Honeywell TruDRY Dehumidifiers

Honeywell TruDRY Dehumidifiers

10 лет назад

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@luis2012174 - 30.11.2017 21:16

Hello,,one quick question,,i am installing one of this humidifier but i confused,,which side is going to the return and wich side is comming from supply,,,hop can help me asap

@stevenblake2751 - 13.11.2019 06:47

I have a question we have a dryer and the ducting passed thro our crawl space. I was wondering if there was a way to use this item or a similar item to remove the moisture from the dryer air and put out the heat in to our house so we could basically recycle the hot air that would normally be lost to the vent that goes outside

@jerrylockhart3069 - 19.08.2023 23:06

They suck . We installed a ton of these. Either go bad early or will not shut off. Flood several houses 😮 run wide open and float switches, not shutting down
