ОтветитьNorwegian Here: Trump is never stepping foot in Svalbard.
Out constitution literally states that we as a country are indivisible. We are not allowed to give or sell our territory. We would never.
Just Ask Finland back in 2017.
I highly doubt America would ever invade Mexico and actually control it. Just not worth it.
ОтветитьPetition for Drew to visit Sealand or Molossia (day 30)
ОтветитьActually, the Middle East has Oman, which is a Switzerland of the Middle East.
ОтветитьAustralia should have at least 3 people remaining. 2 senators and 1 representative.
ОтветитьPetition for Drew to visit Wisconsin, day 30
ОтветитьAsias Poland is straight up The Korea
ОтветитьPoland always comes back ❌️
Poland the william afton of eroupe ✅️
I have seen HALF of the videos he saw,and ALL of the commments on those videos.
Ответитьunironically bosnia is a good switzerland. Multiple ethnicities, actual 0 sides(actual neutrality even more then the swiss) very mountanious
ОтветитьPetition for the return of Paintbrush (day 134)
ОтветитьPoles are awesome magicians.
Their country disappers occasionally from the maps then reappears in different shape, size or location. 👍
Didn't Reagan survive an assassination attempt that year? I heard Reagan was losing his that election until someone tried assassinate to Reagan. Since I'm Aussie my American history is a bit fuzzy. Even my Australian history is fuzzy at the best of times. I think Trump knowing he was going to lose the election. Made plans to have an attempt made on his life to earn the sympathy vote and win in a sea of red (colour of the Republican party)
ОтветитьThe Poland of Asia would be Mongolia because used to have a great empire, and after that they would get coqoured by China multiple times.
ОтветитьExpectation: This video
Reality: GulF Of aMerIcA
Day 424 of getting Drew to make a New Zealand ball with a laser kiwi accessory
ОтветитьMinnesota does this because they think that Washington should be the only one to win every state
ОтветитьSealand flag please Drew it’s been forever
ОтветитьPetition for drew to watch arrogant worms and/or habitual linecrosser (day 23)
ОтветитьKorea is the poland of asia
Ответитьday 98 of asking drew to watch epic history (were almost there to day 100 )
ОтветитьIm here😊
Ответитьmericans are The NoNo-Germans now.
Nazi state shitrael
Petition for drew to put the Timurd empire flag on his wall day (69+253
ОтветитьI feel like Trump is is going betraying NATO and he likes Russia North Korea ex.
ОтветитьWhy does the dude talking about South American countries trading partners sound like Borat.
ОтветитьIf trump buys Canada 🇨🇦 he should split it into multiple states
ОтветитьI think the Polnd of Asia is Palestine because it's the most wanted by all three Abrahamic Faiths, not countries, whole religions!
ОтветитьPetition for Drew to restore the Roman Empire (day 81)
ОтветитьYo drew please replie to this coment if you see this because didn't you do a Japanball a second time with south Korea because the first time you did it with china and India ball please replie if you see this 🙏🙏
ОтветитьIntense and hilarious history, Drew 😂👍
ОтветитьWhen are you gonna sell the france and prussia plushies?
ОтветитьAs a Minnesotan I wish that it was a 50 state sweep for Ronald Regan.
ОтветитьI love Donald Trump
ОтветитьPetition for drew to put the Timurd empire flag on his wall day (69+253)