The Immortal  --  Pilot Episode

The Immortal -- Pilot Episode

Times Past Television

1 год назад

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@darnellmitchell9357 - 10.02.2024 01:37

Growing up in the seventies I love on the TV after dinner and we picked out a TV and this was one

@camper234 - 10.02.2024 02:29

Ham acting special especially the girlfriend crass.

@zbemadej5768 - 10.02.2024 02:49

Bohater filmu Idiota...mógł żyć ze swoja ukochną.....!!!!

@konstantinoskatsounis1109 - 10.02.2024 03:00

Barry Sullivan -a good solid actor during the 50s - 80s had distinct
Voice - hey this was free TV - come on yhe actors tried -

@scootergurl - 10.02.2024 06:57

Wouldnt her blood be the same as his now? I figured then they would be on the road together,

@j.dunlop8295 - 10.02.2024 11:39

I was immortal, but it got pretty horrible, watching everyone you know die of old age! Highlander! "Better to burn out, than fade away!"

@tracywilliams7929 - 10.02.2024 20:59

Joseph Sargents direction was so on point at all times! Chris George would go on to die young of a heart attack😮

@tracywilliams7929 - 10.02.2024 21:07

Ben Richards was adopted. FUN FACT: He was raised by a black family in a mildly prejudiced town! This came out later in the series. It showed an aspect of Richards personality. Samuel Jackson once said of Quentin Tarantino that he is incapable of racism. His step father was black and the two had an extremely close father and son relationship. The same may have been said of the Ben Richards character, based on the episode when he returns home to find information about his missing brother.

@pablosilva6988 - 11.02.2024 06:17

Where is Lorenzo lamas?🤔

@Mark-td5ux - 11.02.2024 07:16

Statistically theyve shown you can only live to 950 before a random accident squashes you flat.

@jIMwILLIAMS-im7kk - 11.02.2024 09:35

The plane is going down sir. We're all gonna die!! I don't Give a damn just stop the lights from flickering!!! Some day I'm gonna teach that old coot a lesson! Keep it down captain or he will hear yo

@frankmcbride6158 - 11.02.2024 16:58

One guy like Highlander and other like Ben Button

@dennismckown4951 - 11.02.2024 19:41

vampire wants to live forever but thats why normal people create children. the rich just try to steal it from others

@MihailStoica-sv4hw - 12.02.2024 02:56

Excelent film merită văzut păcat că nu are subtitrare în limba română

@DANTHETUBEMAN - 12.02.2024 05:45

Accurate human nature😊

@raphaelandrews3617 - 12.02.2024 07:42

clever idea and use of actors , had brilliant classic actors and young talented actors who were new.

@davidstavrosonassis3649 - 12.02.2024 22:54

These old movies. Gorgeous and real

@solemnpeace8834 - 12.02.2024 23:18

great work check solemn Peace 8834 playlist must click name to get it on dr john campbell vx deaths GB

@jefft8597 - 13.02.2024 01:45

Had to check, but Christopher (the Immortal) George died of a heart attack at age 52 back in 1983. Yikes!! I remember him best from Rat Patrol.

@andrewraymond678 - 13.02.2024 03:16

Really ? This just reminded me of how stupid some movies were in those days. Too many writers make the characters out to be dumb. Spoils the seriousness of the movie; unless you don't care to watch actors do and say stupid things. And yes, I am a movie and show producer. Thanks for the upload.

@danielzerbe8567 - 18.03.2024 18:38

First time hearing about this program. Not a bad premise.....kind of a spin on the fugitive where he would be on the run and having adventures along the way. His car driving ability probably allowed him to "almost" be caught, but get away. Jessica Walter is perfect trophy wife material....grrrr.

@jefferybarnes9033 - 22.03.2024 13:44


@Markus465 - 27.03.2024 04:03

I like the story here. Surprising for its time. Thank you!

@loyalrammy - 12.04.2024 01:55

Wow. Great TV movie.

@graemesmith6721 - 09.07.2024 09:15

There's no way was Richards declared legally dead so quickly. It takes years for someone to be declared dead without a body, and it has to be done by a family member. Errol Flynn's son Sean disappeared in Cambodia in 1970, but his mother didn't have him declared legally dead until 1984. And Sylvia acts like a selfish little girl, begging Richards to let her come see him, even though doing so puts him in danger. If she really loved him, she'd have sense enough to stay away, but apparently she can't do that, because she's a woman written by a man in 1970. Of course, Richards is just as dumb for agreeing to the meeting. Also, I love how the shadows and the positions of the sun keep changing during the chase scene at the end. At the start, the shadows of the cars clearly indicate it's around noon, but later the sun is low on the horizon, so I guess the chase lasted until dusk. Then the sun is suddenly high in the sky again and the shadows are directly beneath the cars and trees, so I guess it's now noon the following day?

@igorschmidlapp6987 - 03.10.2024 20:47

The episodes that you are missing of the pilot plus 15 are posted out there under another channel's playlist... and I'm not telling, do your own looking... ;-P

@knownfact4905 - 27.10.2024 06:19

Thank you, this ironically short-lived series somehow struck a nerve with me and I've never been able to find it again. Watching the entire series again at age 70 instead of 15 is a somber experience, lots of emotional issues now the show hints at but never really addresses

@Angela-l3p - 09.02.2025 02:19

I used to watch this every week, when I was a youngster. 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
Run Ben Richard's, run!!!!
