Top 5 Retro Tech I Still Use TODAY!

Top 5 Retro Tech I Still Use TODAY!

The Retro Future

5 лет назад

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@Saithel - 06.08.2020 00:32

I love the Chanel, I just wanted to point out that the decade starts on 2021. So 2020 is the last year of a decade.

@kurokamideri - 22.08.2020 23:05

I cannot believe that we are only a year apart in age

@EffendiChung - 05.09.2020 07:24

I can imagine you sitting sporting a walkman and playing with a game & watch among a group of gen zee ers playing with their iPhones and airbuds.

@adammartin3141 - 05.09.2020 07:30

“2019 is about to end meaning a new decade is about to unfold”

Me in 2020.... hehe, he had no idea

@chips9773 - 28.09.2020 13:36

i found an old game and watch panorama screen on the side of the road, it was in near perfect condition also it had DK JR. on it

@TheRabidRabbid - 02.10.2020 04:10

I do be playing my game and watch every day

@robbiemer8178 - 15.10.2020 08:14

When the first Walkman came out I wanted it immediately. But they were expensive. A couple of years passed and I bought an Aiwa. Decent sound--which, as ever, can be improved dramatically by getting better headphones--and it came with two rechargeable batteries saved a bit of money over the years I had that one. It had a good FM tuner as well.
Been shooting film since '71 or so and I don't think of it as "retro" but I guess it is now. The Yashicas are good cameras and Olympus SLRs have some of the best viewfinders. I am shooting a Contax SLR nowadays and have a couple other rangefinder cameras I like a bit better than the Yashicas. Not because the Yashicas are bad but they are a bit large. If you can find one in decent condition I'll suggest the Agfa Optima 1535. Very good lens and the design is beautiful I think.
And then there's the Gameboy and its offspring. I still like playing some of those early games and I discovered your channel by way of your review of the "Handheld Game Console V90" which I have on its way to me now. I think being able to have all the Zelda games and a few others I liked available in that form factor will be very good.
Good content you're making, thanks for sharing it with us!

@lordlupusrex3781 - 27.11.2020 21:45

Haha the bottom shelf on the left has that retro football game I played as a kid.

@crokobos - 29.11.2020 00:48

I still love using feature phones, but since i have a smartphone and a bunch of apps need that phone number, all those beautiful personality filled phones lay dorment in my closet.

@bigdumpychad509 - 16.12.2020 21:46

early stages of the ds

@poobalu - 12.01.2021 06:17

Vintage mechanical keyboards are a solid restoration project, especially for everyone working from home. If you haven't tried that yet, it's a fun and simple soldering project!

@muhammadnurfadilah3346 - 14.01.2021 06:39

how do you transfer the song to the cassette tape

@valciobanu - 19.01.2021 02:00

Dude!! 700 pounds for a mtb? Maybe 7000pounds. Check the prices. :)

@IDoABitOfTrollin - 22.01.2021 05:53

These pre 2020 videos have such an eerie feel to them

@jakubpeisert3556 - 31.01.2021 04:09

No breaks on the bike?

@mickeydee3595 - 06.02.2021 07:00

What about all those vintage watches I see you wearing?!?!

@MetroidMafia96 - 16.02.2021 22:46

I still love to use my VHS player. There are lot's of movies you can not get on DVD, Blueray or many streaming services.

@vhstech10 - 20.02.2021 19:21


@dreamspheree - 24.02.2021 13:16

omg you got a fixie bike!

@namebrandlabel - 25.02.2021 06:32

Pewgit scoota

@nrrve.1 - 10.03.2021 07:44

Dam that Peugeot fixy is awesome

@actionvirtual3979 - 16.03.2021 18:15


@EpicLebaneseNerd - 18.03.2021 02:14

that yellow walkman was my whole life in middle school in 1992/93, loved that thing, sadly, the cool kids always made fun of it and the yellow color , since they old had those sleek black ones, it was bad enough that they made me buy a black walkman, sadly my poor ass could only afford a casio one, and i really hated it a lot , but it made me join the ranks and they still felt good since i was considered as a lower entry into the gang....what a time it was to be alive, we didn't have phones, but we had walkmans, sony was the apple and the casios were the androids....

@meursault7030 - 24.03.2021 01:21

Lol man actually bought a bike.
It's a bit over a year later, do you still have it or has it been nicked?
In my experience, bikes are very much easy come, easy go.

@uni-byte - 04.04.2021 23:27

Wow 700 ponds is expensive? My son just built a mountain bike that cost him $11,000!

@happycreature3993 - 07.04.2021 08:12

oh my god. beautiful

@tangyorange6509 - 13.04.2021 18:08

Ah I love quid

@bldeagle10 - 30.04.2021 10:41

5th gen ipod with an SD card conversion and 3000mAh battery... worth every penny

@pascalfahling2718 - 17.05.2021 14:36

Man. You need to add the classic Casio G-Shock line to your arsenal :) so retro and practical as well. (you inspired me to mod 2 GBA's by the way)

@larson0014 - 08.06.2021 04:49

I would also add the typewriter, and vinyl

@dwarfboy9996 - 12.06.2021 18:31

I'm currently trying to get my Videocassette camcorder all together so I can use that.

@dorkakeresztesi3136 - 03.07.2021 16:31

Retro is coming back!

@aleksandarl6975 - 10.07.2021 04:56

No Commodore Amiga?😀

@lcmijango - 14.07.2021 16:33


@rozalinenelhams8307 - 07.08.2021 02:28

having the bike handles like that makes sense. miss my old bike I was given from the 80s.

@adultmoshifan87 - 18.09.2021 03:48

You know a good device for copying cassettes to a Windows 10 PC? I hear a lot of cassette players now use a cheap off the shelf mechanism, causing playback to not sound quite right. I have some story cassettes from when I was little that are impossible to find and I’d like to preserve them!

@videogamer3626 - 28.11.2021 05:26

You have no idea what happens in 2020

@jackiechan8840 - 12.02.2022 11:17

Tape hiss is real! Get some minidisc players fella. Sound amazing in comparison.
Cool bike.

@stickwithbrit8635 - 15.02.2022 06:36

I just found this video in 2022 and I can’t relate more to what you use! I have several cassette players and a large cassette collection. I LOVE my game boy and game boy color. I’m an avid film camera collector, and I love putting bikes together from older bikes! Great video! Would love to see more of this!

@thewillsfamilyaccount6486 - 06.04.2022 15:05

Nice video.. something different! Thanks.. glad I subscribed..

@disuko - 09.11.2022 09:57

I love this video, old tech all does exactly what it was made to do! old =/= obsolete and in a day and age where people buy a new phone every other year why do that when i can carry around 5 different devices and feel more connected with them! so sick

@iluvwave - 02.01.2023 08:07

Where do you get all of you items?

@drunkensamurai3172 - 06.01.2023 22:52

your 21? most of this stuff was obsolete when you were born , and by the time you were old enough to use it ,it was well gone ,its cool someone so young is into this stuff

@yeismeload - 02.03.2023 23:50

As an 80s kid, the notion of Sony Walkmans being hard to find blows my mind. These things were as common as breathing air back then (I had the blue one, then the yellow Sports model which I loved).

@jerryjb - 19.03.2023 03:30

Koss headphones are a great option for the tape players. I don't have cassettes, but I use the koss porta pro's and the kph30i all the time with my phone. They're very good for the price. I also recommend using yaxi pads on these headphones

@jerryjb - 19.03.2023 04:05

I also have a 70's Schwinn road bike. I think it's a Le Tour 2. My ex gave it to me. She also gave me a DS lite with a copy of Mario Kart! Anywho, I enjoyed this video, Elliott, and I appreciate your work for the Gameboy community

@2kBofFun - 02.08.2023 15:18

I recently visited a local bike shop for bikes for the kids to go to highschool, when the owner told me he found 50 sport bikes from 1991 in an old storage they rented. So now I have a mint 1991 bicycle, and I cycle pass all them electric VanMoofs. Great lightweight steel frame from France.
You really need to get some VFD games from the G&W period. Those are even cooler than the Nintendo stuff. The LCD games suffer from very tight limits to control the screen, they refresh like 2-4 times a second with a maximum of 2 or 4x 36 sprites. A VFD microcontroller has 44 output pins, so it can in theory address 22x22 =484 sprites in up to 20 fps.
Maybe not as retro as this, but I also have love for Plasma/CCFL LCD TV's, Trinitrons, eighties digital synths, Windows Phones (my daily phone), and vintage kitchenware. There is nothing like a 1975 Philips Juicer. Nobody makes a thing that compares.

@skynote1728 - 18.08.2023 15:01

Damn this video was a time before the time 2023 currently

@Gerar0519 - 06.07.2024 07:20

What is the flash on that camera called
