What's your favorite Blizzard experience? Mine was questing all night to get my mount at level 40 way back in 2005. God I feel old.
EDIT: Also, if you're here and your comment contains the word "woke" at any point, I already know what alt-right nonsense you're going to post, so just stop and delete it before I have to. Thanks. Get outside and touch some grass. I'm so tired of your culture wars crap.
he knew about all the terrible things going on at Blizzard but refused to report on it for years. These two things DEFINITELY don't have any relation.
Ответитьhe needs to do one on bethesda unless he did already. then i’m dumb.
ОтветитьYou are a fantastic speaker! This review finally pushed me over the line to grab the book.
ОтветитьAwesome review and insight. Love your background too.
As for parent companies, I think the proper role is simple administration. Ensuring that the design process stays within scope, preventing feature creep, relaying practical concerns (e.g., costs of game design decisions in terms of time and money) to the game design team and advocating for game designers on the business end. They should never be involved in creative or game design decisions. Bobby probably would have made more money in the long run had he followed that philosophy.
why i´m not fully on the hate kotick train: i heard a rumour he wanted to stamp out overwatch. overwatch is why we don´t have StarCraft 3 cirka now. overwatch and the fken wow pony.
ОтветитьNever got into really any of their games. But I know how popular they were. Just never my genre thing. I still find this to be interesting. May give it a go sometime. We need more like this about our favorite studios, genres, games, etc.
ОтветитьSounds like a good read!
ОтветитьI do want to pick this up, along with Console Wars and Masters of add to the pile of books I haven't started on yet.
With StarCraft, the 3 Terran mission songs are still nostalgic for me. With World of WarCraft, I remember getting started on Teldrassil, my first trip to Stormwind, reading the lore and getting the Well Read achievement. Later down the road, I was the only one in my guild to actively participate in the Argent Tournament in Northrend. I still cherish the red Turbostrider mount I got from it. Years later as i was burning out and thinking about quitting, Blizzard threw out the WoW Annual Pass, a deal where if you pay for WoW for a year, you get Diablo III for free, an exclusive mount, and access to the Mists of Pandaria beta.
I beat Diablo III, and Reaper of Souls really made the game better. My favorite thing about it was the customizable player banner, and being able to see other peoples' banners when you play with them. I still haven't bought D2:R or D4. I played through StarCraft II, but it also meant having to patiently wait for the Legacy of the Void expansion, and of course I got the Collector's Edition and ate that expansion up.
I got into Hearthstone because it was basically a WarCraft version of Yu-Gi-Oh, which I was already familiar with. Then they kept changing what cards are acceptable and unacceptable in official rules play, and I accidentally deleted my Paladin deck that wasn't perfect but I could do good with. I played Heroes of the Storm enough to get the special portrait frame for Diablo III. Speaking of, I did love the cross-game bonuses Blizzard did. I played some Overwatch, only taking advantage of free weekends, but was never that good at it.
I could imagine to buy this book as a christmas gift for my bestie. Would've probably never heard of it. If it wasn't for you. So thanks.
ОтветитьYou’re doing a good job, Nth.