The Theory of Continental Drift

The Theory of Continental Drift

Mike Sammartano

12 лет назад

3,766,271 Просмотров

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@Dom-ec7lg - 10.01.2021 19:12

just subbed and a new video came out ;DDDDDD ( P.S i have the same keyboard )

@tynarvo2176 - 10.01.2021 19:24

69 sub

@mochaRL72 - 10.01.2021 20:41

came back to your channel to watch your taiko beginner video since i am just starting, very surprised you don't have more subs :)

@DeaDDDaN - 10.01.2021 23:29

Real content maker хули👍

@Descriptiii - 11.01.2021 02:16

I used to play in a laptop keyboard. Then switched to 25 dollar keyboard

@celoluuna7314 - 13.01.2021 00:30

Nice video😺👍

@yea1 - 14.01.2021 11:35

Again, amazing commentary and editing. top quality :D

@Towdadddy - 16.01.2021 07:14

nice vid

@qyourtx - 16.01.2021 12:35

Опа, контент

@auroraphasmata1651 - 17.01.2021 20:28

Amazing video and great conclusion that you don't need the best material and most expensive equipment to get good at the game. It'd be fun to see a follow-up in the future if you can get your hands on a working crappy keyboard and a scissor-switch, but this is still a great video, nice editing, amazing quality. Great to see that people are still making these kinds of videos on Taiko and not just another "How to get good at Standard " video.

@pyrosaurus_rex7343 - 24.01.2021 01:53

What about taiko drums? Im just now getting into taiko, are there any taiko drum controllers that you can use for the osu gamemode? Would you recommend them above keyboard?

@datobii3526 - 27.01.2021 02:42

120 bucks for a mechanical keyboard is cool and all but nothing beats the true king of taiko: wireless membrane keyboard for 10 bucks

@1.3mviews64 - 03.02.2021 05:56

I see a lot of the top level players play with 2 fingers, is there an obvious advantage to this? Are patterns easier to play? Are fast bpms less difficult?

@xkristiyan1886 - 14.02.2021 04:52

I'm the 200 sub!!! I love your videos man.

@flan_fan1234 - 14.02.2021 11:15

smh bfkb king

@Kaeru - 23.02.2021 11:35

I play with a duelshock 4...

@daruinosui7782 - 23.03.2021 01:17

I'm just an average taiko player but I can say with a high degree of certainty that scissor switches are by far the most comfortable keyboard I've ever had when playing, so much so that I can't even imagine myself using a mechanical one for life lol

@ItsHakki - 28.03.2021 06:53

I got a Ducky One, all in black but with white leds. Beautiful piece!

@wargammer27 - 31.03.2021 09:57

Nice to see some quality content about Taiko ! Keep it up !
Also I can't recommend low profile / scissors switches enough. It makes having high accuracy in 250+ bpm songs much more doable

@MizhiBirb - 04.04.2021 21:03

remember me when you have 10000 subs

@artemispaws - 14.04.2021 03:41

i downloaded your skin because I was hoping to get cute taiko combo sound effects but when I downloaded it I didn't hear it :( did you do something special to get that?

@Engalfe44 - 31.05.2021 22:40

Лютый сосисон

@secretchalolsian1481 - 14.12.2021 19:55

meanwhile custom keyboards

@fire8985 - 27.06.2022 18:38

Way i think, you from СНГ

@MustDrumService - 14.02.2021 19:29

Bruh, it's already 200 subscribers. Thank you very much yall. Well, soon I'll finish the script about osu mativational mechanics, I hope it will be interesting, keep in touch!
