Khazar Khaganate

Khazar Khaganate

History Media-HD

3 года назад

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@panzermora902 - 19.05.2024 21:29

This group making trouble in palestine not semitic at all

@ingapetersen3193 - 13.02.2024 05:48

Propaganda only

@ingapetersen3193 - 13.02.2024 05:45

Bla bla bla propaganda

@christie4004 - 08.02.2024 17:09

I could never understand why, in the fourth grade, my classmate Joel Braverman already knew everything there was to know about Upper and Lower Volga. I thought he must be a genius at the time, but now I understand what the rabbis were teaching their students during Hebrew School.

@Staerkebombe - 26.12.2023 22:37

in islamic genealogy of the prophets, aalaYhimus salatu wa as salam, the Turks, Huns, Alans, Chinese, Yajuj and Majuj, Avars, Slavs, etc, came from central Asia, as the sons of sayyidina Yaphes ibn nabi Nuh, aalaYhima as salatu wa as salam

@GXoXdIsNotaMANtimeUtoWakeUp - 15.11.2023 21:27

Bulan the Great

@GXoXdIsNotaMANtimeUtoWakeUp - 15.11.2023 21:27

Bulan the Great

@tagbarzeev8283 - 09.11.2023 02:10

Eran Elhaik used Armenian and Georgian Dna as a substitute for Turkic dna and was severely chastised for his methodology.

@katarinaprokovich6287 - 30.10.2023 21:15

Les khazars ont -ils choisit le judaisme comme religion car ils pouvaient faire pratiquer l'usure avec ces taxes sur des voyageurs, le profit ?

@katarinaprokovich6287 - 30.10.2023 21:08

J'ai l'impression que c'est dans leurs gènes de profiter et d'imposer des taxes sur les marchandises des commerçants passant par ce territoire, et vouloir 50%, ce n'est pas juste, imaginez que vous devez traverser 5 pays pour vendre vos marchandises ? à force, vous devenez des esclaves ! est-ce qu'ils ne se sont pas installés à cet endroit, en sachant que les voyageurs devaient traverser cet endroit entre la mer Caspienne, car ils sont nomades à la base venant des steppes.

@bojanpavlovic5489 - 22.09.2023 23:54

Its all about followers of Sun and Moon. Bright-White and Dark. Just look to symbols, flags, names... Beligrad, Volga-Vahlgag-White god. Arians-Vahl asi-white people-Varavarians... Symbols of sun everywhwre. when we are praying, we are looking up with head. Moon-Muslilms looks to down, to underworld. Moon-Dark. Messopotamia- Mesec(serbian slavic for moon)+ tama(dark) mesectama. half moons, diferent arcs and so on. Its not so hard. You fant find symbols of sun in Jewish or Muslim religion. Snakes, Cats, diferent animals like Bulls, Dragons, Nymphas, egs, all animals from comes form Egs, Lizards and so on. White vs Dark forces. thats all

@AceSoprano18 - 31.07.2023 03:16

Facts are anti-semitic.

@michaeltastanis2339 - 16.07.2023 02:43’

@michaeltastanis2339 - 16.07.2023 02:20


@michaeltastanis2339 - 16.07.2023 01:48


@shukeelc5177 - 14.04.2023 01:52

It's true the Ashkenazi have hidden their true Khazarian origins but we the Goyim know

@lolalexiebear - 11.04.2023 14:38


@redsamson0023 - 10.04.2023 16:26

i like learning about the khazars as it opens a window into a non-jewish tribe which converted to judaism.

@TikTokahmad_beg - 02.02.2023 00:06

Where is it now??

@DoShortsyoutube - 10.01.2023 19:56

"Haz Are" means "Beautiful Area", Khazars are Chechens, and the Caucasus is Chechen land. Istakhri wrote in the Middle Ages - "The language of the Khazars is different than the language of the Turks and the Persians, nor does a tongue of (any) group of humanity have anything in common with it"

@basmasalah1585 - 18.11.2022 02:25


@hildelene3394 - 16.07.2022 01:51

Essentiel dans le conflit actuel.

@digital_prisoner-hd4zo5qi5c - 20.03.2022 09:33

God is coming to judge all lovers of Khazaras and in 22 will be the victory on ZION and after that all true Jews will come to Israel for living everlasting life with God and His true lovers/

@larue085 - 27.08.2021 17:42

Semite comes from the word Shem. Shem was white by the description of his descendants. Ant Semite means anti white . That would be held up in a court of Law by scripture evidence

@cristianwaters2190 - 23.08.2021 16:42

The Ashina clan tribe are cousins to the Khazarian leadership. The Khazarian leadership (the era of Jewish conversion as they are related to the Alan/Ephraim Jewish tribe) derives from the Scythian leadership of the region.

@briankaz8786 - 31.07.2021 17:36

The 7 congregations of Judah and Benjamin that migrated to western Turkey before the Roman siege in 70 AD. They were not Turks.

@tom00388 - 23.07.2021 18:45

The theory of ashkenazi jews coming from a khazar ancestry is not antisemitic at all! It may be anti Zionist, since it takes away from the Israel homeland idea, but theres nothing wrong with that. The theory is heavily backed by evidence in both genetics and linguistics.
