Mod lover and mod maker
ОтветитьIf you listen carefully at the beginning of chapter, you can hear a quiet tune of Abandon Ship
ОтветитьCompletionist, Sadist and Competitive here lol.
ОтветитьI dont understand what's so scary about Subnautica ?
ОтветитьIn the completinist, I didnt get every eggs, but I get ion batterys and ion powercells on survival, for every item and vehicles, and I kill fishies intenshionly, + Im competitive, I killed even the sea dragon 🐉🐉, every leviathan is dead, one of every I mean, and its working every time, I actually hug a reaper ❤❤❤ 💓💓💓
Ответитьwell its not like bone sharks are friendly.
surprized someone isnt scared of the peeper.
I'm the mod lover x1000
After all of the clips I'd seen I was cautious until I had a knife and seaglide. As soon as i had those while i wasn't comfortable yet but i went everywhere i knew wasn't very dangerous. Once I had the seamoth and stasis rifle i was just saying "yeah yeah, shut up" to the reapers and ghosts. Although at that point i spent like the next 3 days building up resources to build a base and several scanning outposts because I did my best to avoid learning anything about the game prior to playing. I only just got to play it a few months ago.
ОтветитьI am usually scared of the reaper. But if it tries to attack my moth I am going all out until my stasis runs out
Ответитьi am a Competetive Player i killed the first reaper leviathen i saw on mz first trz with out the stasis rifle
Ответитьthat thumbnail😂😂
ОтветитьFor some reason every single enemy is friendly towards me in my world everyone just watches from afar as i do my business and then i just leave, when i was getting thermal reactor fragments, a warper was just there staring at me and a boneshark was just staring at me too when i was getting quartz
ОтветитьTbh I'd be more of a casual player.
ОтветитьI am a mod lover without any mods...
ОтветитьMreric you monster!!!!!!!!!👇
ОтветитьIve successfully killed every Leviathan in the game except for the ones outside the playable area
ОтветитьI always put cuddlefish in my bioreactors
ОтветитьAhem ... I'd like to shoehorn myself in here as another type, "The Builder".
Every biome has to have a at least one base, preferably also an outpost. Preferably multiple docking bays for a plethora of vessels and most definitely need to be self-sustaining, preferably on a renewable energy source like heat or sunlight.
Every base has a minimum of 4 main modules: Vehicle docking, Storage, Ops/Planning, Habitat. Sometimes a module can be built to fill two roles like Habitat and Storage, depends on base size. Of course all bases are planned with safety in mind and emergency hatches and security doors in case of flooding/breach.
I like socks
ОтветитьI'm the mod lover.
ОтветитьI consider myself the masochistic Scientist. I'd literally let myself be eaten by a Reaper just to get all that sweet knowledge.
ОтветитьThe Hoarder???
ОтветитьCan anyone explain why there’s a baby reefback😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьIm kinda 50% completionist and 50% sadist😂
I will take every cuddlefish and put them in an overcrowding tank filled with ampeels crashfish and tiger plants and take them out one by one and shove them in the bioreactor until there is one left but I will let him live just to feed him to the reapers.that is all🥰
ОтветитьIm the type of guy to hatch a boneshark and name it kitty also im the kind of guy to grab hoverfish with the stasis gun and take them into my base through a moonpool and then swith items so they are released and swim through the air
ОтветитьI love the creepvine joke
ОтветитьThe scardy cat be like:I don’t know what a hover fish is?
Ответитьid say im a mod lover, and a bit of a scaredy cat BUT i have left the safe shallows, id also fall under artist, and possibly "item hoarder"
ОтветитьI'm a casual player.
Ответитьghost leviathans are cute change my mind
also hoverfish and cuddlefish are equals
i was a scaredy cat until i left the safe shallows
now i travel to the aurora fearlessly
I am the Minecraft One + the base builder
ОтветитьI will ram into a stalker that stalks me
ОтветитьPutting a cuddlefish in a bioreactor is fun come on try it
ОтветитьI'm the artist
ОтветитьI accidentally put the cuddle fish egg in the bio reactor
ОтветитьIdc ill put as many cuddle fish as I want in the bio reactor all 5 of them
ОтветитьIf your scared of dark water turned the graphics from filmic to standard
ОтветитьWho am i? I just like building an habitat and hatching alien eggs and only going out of the safe ares when i just want to get everything dealt with so i can finally just relax and build my base
ОтветитьI play the game do all the things you do to complete the game and than decide to still not complete it and leave midway trough, and never come back😂😂
ОтветитьI dont put cuddelfish in the generator. Iuse alive bonesharks to make them feel the same as my seamoth which theyve destroyed countless times.