10222021 Lawn Tractor Meeting

10222021 Lawn Tractor Meeting

Lawn Tractor Automation

55 лет назад

7 Просмотров

Al: https://hackaday.com/tag/agopengps/
Jeff: https://msadowski.github.io/ardusimple-ros-integration/
Jeff: https://github.com/msadowski/ardusimple_rover

00:00 Juan: Is working with a simulator. Choosing parts for new design.
04:30 Al: Posts a picture of the Ag Open GPS board for reference.
08:50 Al: Says he hasn't gotten much done. But mentions finding areas for larger scale testing.
09:30 Jeff: Mentions parks around town for possible testing areas.
11:15 Jeff: Brings up the concept of low speed vehicles.
And suggests adding displays to tell you what it intends to do.
18:30 Jeff: Talks about working up to running robot_localization_ekf.
Shows plots of first run, and perceived problems.
Fixed static_transform_broadcaster issue.
Shows plots of second run.
36:00 Jeff: Talks about changing GPS publish rate from 5Hz to 10Hz.
Discussion of comparing various plots.
Discussion of different heading sources.
52:15 Jeff: Talks about fixing the uBlox navheading output which appears to be off by 180 degrees.
Advantages of using navsat_transform/robot_localization over gps_odom.py.
57:00 Jeff: Posts the links for Mat Sadowski's code to the chat.
And mentions MapViz.
59:30 Jeff: Discussion of setting initial robot pose in latitude and longitude.
1:04:50 Discussion of "The Construct".
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