Prometheans Are Evolving - Lore and Theory

Prometheans Are Evolving - Lore and Theory


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@Human_01 - 15.03.2024 11:53

Great vid😂😂❤✨ loved the ending, lmao. Nice touch

@theseekerofancienttruth3873 - 12.12.2023 07:56

The answer is Horrifically Simple: The Original Beings the Knights are Based On are Dead, and the Knights need to be allowed to Acknowledge they are Clones of the Personalities of Organics, Willing or Otherwise. Allowing them to Acknowledge this, and Develop Themselves as Clones, and No Longer being Forced to Pretend they are "Still the Original Person" should End the Fragmentation of their Personalities and Become whomever they Want/Need to be.

@BreakinUpBuds - 31.03.2023 23:04

Something that I never really understood why didn't they use the composer to literally compose an entrapment and ultimately destroy the gravemind and the flood in general. To me that would almost seemed to be the perfect weapon against the flood to completely destroy their physical form and entrap the gravemind conscience in digital form to be picked apart piece by piece and studied in a way that it could never be studying before. Just compose the entire biomass of the flood on each infected planet or installation. I don't know it just seems like the composer would be the perfect weapon against the gravemind to be able to entrap its consciousness in a digital form they could even build a particular system to house the consciousness of the gravemind to ensure that it can't escape or return to his previous form. imagine all the knowledge that could be learned from being able to digitally Pick-A-Part all information ever consumed by the gravemind it could lead to advancements far beyond anything the forerunners were
able to achieve considering the gravemind has immense knowledge about neural physics, 4Runners, covenant and even human technologies etc it has knowledge and understanding of slipspace far beyond the capabilities of anybody in the Galaxy currently so I think that's the direction people in the Halo universe needs to take to completely destroyed a flood and gain all of this knowledge.

@GoodfellaZeta4873 - 14.06.2022 02:22

The knights...set them free?

@darrellbyes5295 - 13.02.2022 08:06

That ending was golden

@TheAstrobiologistOW - 30.01.2022 10:53

God this fucking background music is just unspeakably good

@bobsterclause342 - 10.01.2022 05:48

That would be great.
I mean, the flood, making the baddies fight amongst themselves was great.
You could even have a faral to gravemind situation, where instead of like having a protogravemind that controlls all the prometheans, the prometheans fight as individuals at first, then they start to fight together and with humans, then they can be organized and lead, before accepting inputs given by code digitally comunicated for more effeceint comunication and coordination.
Then they can be rehibilitated to an extent and can start being more helpfull.

@nicorozner7417 - 09.11.2021 13:43

I'd love to see a big, piss-off Promethean Knight suddenly realize the morality of his actions and stop fighting.
Damn, now I really want this to happen.

@andresummerbell203 - 09.08.2021 06:15

See 343 Guilty Spark/Chakas, in theory, he's proof that Prometheans may be capable of exactly what you theorized. Though it's unclear if being remade through the composer changes the 'how' of it happening, if Spark was able to choose his own way, he may be the catalyst of Prometheans turning. After all, if the flood are all gone, then just like Spark, none of those 'machines' have a purpose. I gotta be honest though, saying this will happen in favor of humanity is a reach and a half. Not all of the Prometheans are human. The Didact accounts recall them originally being Forerunner warriors. There isn't any hard proof in the lore to suggest that all Prometheans in current existence were in fact of human origin. The bottom line is that there's a good chance that Prometheans fragment the way the Covenant did after the war due to them being made up of human and forerunner in nature, if they were ever freed from internal programming.

Also, just wanted to possibly throw you a theory for where the Prometheans get their name. It's to my understanding that Prometheans weren't always metal or specifically tasked with fighting the Flood. Prometheans fought the Precursors originally. The Librarian later recounts that the Domain itself was a Precursor construct. If this is true, the Domain that the Forerunners used for AI and all sorts of other ridiculousness was stolen from the Precursors, who btw, created sentient life in the Milky Way, so they claimed. Prometheus stealing fire from the gods was just the Forerunners jacking the domain after killing the Precursors, hence why those warriors are known as Prometheans. Later, the metal forms they take when fighting the flood would become known by the same name because the process that makes them involves use of the stolen power as well, explaining why converted human would be known by the same name. if not that, human converted Prometheans would be known by the same name because they were converted into the same combat form as the others. Hell if I know but haven't been able to debunk it. Anyway, hope I helped, let me know what you think if you want. Great job as always btw!

@samuelyoung5664 - 15.06.2021 03:28

the forerunners just loved screwing over humanity. A good thing they are extinct in the halo universe.

@danteaghoulfromspace2996 - 14.04.2021 04:16

Wait 343 is alive!?

@trinstonmichaels7062 - 21.11.2020 01:56

Trinston was here . .

@nathanmason3501 - 12.11.2020 16:04

Said this in another video but wonder what would happen if you composed a flood form and turned them into a knight

@officialkirbyfan6899 - 09.10.2020 00:11

Some promethean soliders actually fight with humans and elites against the covenant

@sadowphoenix01 - 21.09.2020 04:25

I'll edit this after I watch the video. Im really not looking forward to another round with the prometheans. They just aren't anywhere as interesting as the brutes or elites. Hopefully this will change my prospective

@Elitesolider1023 - 23.07.2020 16:51

Holy shit spark is now a promethean that's pretty badass god I gotta read that book and promethean evolving is a very good idea to make them more fun to fight.

@grumpasalty3859 - 05.07.2020 10:03

All this time and it was staring me right in the face. INSTALLATION 00 IS THE PROPHET OF TRUTH!

@tonythegreat4275 - 11.04.2020 16:51

I like the knights they just ain't fun to fight in game.

@VolcanicDecay - 16.02.2020 11:30

So I have a question, I am in the process of writing a machinima, have been for the past few years, and in this machinima I plan to have the main Antagonist be a Promethean AI ( Soul ) in my machinima the UNSC get their hands on a Promethean AI and plan to do tests on it. One of those tests involves help a Spartan III survivor survive. This spartan had lost the ability to talk, breath and function on his own so ONI used this Promethean soul to help the spartan survive while also see how it functions in the battlefield.

Though this test would fail because the Promethean AI turns on the spartan taking him over completely. Is it possible this could actually happen in the Halo Universe?

@MultiSpike25 - 25.01.2020 01:52

So if the Prometheans are evolving and are digitized humans could there be a Promethean that could free itself from the control of what they were programed to do? So for example if Dr. Tilson could somehow break free from the programming and remember who she was? Could she have the knowledge of the Forrunner technology since she is now a Promethean? And she would be immortal as well since she wouldn't have the weakness of flesh.

@fumarc4501 - 09.01.2020 01:36

I hope in Halo Infinite they all get the ability to Compose humans. I know that would make them just a human focused Flood, but that can be the Didact corrupted Cortana’s “Gift” to humanity.

@useddentalfloss2484 - 17.12.2019 03:26

Hmm... Whos to say if this were to happen, that they would see modern humanity as abominations? Unworthy to be humans? I dont think we know all that much about ancient humanity. We might create another enemy.

@Omega_419 - 01.11.2019 02:34

999th like

@donkhead - 10.10.2019 07:45

I'm not sure if people are going to look down on halo 4 and halo 5 as much as they do now in the future. While they are a lot more lore driven and hard to understand, they have a lot of interesting lore behind them. While I do think that some of the decisions were missed opportunities and downright stupidity, such as killing the didact in a book and killing jul mdama in the first mission of halo 5, I don't think 343i deserved so much hate. They seem to be storytellers much more than game devs, but they're evolving. While it sucks that bungie left, I'm 99.9% certain that 343i was the next best thing. Remember, halo 2 received a lot of criticism too. But as the lore behind everything became more knowledgeable, people began to love it. I'm not saying people are going to spontaneously love halo 4 and 5, I'm saying that given enough time, people will begin to appreciate them for what they are.

@SirCumferencelel - 21.09.2019 08:09

Love the theorizing. It brings back some of the hype I used to feel when I waited for the newest game as a child.

@Kelvyn_P - 09.08.2019 04:45

I'm very recent to your channel, but I have to say that your style is very interesting. I like your way of looking at things.

@nathanj2439 - 04.08.2019 23:25

Wouldn't it have been more effective to just make non organic promethians as drones for mass production? If machines can't be infected and can't be given the logic plague as long as it's not a sentient AI, they should have been able to repel the flood with simple bots with an AI as a leader that remained behind enemy lines for protection

@thanqualthehighseer - 29.07.2019 21:45

It maybe that the prometheans were built to be adaptive to a certain extent due to the ever changing flood infection. Maintaining their combat effectiveness against infection forms. But as you point out even the Liberian didn't fully understand what the direct created.

@zweitfire - 29.07.2019 18:57


@Apoc_Bone_Daddy - 28.07.2019 23:43

tbh... this is some serious and legit profound shit... think of the philosophical aspect of this. the immortality aspect, the digitization aspect, the evolution aspect.

also, the music really matches the eerieness and the "deepness" of the whole thing tbh...

@yelectric1893 - 28.07.2019 09:30

You madlad

@absalonlopez37 - 27.07.2019 04:35

My god man your voice is Captivating and the music was just amazing. Got me hooked right away.

@cjtheseagull9384 - 25.07.2019 14:50

Pls tell me the name of the first song u used

@JHS270694 - 24.07.2019 15:39

Cocky bastard just loves to run his mouth.

@ToxicCalvin - 24.07.2019 09:34

But wouldn't the personalities be ancient? Perhaps speaking different languages, maybe not even understanding their new bodies? Or do you think the domain has imparted some highly useful, and very profound intelligence and understanding of not the universe?

@LAV-III - 24.07.2019 07:30

I always thought the Prometheans were sentient

@bmxdude1337 - 24.07.2019 06:05

Good ending brotha

@yukchugglirsoup.e669 - 24.07.2019 03:17

That is a cool thumbnail

@ronniehopper2726 - 23.07.2019 21:55

OK I just started playing halo five can someone tell me what the hell Hannibal is

@nihilityjoey - 23.07.2019 21:46

I don't think the Prometheans are evolving. I think it's more just adapting to their new enemy. I can't see the didact allowing them to retain any part of their own will and personality, especially when you consider what they were created for. I'm also with number one in your choices. I think they would still be given a caste system by the didact. It served him well before in structuring his army, I don't see him changing that. Interesting theory though. What are your thoughts on cortana releasing the flood again in the new game?

@sauldelapaz9805 - 23.07.2019 20:28

In depth on forerunner weaponry and its capabilities?

@TheSharkKing45 - 23.07.2019 17:01

If the human essences of the Prometheans do override the programming somehow...

Would it be too farfetched to believe that UNSC aligned Prometheans might be a thing?

@speedmetalftw - 23.07.2019 16:52

Bruh, you nailed the Truth monologue.

@zalrohglekgolo6149 - 23.07.2019 15:03

There was someone on the forums who suggested the Forerunners only composed the ones who were infected by the flood (which there isn’t any evidence to suggest is true) and it was that reason that caused them to become abominations. Officially I can’t find any source suggesting it’s true, implying though Halo 4 that regular Forerunners were just incompatible with the process of digitization and reintegration to physical form resulting in the first Prometheans, but if it were true that would add more depth to them being used as anti flood units, since now that multiplayer bio is considered canon after 2007 the H2A lockout remake shows old frozen foreigners infected with the flood in storage there, it’s not hard to see these points

Another interesting point is that humanity figured out a way of digitizing themselves partially as AI, with Cortana being the leading example

@ChaosKnocker21 - 23.07.2019 14:28

love the videos, (especially that bit at the end. really good sound, nice and dark)

@joeyvitale24 - 23.07.2019 12:25

I see a future in voice acting lol!!

@felwinter5528 - 23.07.2019 10:14

Ahhhhhhhh the prophet of truth is still alive 😋😋
