GeForce shows weakness: Rain & SSR results (8 Graphics Cards)

GeForce shows weakness: Rain & SSR results (8 Graphics Cards)

Benchmark Odysseys

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@EXISTENCETR - 25.10.2024 22:59

thank you I will sell my 7900 xtx

@patino001 - 25.10.2024 23:06

Gr8 vid - keep them coming 🏎

@jassonco - 26.10.2024 00:30

I do enjoy your iRacing specific videos! iRacing is a different monster when CPU/GPU machine setups. I run 4070 Supers on both my 5800X3D and 7700x PC's because they just work well ( they'v better cost to performance over 4070 ti/Super and 4080 Super, no one needs a 4090 for iRacing) either 1080p or 1440p triples with most of the eye candy on and over 100fps for most tracks. I can't stand rain and never asked for it. Within the ini files, that's where the fun begins and tweak the files there gains, which are not made available in the graphics tab for a reason. Radeon is great for single screen performance. Also, there's performance in the Nvidia control panel settings.

@jinglesmcgee7256 - 26.10.2024 01:22

so I just did some personal benchmarking to eliminate stutters and noticed Reflex/Boost cost perf and Surround resulted in a higher frame rate with fewer spikes than running triples solo with 4080 Super. Be interesting to see some coverage because I find this weird personally but consistent in my past tests too.

@ricardovieira8208 - 26.10.2024 05:37

As always great videos
Could you in the future share some help with graphical configurations for Nvidia and Amd users, I see so many SimRacing with good equipment and with Iracing so poorly configured and often suffering not knowing why
As you said, there are many Options that we can adjust through the INI file and our Graphics Control Panel
Think about it
Continued good work

@nicholasmarshall3191 - 26.10.2024 05:49

Great job! Could you do something similar but with VR?

@buddy5088 - 26.10.2024 07:42

Im running a 13900k and 4090. I have reflex enabled and set to boost. Do you not see a performance boost with reflex enabled during your testing? I also noticed you have SPS(VR) enabled? Would you mind explaining why? Thanks you again for sharing your testing. Much appreciated.

@MaggerGT3 - 26.10.2024 08:23

You mate are the king of benchmarks!

@mementomori4972 - 26.10.2024 11:10

Do you think AMD could do better on triple screens when used with AMD Eyefinity (basically surround), when the triples are treated as one big screen?

@defeyterjelle - 26.10.2024 14:32

The AMD had a big CPU bottleneck for some reason, you should fill in a bug report. Or try to use windows 24h2 version. Somethings wrong

@AyyLmaoZedong - 26.10.2024 16:45

Is update 24H2 causing issues specifically for iRacing? I'm having some frametiming issues and recently updated to 24H2, so that might be the cause. Can't really find much about it online.

@HeWhoisN8 - 26.10.2024 17:12

You deserve so many more subs.

@kahel... - 26.10.2024 17:16

Very interesting results between single screen and triple screen performance for the 7900xtx... I wonder if it's the same in other games like ACC or LMU...

@layingblacklines - 26.10.2024 17:40

Interesting to see you turning down AF. I have - perhaps lazily - assumed for the past 10+ years that AF was basically free. AA seems less costly than it's been in the past, but AF always seemed so lightweight. I'll have to have a tinker with this as I always default it to 16x to maximise clarity of the track in the distance. But I'm struggling for GPU frame times a bit in LMU right now and looking for any performance gains I can get.

@DeadyOne - 26.10.2024 18:29

I wish you did the rx7800xt. I’ll try some of these settings. But right now it’s stays at 100% with my unknown settings haha

@MRhankylolka - 26.10.2024 21:13

Dont understans we need turn popcorn on? 4070ti😅

@Pr0xymite - 27.10.2024 04:47

i can confirm, that some Highend AMD cards don't run on 100% my setup is a 5800x3d and a 6950xt and I use it on 1440p tripples. sometimes the 950xt is only at 50% GPU load and like 1350mhz or so instead of the normal 2600 that It can run, biggest bottleneck is wet conditions, but I'm also facing this issue sometimes in the try on certain tracks like Nürburgring or lemans at the start finish straight area. then it fells like the CPU cant render enough info for the GPU and my fps go down to like 30-40 sometimes.

@NZVRSIMRACER - 27.10.2024 08:15

I've been watching vr setup tutorials for two weeks everyday after work and I can't get it sorted, lots of talking no screen shots of the final results. I appreciate people making videos but just put the results at the end of the video in full screen one after another? I want toget this sorted so bad .

@BillyGoatBoy - 27.10.2024 19:18

I dude I had an idea for your channel maybe you could test the impact of certain apps all sim racers use. I have noticed that the impact from racelabs has got worse and worse. is there a difference between racelabs, ioverlay or if you use simhub?

@SLaYeRceK - 28.10.2024 00:02

I hope DX12 will at least optimise iRacing. The amount of work high end GPUs are doing for nintendo wii graphics is ridiculous. I don’t mind them per se, but I’d expect a lot more FPS in that regard. DLSS 🤞

@PrefoX - 28.10.2024 03:09

actually I nearly only see a Radeon weakness, whats wrong with you and your stupid title?

@Mysterion157 - 28.10.2024 09:48

I managed to snag a xtx during prime day and I have not been disappointed. I’m running a super uw and have not had any issues. It pulled 20gb of vram with an ai rain stress test. That said if they were the same price I’d still lean 4080 super but when you can pay $775 instead of $1000 there’s not a lot to complain about. Thanks as always for these incredible resources. You have helped me make informed decisions and now I have a killer pc that didn’t break the bank too badly

@CaptainCrunch99 - 28.10.2024 19:06

Best produced videos to date, and to the point without any BS.

@Sunhinemoo - 28.10.2024 23:23

Now we need this in VR gaming =)

@SkarTisu - 30.10.2024 08:19

This is just the kind of info I’m looking for. Thanks for making this available!

@madbull4666 - 31.10.2024 15:07

Absolutely brilliant to see someone doing some tests, very much appreciated!

By any chance could you also test out another sim like AC, ACC, AMS2 and ACE when it comes out? Obviously not all of these as that would be a LOT of work. I'm just interested to see how triple screens affects other sims like it does with Iracing and if triple screens still hamper AMD as badly as iracing

@louiienation8497 - 01.11.2024 15:20

I wish SSR wasn't necessary in the rain.. It's needed to see clearly the drive line. IT IS SO GPU INTENSIVE.

@Shenron67 - 13.11.2024 13:02

Does iRacing only run with DirectX or is it possible to use Vulkan ?
If it's only DirectX, maybe try with dxvk, it might be interesting in cpu-limited situation.

@DeeG7 - 17.11.2024 18:16

Dude this is a crazy amount of work! Appreciate your efforts, iracing is a real pain to optimise but this content is so helpful, thanks man!

@anonym8951 - 19.11.2024 14:33

great stuff mate !!

@ut2k4wikichici - 26.11.2024 09:07

7900xtx is a beast! BEAST!

@SalvatorePellitteri - 20.03.2025 12:31

It's not the 7900xtx the problem, the problem is iracing not using the full capability of the card.
