Ate Like Eugenia Cooney For A Day

Ate Like Eugenia Cooney For A Day


1 год назад

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@Emilythematerialgurl - 21.08.2024 07:33

Im fat but heres thing i hats other fat girls who 248 pounds like me making fun of skinny girls and anyone with an ED you are evil and a twat

@CATCOSYSTEM - 21.08.2024 10:32

hey! how about.. oh, i dunno! let’s NOT mock a severely underweight woman that is obviously going through mental struggles! doesn’t that sound so fun? doesn’t being a decent human being sound like sosososo much fun? ☺️

@quetsie0 - 21.08.2024 21:34

i thought we all agreed onision behavior was bad

@candycane7307 - 22.08.2024 04:20

You're about 2 years away from amberlynn size lol

@mrsfranco10001 - 23.08.2024 09:38

Wow this video is beyond wrong…this woman is definitly struggeling with eating herself, yet she shames the other side of the ed spectrum and thinks she is funny while doing so. Make a fat joke about her and see how she will blow up on it…what a hypocrite

@spookshow6999 - 23.08.2024 16:25

Well you have an eating disorder too. So I'd watch making fun of someone else. Being this weight us also not normal.

@M0llys4ntana - 24.08.2024 00:15

Who does this benefit

@AdamPlayzRoblox - 24.08.2024 19:58

As someone who has feeding problems and is under weight (like I stay around 24 or 25) this is not funny you making fun of her is stupid her mom won't let her go to doctor her mum just says she's fine (this video is very offensive to me because I don't eat lots of foods because I'm quite picky I only eat soft foods because I can swallow it) I'm scared to try new foods hope you realize what your doing and I'm gonna call you Mrs desperate for attention

@Rainedropsss - 25.08.2024 01:33

Oh thank god people are calling out this behavior. This is NOT ok.
Talking about calling the person out IN THE video btw

@Beatrix1111 - 25.08.2024 02:23

When i saw what look like I unsubbed.

@JessicaHunt-n2j - 26.08.2024 06:57

you're literally 10x her size, stop making fun of her💀

@ConsiderateTextStories - 26.08.2024 09:11

You're making fun of Eugenia's eating disorder. That's really bad. Also, you're a burger away from dying. You should try eating like Eugenia for a while.

@gutimar0328 - 28.08.2024 02:51


@benji9107 - 28.08.2024 13:18

This is deeply disrespectful

@yaminoonna3218 - 28.08.2024 13:19

Go to the gym yickes

@Schrodingers_Kat - 29.08.2024 00:48

Awesome. Can’t wait to see you extend this experiment longer.

@KtAurora - 29.08.2024 01:24

If you're comfortable being fat that's your choice but you think you'd want to get healthy and be around for your kid at least.. instead you're online making fun of someone with an eating disorder the opposite of what you have

@samuraijack3187 - 01.09.2024 08:39

Meh i thought it was funny.

@EmmeluneLuxanniaFayge - 01.09.2024 17:25

Why? Just why? There is no point in shaming people for their health, whether it’s mental physical, whatever. Help them, is this not common sense? Maybe at least put a trigger warning?

@bglizzy0904 - 03.09.2024 03:17

You’re hot

@unstabletroll - 04.09.2024 22:02

ec is fuckin sick, everyone gets on her case to eat, and this chick thinks this is her chance to harp on someone for being skinny cuz she prolly gets ppl harping on her for being big. grow tf up

@simoneljohnsonable - 06.09.2024 03:35

Imagine being obese and making fun of someone with an ED??? Babe you have one too. Go for a run but delete this first...

@PHOEBUSDANCER - 07.09.2024 15:19

But if we make a video like how you eat we’d be in the wrong.

@Impalaloverspn - 09.09.2024 06:54

Fart on my face please you beautiful beautiful woman

@linnealanderdahl4310 - 10.09.2024 06:27

As a fat girl, we don't claim this energy.

@catladynikki2024 - 14.09.2024 06:40

Are you ok? People and you argue must be stop and be mature. You and People need to set up boundaries. I recommend you show your favorite hobby, your fun, your pet, your makeup and your story. This will help less argue.

@catladynikki2024 - 14.09.2024 06:42

People, that’s enough! Chill your madness! Relax! That is your fault for watching her first place.

@Sabrina-01 - 15.09.2024 05:05

Stop eating

@morganellius6191 - 16.09.2024 02:50

I don’t particularly like Eugenia, but this is truly pathetic. You’re a homely, morbidly obese, middle-aged woman, who hates how she’s viewed irl, but is too scared to stand up for yourself, so you go online to attack someone else. How original. Every person sees you for what you are, as evidenced in the comments; your false bravado isn’t fooling anyone.

@AshleyAtreyu - 16.09.2024 05:42

I did the things and looked up camel bites from all over the internet. Amy’s laceration absolutely looks like it could be a camel bite with the depth, and size of it. There have been several reported camel bites. I’d definitely go check it out for yourself!!

@Unoqu3 - 27.09.2024 03:32

Lol thats alot of water

@kangelix8574 - 28.09.2024 16:26

shut up

@isabella.sanche.z - 28.09.2024 18:25

I mean at least she’s not overweight like you lol

@OliviaKlein-i5c - 29.09.2024 03:06

Can everyone stop? Anorexia and other Ed’s are NOT a choice and if you are saying they are then you are ignorant

@everything_movies602 - 30.09.2024 16:04

This video is very problematic You're trying to eat like somebody who has a severe severe severe eating disorder and are kind of mocking her..

@AmberGlas - 07.10.2024 04:20

As you should pig

@Laura-h3x3l - 09.10.2024 01:34

Listen lady you have more jelly rolls than Dunkin donuts alright! 😂🤣🤣 Aren't you the same woman that sunk the Titanic? Get your fat rolls under control before trying to insult other people. I'm surprised your stomach didn't try to swallow that cup you're shoving into that oversized mouth there tubby

@Sunk1ssed_1989 - 09.10.2024 04:03

This is not funny- Eugenia Cooney has a serious mental disorder. You’re not funny and you’re being so disrespectful and rude, this needs an apology video honestly.

@Charlotte_gaming_Official - 09.10.2024 14:41

This is so disrespectful in so many ways. Poor Eugenia bullied all the time cuz of her mental health:( .

@zyphqrzx - 10.10.2024 17:50

why does everyone make fun of eating disorders like its a joke?? its always a joke until its you in that position

@wombat1309 - 11.10.2024 07:46

lol she just picked one thing she saw Eugenia consume and then recreated it. It's a pretty safe guess to say Eugenia actually does this on some days. Don't have to look into it so deeply, geez. Just as bad are the videos that make assumptions about her family and personal life and criticize every small things she says and does.

@udontsmiletho5532 - 14.10.2024 21:16

You have no room to speak at this point

@Svnset-u3n - 16.10.2024 06:07

To all the hate comments: You do know she gets paid more for these comments, right? You can just ignore or report it. Don't waste your time commenting.

@KB-ym6ld - 20.10.2024 05:08

I'm afraid I have a dark sense of humor, but the problem is, is that was still probably more than EC would consume...

@ms.annthropic6341 - 20.10.2024 22:35

TBH, it would do you some good. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@cometomealasmr5558 - 21.10.2024 02:17

Куни - это фрик, часть аудитории ради этого ее и смотрит. Как, например, одну толстушку мукбангерку. Для народа это тот же цирк, только другой номер. Никакого тренда она задавать не может, так как она откровенно больна, ее внешний вид не вписывается ни в какую границу нормы. И я не верю, что она 39 кг весит. Мне кажется, 20-25. Кому-то она действительно нравится, является примером для подражания. Но такое всегда было с появления соцсетей. Ее не стоит обсуждать в контексте тренда. Вот Хадид или Евлееву - другое дело. Они очень худые, но они не похожи на скульптуру в кабинете биологии. Вот здесь опасная тенденция, если она есть. Ведь некоторые начинают восхищаться стройностью Хадид, а приходят к тому, что Куни их перестает пугать, а начинает казаться красивой.

@queenofdisasterxox - 23.10.2024 01:17

reported this multiple times in all categories. posting content like or this doesn’t make you look skinner or take anyone’s attention away from your weight. focus on your own probably rapidly deteriorating health before making fun of an extremely sick girl. if god didn’t make you funny, please spare all of us by not trying to be <3

@gusgusloki8680 - 27.10.2024 03:32

not being prettier than the person you're making fun of is crazy, always the 2's that're overweight got something to say about others LMAO, the fact you left this up is diabolical i'da found you and ended it for way less

@Lovelyinspo - 30.09.2023 22:16

This video is disturbing and so are the comments making fun of her weight. You're doing exactly what she is doing which makes you no better.
