Maven Profiles | How to create and activate Maven Profile | Run automation with Maven Profile | 2022

Maven Profiles | How to create and activate Maven Profile | Run automation with Maven Profile | 2022


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@jajatisahoo3831 - 17.08.2022 12:19

why not use production env directly in test env. we can avoid dealing with plugin/jar file issue

@abhisk2283 - 05.09.2022 20:56

Thanks for the nice demonstration. Could you explain how to specify mutiple test cases inside each type of Sanity. For example, in Sanity if we want to run N number of methods(test cases). Is it comma separated method name in the Sanity.xml?

@virochan15 - 20.09.2022 17:13

Thanks AJ for such informative video.

When I run a jenkins job I get an error saying the profile is not activated but in reality the profile is activated.

Goals-> test -PChromeAutomation.

Could you please help here?

@inSearchOfZen392 - 18.10.2022 09:42

can anyone
throw some light on behaviour of profiles during rpm installation? like i am creating the directory structure through pom and different sets of access is given for each profille. So how will this work during rpm installation

@rahulmangulkar298 - 27.02.2023 19:36

Great video! Can you share the code please?
