Create login authorization with Eletron and Python - Basic server setup -  vue electron tutorial

Create login authorization with Eletron and Python - Basic server setup - vue electron tutorial

Paris Nakita Kejser

55 лет назад

411 Просмотров

If you want to work with eletron and need a restful api where can connect as user authorization.

This is part 2 of 6 where i show you how you can use Python with Falcon to build your own restful api services and how you can connect your eletron application to it based on axois framework for node.

I'm using Vue as code framework with Vuetify as UI on the top, Eletron to my desktop appliaction and Falcon in Python to build the restful api server when i build ths user login authorization.

tags: vuetify tutorial electron js tutorial electron tutorial vue electron vue tutorial


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@lobanovkirill - 26.07.2020 21:08

Thank you for share this video series! :)
