The difference between ShowNET, Showeditor and Showcontroller - explanation video | Laserworld

The difference between ShowNET, Showeditor and Showcontroller - explanation video | Laserworld


2 года назад

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@DisneyMarkUK - 11.11.2022 23:19

Thank you for this, really helpful

@massimilianogreci1001 - 14.11.2022 17:09

Posso chiedere informazioni in italiano? O solo in inglese?
Can I ask in italian language or only in english?
Grazie thanks.

@ellaskins - 14.11.2022 22:06

Great video

@anikdasdigital - 15.11.2022 22:05

Excellent Video. I really like it. Can i talk with you??

@dv9159 - 09.12.2022 00:08

With showcontroller basic version is it posible to rout 1 output to 2 lasers? Or do they count as 2 outputs then. I have 4 lasers who I want to control is 2 groups of 2. Do I need the plus version then? Cause I know from showeditor it can link more projectors to a/b/c etc

@DisneyMarkUK - 19.07.2023 23:39

Thank you

@DJBilbo - 21.01.2024 05:51

I have the Laserworld DS 1000 MK4. Is the basic Version of Showcontroller also free as the Showeditor? When i connect the Laser with Ethernet (Lan) the Showcontroller says, that they not find the license Dongle and that they not give an output.

Shownet admin tool and Showeditor works without problems.
