About Sri Puthige Shreegalu by Janardhan on the occasion of 48th Chaturmasya at SKV Edison NJ USA

About Sri Puthige Shreegalu by Janardhan on the occasion of 48th Chaturmasya at SKV Edison NJ USA

Janardhan Krishnarao

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About Sri Puthige Shreegalu by Janardhan Krishnarao on the occasion of Chaturmasya Mangalotsava of His Holiness parama Poojya Sri 1008 Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji, Chief Pontiff of Sri Puthige matha. Sreggalu performing his 48th Chaturmasya vratha at Shri Krishna Vrundavana edison, NJ, USA.

Poojya Swamiji' - shira sashtanga Namaskara galu

Namaskara to all fellow devotees
I would like to say few words, to express the Joy about how our lives have Changed for ever, after the advent of Poojya Swamji coming to USA

I have been here close to 40 years and between 1982 and 1997 we had everything in this land, but there was a vacuum that existed in the lives and hearts, that could not be filled by anything materialistic, even though we had everything in this land of Milk and Honey.

I drove to Pittsburg in 1997 with my family when my younger daughter Surabi was 2 years old to attend Rayara Aradhane during Swamiji’s very first trip and doing Chaturmasya in Bindu's house. I saw first hand and felt so blessed in this otherwise barren land.

I could not believe and applauded that the spiritual path for Madhwa Sidhantha followers has finally arrived in the East coast.

I decided to share what I saw Thru photographs and emails. Some think that I like photography and hence i became a photographer.


The truth is : I was initiated to photography just to share the divine work Swamiji was doing here and to capture the seeds of opportunity, that we were blessed with by swamiji; which had to be protected , shared and sown.!!! For future gains

It is difficult to grow up as a kid in this country and you can easily get into dangerous roads without our cultural bearings and identity guiding us. We all owe it you swamiji; that you gave us an identity to lay the foundation and proudly nuture our rich heritage in this country

In our own Lifetime the first group of VMS children grew up successfully including my own children who were blessed by your guidance and leadership

I no longer feel guilty to live here with the anchor and support; you have provided us; that too closer in the vicinity Sri Krishna Sannidhana, where I can just go with my family , any day, morning or evening , and witness the traditional pooja!!!

No amount of reading a book will help the kids, understand and digest; they would rather learn really well by seeing the real traditional temple, traditional priests, traditional pooja, being practiced and executed daily. This is lifestyle the current generations can uphold and call it their own and not a piece of memory of a hectic few days trip to a temple while visiting grandparents in India once in couple of years

Prior to the SKV temples being open, there have been occasions where I have gone to other temples and felt - not at home - as vidhi- sankalpas- traditions are so different

You have given us an identity ; we are able to do functions from birth, munji, wedding

We can do pitru karyas
We are doing yati gala Aradhana
Last but not the least; you have even blessed us with the ultimate MudraDharana

Not to criticize anyone; but you have been here with us, addressing real issues , addressing the challenges and providing guidance in pursuing spiritual path

I am just speaking straight from the heart

I can go on for hours; but my 3 minutes is up and I am ending here

We are truly blessed.. Thank you Dear Swamiji 🙏🙏🙏

While the history books document the yeoman service His Holiness has done; we are lucky and so blessed to have closely witnessed the transformation first hand


Sri Sri Sugunendra thirtha maharaj ki .. JAI
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