed for approx that amount of time, but rarely comment. Congratulations on motherhood! 😊

@sanjanashah7426 - 14.10.2024 10:51

The amount of efforts you put in! OH MY GOD. You are a queen!!

@MandaKaye615 - 12.10.2024 12:44

Any parent with a child that has issues like ADHD, Autism, and issues with behavioral and mental difficulties in my opinion should try some basic natural remedies like changing their diet, getting them on a schedule or routine, therapy, them learning coping skills, you as a parent learning what’s going on and ways you can act and react to a situation like during a meltdown they’re having, outpatient care to a behavioral health doctor, and so on depending on their situation and needs. Now I am not stupid or against doctors or medicine however sometimes one or many of these things will help improve the situation at least so if medicine is needed it can be a lower dose or milder type. Believe it or not our foods and diet does have a bigger impact then you may know!! For someone especially a child with ADHD having a low sugar diet for example can be a big help and a child with allergies, eczema, and some learning issues foods like hot dogs and packaged meats that contain all these chemicals and additives that cure it and stretch out the shelf life can clear up allergies or like my son help them to have a clearer mind and less issues with concentration! Some parents have been successful with addressing the issues with their child by changing their diets and making a routine they stick by everyday making it that they can stop their medicine and take care of it completely natural while some do it and while it helps low doses of medication is still giving. If you try it and there isn’t a change in the problem which has happened to some then you can say you’ve tried everything before deciding to medicate and when you tried it you didn’t lose anything by doing it. We have got to the point almost everyone takes medication for one reason or another every time we get anything we run to get something to take for it and actually that’s not good. We need to take medicine only when necessary so our bodies can do what they’re meant to do which is deal and heal and actually depending on the details of the infection when we get infections our body will try to take care of itself. Our immune system realizes there’s an issue and makes lots of white blood cells to go to the infection and fight it off and taking medicine all the time for everything our immune system starts getting lazy and when it’s getting the call there’s an infection it’s like I’m not going to go fight it cause the antibiotics will come in like always and take care of it. It’s always important to talk to your doctor before doing anything and if you’re wanting to go this route express what you want and why you want it with your doctor so you are both on the same page and can make the appropriate decisions and get the right info. Also know I’m talking about situations that it’s ok to not take medication or try another way of treatment and I’m not talking about serious conditions that it’s necessary to take medicine and never just stop medicine completely as some medicine can have bad effects if done like this and you would need to wean or cut down over time letting your body to adjust over time.

@Cupiannic - 12.10.2024 01:30

Using the words “healing” or “fixing” when referring to neurodivergent symptoms is already shitty, its just how our brains work, we aren’t ill or anything- those words make it seem like we are

@MrsEadeenay - 10.10.2024 17:58

There is NO NATURAL remedy for ADHD. This is so dangerous. 😮

@zoescott779 - 10.10.2024 15:03

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 5 (1997) and we did medicate me, but HOO BOI, meducating children back then was like the wild west! I was over medicated (given what is now considered a dose for an adult male of the same meds) as a young child, if i was medicated properly that would have been different, so we chose the "learn every coping mechanism possible" route and it was hell. I am on meds now as an adult, but still not for ADHD, and i still would not believe this mlm or take that shit. My son is now diagnosed and we are preparing him with skills as much as we can first, and if HE feels that is struggle is weighing on him still and he needs help, we will go the medication route, it's not off the table, but the solution is not to give him this crap in the meantime. Having a good diet, a good routine, and a great support system is what we need, then we feel empowered enough to get the help (like meds) when we need it.

@DownBelowNagrind - 10.10.2024 02:19

i feel so bad for these kids, unmedicated ADHD can be hell. That these parents can just decide to do away with medications that may actually be helping in favour of amare so that they can feel morally superior because they aren't giving their kids drugs is cruel and selfish.

@terok_naur - 09.10.2024 22:47

medication saved my life, these parents are in for a shock when their kids grow up and refuse to talk to them becuase they were so scared of 'medication' they let their children suffer for years instead

@Razhali - 09.10.2024 22:45

This is amazing, you went above and beyond. I think they saw your presentation and was scared of you. They were like, "this person is serious!" You check all the boxes so they had no excuse in saying "theres not enough evidence" or "who are you talking about" "this is unclear information." You also avoided them claiming that the letter never arrived. You made them take it seriously and because of that, desperate vulnerable parents and kids will no longer be targeted. I just wish, Amare made it against policy to use and exploit underaged kids to help sell the products. It would have been nice to see that the child no longer had to be featured in the videos.

This also shows that even though we are just 1 person, we can make a huge difference by doing the right things in the right way that leaves no gaps for excuses to form or accumulate. I'm pretty sure you inspired so many people to speak up about things they disagree with, with this video. Its definitely very inspirational.

@whatthedeal869 - 09.10.2024 22:06

The chief science officer should know that methylphenidate and Adderall are not the same thing.

@sintura - 08.10.2024 07:42

as an ADHDer who was diagnosed fairly late, i'm so glad that bullshit like this wasn't as widespread when i was a child. it's sad to see how amare reps like her as well as amare themselves are purposely preying on stressed out parents who don't know better and have misconceptions about stimulants and think that "natural" is always better. i got diagnosed late because my own parents had their reservations about medication early on and with misinformation like this spreading more and more across the internet it makes finding reliable resources about medication harder to find

@cal593 - 07.10.2024 08:11

Your hair is always incredible.

@silverbeowulf5601 - 06.10.2024 21:22

For me personally i was not anything until i became a mom. I will always be a mom. I feel not like myself all washed in "nice" clothes and in makeup. 🤷‍♀️

@sparrowhawk_lastname - 05.10.2024 11:55

Not sure if anyone's commented to point out this error on the part of their chief science officer (?!?!) but Adderall is not a slow release version of methylphenidate! It is a mixture of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. (I know this because I've been on it for many years and every single bottle I've ever gotten says "Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine Salts" on the label.) That's not even an isomer of methylphenidate! How is this man in that position if he does not know these things????? WTF?
Also, I very much doubt that any ~natural plant powder~ has a stimulant effect nearly as strong as these medications... except for maybe cocaine? (that's a joke, cocaine does very different things I'm pretty sure. Don't do drugs, kids.)

@summerbailey8942 - 05.10.2024 10:36


@bropoke6799 - 05.10.2024 01:05

the worst part of this woman pushing her natural supplement to treat a disorder, is that she's adding to the stigma of ADHD and those who take medication to treat it. All in the name of padding her pockets, cause she doesn't look broke

@bropoke6799 - 05.10.2024 01:00

I got diagnosed with ADHD recently and I had reservations about taking medication before I learned how it works. There is no real way to treat ADHD without medication. You can use all the tools and strategies you want, but eventually you forget about them and it's really hard for ADHD people to form habits. The way ADHD works (as far as I understand) is that our brains neurons don't pick up dopamine properly or don't use it effectively.
This is the equivalent of telling type 1 diabetics their body will produce insulin again if they eat enough cinnamon (I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 18 years ago and heard it constantly when I was younger)

@bropoke6799 - 05.10.2024 00:37

I heard somewhere that if something doesn't have side effects that means it's not doing anything. I've never had anything help me that didn't have at least 1 side effect, even if it's not a major one

@shannonwadsworth3480 - 04.10.2024 03:14

You could take a field trip to Lehi Utah and there are giant buildings from a A LOT of MLMs. It’s like it’s the capital of scam 😂

@monacodelancey725 - 01.10.2024 19:18

Was wondering if you also reported the chief scientist? It seems like his violations of the company's policies are more egregious than a rep's, in that it gives reps the idea that it's ok to make such claims. And welcome back, looking forward to more of your content!

@Skatejock21 - 01.10.2024 04:31

Women are too gullible today. Problem with these moms wanting “natural” is that you cant always fix the unnatural with natural. I just roll my eyes at women who support MLM of any kind. I dont think they are all “victims”. They still choose to participate and thats not the fault of the MLM. I have a friend who did MLM for “color street” for years. All these women doing MLM think they are contributing an income. While I know this womans habits of spending. She was not making near enough money to compensate when her husband lost his job. Since MLM is not a real job, they also dont pay taxes on their income as they should be. Sadly these women make us all look bad, make us all look stupid. Then lose their ever living minds when other women dont want to support them. In this case of the ADHD kid. This mom knows what shes doing. Shes taking away autonomy from her child and is no better than a family or mom vlogger.

@taylorbyrd8621 - 30.09.2024 19:10

I know a lady that started selling “Happy Juice” after her fifth child. She makes every post about how it has “cured” her PPD and how she is able to enjoy her life and children more and it goes on and on. She is such a sweet woman but MLMs like this make people so toxic.

@samanthamichael1490 - 29.09.2024 18:43

and Adderall is NOT a slow release methylphenidate. It's dextro-amphetamine. They are different types of stimulants proven to treat add. This is gross.

@sleepy675 - 29.09.2024 04:34

Another family that uses their child to exploit and sell her MLM’s is Priscilla Maass from Fathering autism. She uses her daughter with autism, to gain her costumer base.

@firefly3172 - 28.09.2024 03:07

You are a breath of fresh air of logic and critical thinking! I also love that you let Zeke be in your videos and don't try to make him someone he's not. (Cat love)

@cookiechan7641 - 26.09.2024 19:01

I am so lucky to have grown up with a mother and father in the pharmaceutical industry. My dad is kind of holistic I guess? But he doesn’t go out saying “your head hurts? Go take these sketchy mlm meds” but he will give me medicine and open my window. That’s as far as he will go. I love my parents so much. I’m am undiagnosed but I suspect I have adhd and autism. I don’t think I’d be able to live like this. I’m a very private person. I don’t think I’d understand the level of carelessness that a parent would have for their kid to go blasting all this information about them online.
(Oh and don’t go saying self diagnosing isn’t valid, it is valid if your using it for answers, not sympathy.)
