Here is my tutorial on how to use a USB flash drive as additional RAM for your computer. Upgrading Random Access Memory is usually one of the cheapest and most effective way of upgrading a computer. Upgrading RAM in anyway will help speed up slow computers or laptops which get slow after a few years of having them, if you don't want to open up your computer or laptop to upgrade RAM or don't want to get a technician to do it, This is probably the best option using windows ready boost. However doing this using the whole flash drive will mean that you can no longer use it to store files unless you format it. So i would recommend that you don't use your biggest flash drive and use an old one or buy a cheap one like i did.
#USB_Flash_Drive_(Ranked_Item) #windows_7 #Stick #usb_stick #random_access_memory #RAM #Speed #Up #Your #Computer #Laptop #tired #of #slow #long_waits #use #Readyboost