Assembling and Using 2 Channel Brain BioAmp Band to record EEG | Dry electrodes based EEG Band

Assembling and Using 2 Channel Brain BioAmp Band to record EEG | Dry electrodes based EEG Band

Upside Down Labs

1 год назад

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@MrSeanmcgall - 21.11.2024 12:59

what is the difference in data between this EEG at home device and the EEG machinery i use in the hospital on patients? like what are literally the differences in results or information.

@PurpleMomgoose - 08.04.2024 17:17

Wait, wasn't that just one eeg channel? Or does each pill support two channels? I get there's a ref lead, are the pos and neg each reading different data? If so, how does it wind up going to just one analog port on the Arduino?

@PurpleMomgoose - 08.04.2024 17:10

Anyone had any luck with alternatives to the nuprep gel? I saw some people suggest just saltwater, and others a mix of saltwater and aloe vera gel.

@richardbokele830 - 28.02.2024 16:27

Can it be used with MATLAB ?

@jawwadsarwar3679 - 14.02.2024 08:13

In Upsidedown's site there is only one code for EEG named as EEG Filter and it has only one channel coded in it pls provide code for 2 channels too

@RogueIntel - 23.09.2023 15:33

Can one make a REM Sleep tracker out of this?
