The Real Ukrainian History no one Talks About

The Real Ukrainian History no one Talks About

Artur Rehi

2 дня назад

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@МаксЯвчак - 02.03.2025 10:02

Svyatoslav is Vladimir's father, I like him much more

@oleksandrdomashenko2962 - 02.03.2025 10:09

Best book aboutb the history of Ukraine is "The gatwes of Europe" by Sehii Plokhiy. And this your video is average russian propaganda or at its best a non proffessianal historian wrote yet another Muscovite reich version of the hostory of Ukraine. Is it bad information or bad intention? Well judgjing from quamtiyu and quality of russian trolls in comments we are dealing here with a brainwashing reich platform.

@Aercadian - 02.03.2025 10:38

I am pro Ukraine but claiming Kiev Rus was Ukraine is laughable. Ukrainian identity formed 9 centuries later.

@russelldsyder1344 - 02.03.2025 10:46

Cordially appreciate your style, romantic and somehow inspirational.

@numistika - 02.03.2025 12:25

Rurik was invited to protect Novgorod Republic and was paid for that. He has never ruled over it on a throne. Novgorod was ruled by veche, an equivalent of the modern parliament only for the reach land owbers. Instead he built a settlement next to Novgorod and slowly expended his influence...

As with Russian history, this is another castrated version of history with skilfully (I can give you that) embroidered propaganda against modern Russia.


@alexzk3 - 02.03.2025 12:41

Story of Khemlnitsky could be a good show for the Netflix too. He made unwise choices because he was blinded by the killed family and translation problems. The same russian and ukrainian words had very different meanings.

@kristianhorslund4941 - 02.03.2025 12:58

No mention of insane Ukrainian attrocities in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia? Once Bandera was detained, OUN-B radicalized and set about to butcher (litteraly as the methods were unprecedented) their neighbours in the name of "cleansing" Ukrainian land of Poles, Czechs, Jews and even Armenians. These organized massacres, by fanatical chauvinists like Roman Shuchevych, Dmytro Klyachkivsky, Mykola Lebed were so brutal in nature that even the german occupiers were stunned as to what they saw.

Ukraine building their contemporary national and political history on WWII criminals, is not exactly good PR, and denying these things happened or downplaying them, just like the Ottoman attrocities against the armenians, is no way to go for a civilised country.

I´m all for Ukrainian independence from the Moskals, and I wish them that as they deserve it, but romantisizing about certain figures who are very questionable, is just wrong and gaslights the truth.

@Temnyj_ - 02.03.2025 13:24

You've got wrong information, and broadcasting russian propaganda. Novgorod haven't been part of Rus until 1200years, and rurik that you are talking about was a knjaz' somewhere in mokcha after 1350years. No any northern tribes lived near Dnipro river it's Norman theory. If u understand Ukrainian search the true information

@olgassone - 02.03.2025 13:57

Rus is a historical state that emerged in the ninth century with its capital in Kyiv (Kyivan Rus). It united East Slavic tribes and was one of the cultural and political centers of medieval Europe.
Moscovia was a separate state that emerged in the 13th century around the city of Moscow. At the beginning of its foundation, Moscovia was part of the Mongol Empire for centuries, only when the Mongol Empire collapsed did Moscovia gain independence, and then began to claim the former territory of the Mongol Empire.
In 1721, Moscovia officially changed its name to Russia. This act was an attempt to appropriate the heritage of Rus, because the rulers of Moscovia were ashamed of their history of serving the Mongol Empire, and European countries did not respect Moscovia, so the rulers of Moscovia decided to rename Moscovia to the Russian Empire because Rus was once a powerful state in its region and was respected.

@GRE3NT - 02.03.2025 14:17

Did Russia threaten your family or why did you stop reporting on the war?

@jn1205 - 02.03.2025 14:23

Ogólnie mówiąc wszystkie te fakty znana są Polakom ..Włącznie z przewidywanym atakiem Rosji na wyzwoloną Ukrainę.

@yurikaradzhov5202 - 02.03.2025 15:19

Thanks a lot for your work, but all the legends of Rurik and Novgorod are only legends with no historical confirmation, archeology actually tell us different story that Novgorod is much younger then Kyiv, it is easy to compare main churches of Novgorod and Kyiv to understand which city was a main one.

@florin-titusniculescu5871 - 02.03.2025 15:49

some empires are definitely more moronic than others . as our middle age leaders have noticed : one's better off allying with the ottomans , even if they're not christians , than with the "brothers in faith" in the east

@evomanmyxa - 02.03.2025 15:59

Thanks for the lesson.

@jyrkihyvola3680 - 02.03.2025 16:20


@mountainbilly8222 - 02.03.2025 16:29

I'm sad that you are hiding behind these historical stories of Ukraine but i started watching you becuase you were showing us the center news and actual news. Now i am sad becuase you are not just reporting the news you are swinging to the left and not doing what you started on. had a lot of respect but has been falling fast. I still love you as i love all people and hope life is great

@durango.j-onez - 02.03.2025 16:46

Love your history vids dude!

Sharp haircut by the way!

@DanceStudio_KaterynaFedorenko - 02.03.2025 16:59

One more important fact!!! It was in Ukraine that the first constitution in the world was concluded in 1710 by the Cossack hetman Pylyp Orlyk

@DanceStudio_KaterynaFedorenko - 02.03.2025 17:03

Thanks for such a useful video!!! With love from Ukraine🧡💙

@alexandermalinowski4277 - 02.03.2025 18:52

Interesting to read that Katherine considered Smolensk as foreign as other countries. I already knew that she deported to Siberia Smolensk peasants, who cling to printed in Poland Orthodox prayer books. Considering Smolensk core Russian land is definitely wrong.

@GenDrag1 - 02.03.2025 20:27

I’m just gonna say what everyone is thinking.
Trump needs to see this!

@rodgerbane3825 - 02.03.2025 22:20

Long live Ukraine. Artur, I told you, tRump is a Russian agent. Krasnov did just what anyone paying attention might think he would. Good for Zelensky that he stood up for basic human decency.

@timothymorehouse1255 - 03.03.2025 00:04

Jd vance is a world Economic Forum clown

@williamyediares7057 - 03.03.2025 00:13

Hey dude I hope you’re doing well. I got to send you more $$$ and buy your merchandise. Love you man. Be well , you inspire older cats such as myself. Im not a military trained dude but im getting trained on heavy machinery and will go dig trenches for you guys.
There’s more blue collar people in American that will come and work for you guys digging trenches but we have to send money home to our families.
Please help us get out there. No one informs on this.
Slava Ukraine

@ВікторЗайченко-ш3к - 03.03.2025 00:21

Volodymir The Great, not "Vladimir". Thank you for comprehensive video. And not Kyivan Rus - Just Rus.

@bunnykittycat - 03.03.2025 00:58

Brilliant presentation Artur, I really look forward to your streaming and hunger for more educational nourishment for my aging brain (I am 70) Trev from UK ❤

@MarcelPirosca - 03.03.2025 01:03

Thanks for the historical background, Artur.

@joeperkowski - 03.03.2025 01:26

Artur I am going to visit family in eastern Poland this summer - and thinking of taking train to Tallinn - where can I get good Estonian food?

@yevheniidudnyk740 - 03.03.2025 01:27

Thank you for sharing the truth. Huge respect for your work 🇺🇦❤️🙏

@joeperkowski - 03.03.2025 01:28

You know whats crazy - is the Vikings got their boats down to the Black Sea. They had to physically move the boats from lake/river to lake/river - those boats must have weighed a lot

@newtwitchclipper - 03.03.2025 02:58

So what happened in 2014..

@duaneolsen8603 - 03.03.2025 04:01

They are not Rus, they are Muscovites descendants of the Kiev’s Rus and Mongols. But they want to claim Ukrainian heritage as theirs instead of Ukraine’s. It would be like the US claiming Briton as its own because we came from there. Russia’s main argument seems to be that they have abused Ukraine throughout history and have some in a right to continue to do so

@gersonhay984 - 03.03.2025 05:11

Great History Lesson, In 20 min. Thank you.

@henrylotspeich5662 - 03.03.2025 05:42


@yalex3117 - 03.03.2025 06:20

ukr propoganda material

@rudolfyakich6653 - 03.03.2025 07:43

Good work Artur. My Mom was born in Ukraine.

@donbro2484 - 03.03.2025 08:13

As a forth generation Ukrainian Canadian I want to say thank you. You are doing great work. Keep it up!

@tekamer6566 - 03.03.2025 08:45

We always hear this sht man. Zelensky has his mouth on speaker 24/7 here in the west. That is why im less inclined to listen to anything you have to say since we are ONLY hearing from one side.

@juanverdez2706 - 03.03.2025 08:56

History of Ukraine is rather short:

@YVO007 - 03.03.2025 09:08

An entire village was found under permafrost somewhere in historical Ukraine accudynamics dated to 6000 BC Found in a special blue black clay which near perfectly preserved all the history buried there, on purpose and by what ever was abandoned by the village which had been recorded to be amongst to first complete evidence of hunter gatherers in small groups then develop into pastoraal farming communities back then one of the first ever recorded human village living.  Note...! " All this and much more Ukrainian ancestors, a wonderful flat fact, has been targeted by KGB type russians who infiltrating Ukraine under putin's directive of all out culturcide of all Ukrainian evidence of living history". Valuable Libraries blown up, Museums set on fire and monuments demolished for the occupude Ukrainians to witness but dare not talk about On threat of russian rape, pilage and the rutine russians exicuting Ukrainians in brutaly occupide Ukrainian's home land once again frrom nnearly as faar back raid on our farming communnnities by russian waar munngger. Seems nothing much has yet changed. Finally the entire planet can witness the russians arrogant practices after so many decades under the brutal USSR using Ukrainians like peasant slaves. Today as you awaken to the new day hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children are suffering having their beautiful and dignified history beaten out of them by russian brutal and barbaric communist thought programmers who think nothing of torturing our most valued children as the russian bombs finish off as many Ukrainians lives as they can for putin's pleasures. Long live Ukraine [email protected]

@mountaincoffeenews4050 - 03.03.2025 09:24

What a joke, completely idiotic take on history of the Russ, so Ukraine hasn't been their own territory since they were Russ until 1998? And it was Moscow that defeated the horde. Moscow has ruled over Ukraine for 600 years, except for Poland and Austria trying to steal chunks of it. Funnily brought back together with the Czars . I mean america is not going to make California an Indian territory. Your logic of an independent Ukraine is insane an absolutely ludicrous.

@YVO007 - 03.03.2025 09:24

I praise you brother, it is imperative the  public forums get filled up with this very factual historic and accudemic evedanciaal gistoric education. Please do more videos and educate the now planet wide generations... that is, before russians burn and bury our culture our lives while the rest of the planet pontificates. One needs to be brave going up against that access of evil putin, kim-un and now sycophantic uneducated D trump and his elon the muskiviue....  The barbarian cash proud vs the good willed and highly educated Ukrainians.

@YVO007 - 03.03.2025 09:49

The evil putin knew this what you now disclose about Ukrainian valuable farm lands. This value is why putin ordered all his old equipment to be used up to pollute the Ukrainian farmlands. The fascist dictator /KGB is operating on a different level of madness than most people planet wide have or can understand then realize it is nearly too late to sound the alarms and rally behind Ukraine. Purchased US presidency  trump film flimflams drama and makes deals under the intimidation of the American military might

@LarsAndersson-t2n - 03.03.2025 10:10


@stevenjohns-savage7024 - 03.03.2025 10:46

Wuzup Guys 😊
