Cinema 4D & Octane - Magical Orb Made With Turbulence FD

Cinema 4D & Octane - Magical Orb Made With Turbulence FD

DMotion Fx

5 лет назад

2,126 Просмотров

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@prowood2000 - 19.11.2019 20:11

the coolest marble on the playground

@lauritzoffe6749 - 12.11.2019 01:55

Please, can you make tutorials of your work?

@s3dv - 18.10.2019 17:57

Really great video. I am C4D user too. Good work 👍

@flixyy - 18.10.2019 04:05

This is really good, how did you make the explosion at the end? Was it with an emitter, and if so, may I see the emitter settings. I'm still trying to improve on making explosions with tfd

@haitams9703 - 17.10.2019 09:05

if you do tutorial how to do all that with octane , mountain cloud and tfd circle we pay it , just thinking about that please .

@AA-ld6eo - 16.10.2019 22:41

When do u make the tutorial for your FD Turubelnce Octane Videos?
