how indian's eat food

how indian's eat food

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@YourKanaoTysuri - 12.03.2025 11:02

When i was younger i didn't eat with hand (yes im indian) my friend then taught me how to eat with hand and i do it every day thank you bestie i dont see her anymore she has moved but ily so much for showing me my culture 😊

@ayushpradhan4326 - 11.03.2025 21:35

Bruh their ancestors were eating with spoon from the start I think😂

@veerendrapalsinghrathore1384 - 09.03.2025 21:48

Indians eat food just like you eat pizza n all

@ritikgarhewal - 09.03.2025 06:54

Why don't you eat pizza, burger with your folks and knife why use your hand ?

@aparna4226 - 07.03.2025 12:52

We use water not tissue so obviously we are more hygiene concern than you. And yah! European countries did engage in wars to take over the trade and rule in India, so people with the DNA of invaders shouldn't teach us about culture.

@Youtubepremiumm-v1n - 24.02.2025 18:43

Those who eat with chopsticks or spoons are alien,

@naveenkumarnutakki7798 - 23.02.2025 16:22

I am so happy you are eating with your hand but next time, try eating with all your fingers😊 stuff, 3😊😊😊

@Rohitrrk - 17.02.2025 20:18

Dude needs to wash his hands before eating

@syamalagouribarla5763 - 17.02.2025 19:35

We eat with all our finhers

@sulagnadas1705 - 17.02.2025 09:03

No we don't eat with three fingers

@Itzkynahere - 08.02.2025 10:38

Eating with hands maked food taste so much better 😋

@puthakhurhakho7250 - 07.02.2025 16:32

All hand I am Indian tóoo

@strugglelife1219 - 06.02.2025 16:59

Bro you are only trying soo called chicken biryani,chicken tikka masaala with naan which is not even indian food because it contains non-veg try chole bhature , golgappe, raita, samosa, gulab jamun , burfi , aloo tikki roti with soya ki sabji, halwa, kuttu ka halwa , aaloo chop, bara, kachori , kheer , khichri , daal makhani and aaloo prashadam, besan ke laddu, motichoor ki laddu, khakhra , phaphra , boondi ke laddu, aaloo paratha , gobhi paratha, curry (veg) there are various types of Indian food and they are DAMN VEGETARIAN. Real Indian food does not contain any type of animal or bird or any sea creatures except milk , cheez and makhan (no hate to u) and chicken tikka masaala was brought by Britishers to India.

@nickhenderson4121 - 31.01.2025 12:00

The only time theyre using their full hands is when theyre palming the food theyre about to give to you

@michihofer587 - 30.01.2025 20:21

For us, it is difficult to eat foods with the hands.

@sakhsharthakur6795 - 29.01.2025 15:34

No its not true we do use spoon and folks

@aleks5022 - 25.01.2025 05:29

People in different parts of the world use whatever is most readily available to them, be it hands, chopsticks, or cutlery.

@praveencad1 - 16.01.2025 17:37

Use five finger for rice..!

@Harsh_Singh-o1k - 16.01.2025 15:46

Trust me.. India will rule over USA one day.💪💪💪💪

@syamsvlogs6058 - 13.01.2025 16:09

😂😂😂 foreigners they don't know how to use their hand n they created lots of how ??

@Anbume95 - 13.01.2025 11:30

RIP this world ... Where one has to make a video to demonstrate how to eat with one's own hand

@elvisthanggoulalmate3499 - 13.01.2025 03:14

American eat burger wit a fork

@saumyashaji4848 - 11.01.2025 15:43

The caption should not be "This is how indians eat food" it should be "This is how we all eat food!" Isnt this how you eat chicken wings and KFC and McDonald's using all your fingers?

@saumyashaji4848 - 11.01.2025 15:39

Foreigners trying chicken tikka masala and butter chicken trying to gain views and make money, also on the other hand shaming our culture and food! Shame on u people.

@saumyashaji4848 - 11.01.2025 15:33

Its all cool until they eat pizza, burger, sandwich, donuts, baguette, croissants, hot dogs, fried chicken, tacos, chicken wings, fries, pop corn , pretzels, chips, cookies, cupcakes etc with hands but when we eat rice and curry with hand racism pops up, atleast we eat with our right hand and not left, you guys use both hands when it comes to food. Next time when try not to bond with your own culture food in a weird way. Shitheads!

@navneetchaudhury6518 - 11.01.2025 10:33

Wash your hands before eating and eating with hands is more hygienic too

@6_T_nine - 10.01.2025 13:08

I mean, how can you eat rice with a spoon? No flavour at all

@Watchmyplaylistthentalk - 05.01.2025 11:47

Is chomu das ki video kyu dekh rahe ho

@Chauhan_Arun87 - 04.01.2025 19:14

That is how even your ancestors ate the food.

@gayathriponnesan7382 - 04.01.2025 16:43

Why foreigner are you eating your pizza with fork ah

@MATT3WYT - 04.01.2025 08:17

in the Philippines most adults do that

@RAJVERMA-q5l5g - 01.01.2025 15:20

I don't want an opinion from someone who wipes his ass from paper rather than washing it

@VishnuVishnu-b8b - 30.12.2024 09:20

In Hinduism we eat with hands and give respect to our food ❤❤

@Arun_luv_Anime - 30.12.2024 05:59

Not only indians . Fingers are to eat . Even ancestors know that .

@sridharr4340 - 28.12.2024 20:45

I am Indian girl welcome meaning வனக்கம்

@rajtupe0245 - 26.12.2024 21:22

Westerns are weird.

@Javynoza - 25.12.2024 01:44

This explains why they stick their feet in the food

@anushanidheesh - 21.12.2024 07:16

Bro called eating with hands are like chopsticks💀

@rkk1212 - 19.12.2024 06:43

Wash hands and use all your 5 fingers to eat, using 3 fingers or not using 5. Fingers of your right hand is disrespectful to food. Please don’t post things with half knowledge.

@manasvinataraj6925 - 18.12.2024 21:18

Eat with all of ur five fingers

@barackobama3307 - 18.12.2024 18:19

Left hands are used for to wash your bum

@flickeringpussycat2043 - 16.12.2024 13:31

Oldest civilisation, and old practices like apes or like early human homo sapiens before discovery of fire and utensils❤ jai Hind

@DMN-gg4hq - 16.12.2024 10:56

South Indian eating with hands tutorial
1 wash hands with soap again wash it or you will taste soap
2 sit on floor
3 thank God for the food provided
4 serve rice and sambar have Indian pickle
5 use right hand to eat, use middle finger, ring finger, pinky finger as a spoon (not fork)
6 use thumb to shove the food in like a shovel
7 hold appalam in your left hand and have a bite after rice as side dish

@lenaaustin3380 - 16.12.2024 00:01

What if you're left handed?

@jyothiradithyagadang3216 - 13.12.2024 01:19

Indians think why this foriegners struggle with chop sticks,spoons and forks when u have ur hand,and eating with hand feels more tastier than spoon and forks u feed better with hands

@venkatsindu5125 - 11.12.2024 13:28

we need to eat the food with five fingers actually we will eat with five fingers we should not eat with three fingers ok

@Pejuang.ruppiah - 09.12.2024 18:38

Wao uwenak nya❤❤❤🎉

@dalv_alucard - 05.12.2024 23:43

This is how everybody ate before they forget to wash their hand

@lovenature8537 - 05.12.2024 14:52

Eating with hand is better than spoon.

@tejashpatel9490 - 03.12.2024 03:03

Eating with your hand, also can digest your food a lot faster
