If that was Pumba he wouldn’t hesitate attacking.
ОтветитьPit bull win
ОтветитьMy moneys on Floppa 😃
ОтветитьОна же лапой нос ему порвёт!
ОтветитьGood thing that fence was there ...otherwise that cat would've made short work of that dog.
ОтветитьThat cat is obese 🙏🏽
ОтветитьDog: oh my! Wheres the restroom?
Caracal: that fence is for your protection 😂
I mean its not good to get these animals, and then cant afford to feed them but that caracl looks absolutely disgusting. Yall oughta be ashamed of yourselves. Why did yall let this happen? That thing is way too big. Yall just feed him whatever, whenever?
ОтветитьThat dog was terrified!!
And, I understood why when the cat got up and I saw the size..
The dog was looking at that cat like, "I'm glad this fence is there, you cant eat me"
Caracals can take down prey 2 to 3 times its size.
ОтветитьPoor dog 'my nightmares just came true ' 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьGosha’s so cute when he’s mad🥰
Ответитьsweet cat looks overfed
ОтветитьCat Speed . . . Wow
Ответитьуверены что не пострадала? А отпечаток откуда?
ОтветитьQuesto gattone? Non ricordo che razza? Stupendo!
ОтветитьWhy promote fight
ОтветитьThe dog is friendly
ОтветитьЭто не каракал а свиноматка
ОтветитьWarum will man Wildtiere halten zuhause ? Ist man so gefährlich das nur eine Raubkatze neben einen wohnen solle, oder ist man einfach nur besoffener russe der gerne tot und elend bei sich trägt ?
ОтветитьThat Caracal is chubbs
ОтветитьCat is obese
ОтветитьThe dog looks scared
ОтветитьI've never seen a bobcat this fat.
ОтветитьDog: I usually like to chase cats but not this time!
Ответитьfelines win, dogs are weak felines win, dogs are weak
ОтветитьWhat a big cat
ОтветитьI’m just realizing how chunky Gosha is lord, but dang man’s Ain’t a big fan of er, but it is what it is
ОтветитьPerez Linda Miller Scott White Eric
Ответитьla testa del cane è più del doppio di quella del caracal... non pensate certo che il cane abbia la peggio, perchè lo sbrana a morsi, senza problemi!
Ответитьthats a fat lince
ОтветитьDog was on-guard the whole time. Ears down and tail not moving.
Ответитьони у вас жирные и в ужасной форме.
Ответить개가 압도적으로 겁 먹었네.
Ответитьхозяева долбаебы зачем так откармливать кота?
ОтветитьЗачем собаку так кормить
ОтветитьBig fat cow cat, stop feeding so much
ОтветитьEl puma no tiene esas orejas . Puma hembra preñada es de la casa. Disfraz en orejas y el camarografo a su lado.
ОтветитьОн же завалит эту псину
ОтветитьЧем кота кормите? Раздобрел-то как.
Ответить짐승들끼리라도 이런 장난은 하지마세요
동물을 사랑하는사람이 아니군요
Let them fight together and see who will win.
ОтветитьCaracals hiss at people it doesn’t know, towards its owner it hisses in a communication way😊
ОтветитьWhy th is he upset with it. There is nothing bad with what it was the dog was doing. He was just standing there.
ОтветитьThose precious babies hopefully become good friends ❤️😍❤️😍😍🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьGousha ❤.
Ответитьdid floppa win the fight? (someone pls comment and tell me)