Is Warframe still fun?

Is Warframe still fun?

This is Nasko

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@novanexus9112 - 30.12.2024 13:59

Sadly rarely playing after Most Newer content are now tide to syndicate/Reputation Mechanic which i hate very much. Still playing though But im stuck on playing older contents rather than newer contents and just focusing selling Blueprints for platinum :>

@SuperLogan8054 - 24.12.2024 20:36

would be interested on your take of more warframe

@dogwater1134 - 24.12.2024 11:35

Yes it's good been playing this game for a long time both ps and switch and devs always cater to the audience unlike destiny

@JavierRamos-uy5tt - 24.12.2024 07:17

Hot take: its fun until your frames are built and youve played enough that you feel like you're at meta level. Then it lacks content to use these builds on. The mission types are repetitive and mind numbing. The hardest missions are not hard, there is barely any punishment for failing a mission except time lost.

The new updates keep the "builds fresh" with new mods and arcanes and thats good but at the same time, why are they giving us more stuff that just makes you spend more time crunching numbers and interactions using forma and grinding affinity. Give us content that makes use of the builds we already have. Feeling OP is only fun when youre having a challenge.

End game content is bad. Netracells is the most boring mission in the game and it gives you archon shards so you need to do them.

Elite archimedean is great except that you only need to do it once and thats it cuz there no benefit on running it more than once.

Last thing: the weekly "to do " things are getting numerous therefore you need to spend more time to get the weekly cycle of items per week.

i want better gameplay that is not just "nuke everything for an average of five minutes and get this from point A to point B"

Edit: The story missions are fire.

@ThunderChoco - 24.12.2024 04:03

Warframe has only improved in content over the the past years and lucky for you warframe 1999 just dropped so more story, items and characters/reworks

@Naski_K - 24.12.2024 01:23

bulgarin li si?

@mrcrackfish0 - 23.12.2024 21:58

100% yes! Im a new player (only 70h in) and gosh i love it, I hope you will have more good expiriences going more into a game! + oh the lore, it's complicated, but it's so worth it (i started playing for the lore actually)

@aaaaaaaaz76 - 23.12.2024 14:32


@yeetusskeetus6527 - 23.12.2024 03:02

In short, Yes.

@LucasRapp-q1l - 22.12.2024 20:43

change your fov and you will have even more fun. good video.

@SapunMan - 22.12.2024 20:43

Allow me to save you 12 minutes and 4 seconds:

@leone2026 - 22.12.2024 19:11

Love this, I really like watching people start out! Please make more videos :)

@vaerminax - 22.12.2024 18:58

tldr: yes

@lightaspected - 22.12.2024 18:16


@itwasntme300 - 22.12.2024 17:29

no shit

@v00.d00_child - 22.12.2024 17:07


@yuaztheyunova2892 - 22.12.2024 17:07

wise choice

@maxmeme1756 - 22.12.2024 14:53

Yes very fun

@nadienadie9256 - 22.12.2024 14:48

tbf the isis in "thisisnaskotwo" might've been what was flagged as inappropriate

@mikemacek4470 - 22.12.2024 14:36

Not for me anymore it's been super extra buggy since the 1999 and then the changes to the enemy's scaling armor nurff made the game to easy

@samuelgrahame3617 - 21.12.2024 15:13

Will need to give this game a go. Never played this game before.
