How to change the endings of objects in Russian? All the rules make you crazy? Practice with me and you'll feel confident and speak fluently. Put your questions and make your own examples in the comments section.
Thank you for your kind words and messages, I'm always happy to read them and feel that my videos are helpful.
There are the patterns for you for some extra practice:
Анна смотрит на фотографию. - Ann is looking at the photo.
Папа ждёт друга. - Dad is waiting for the friend.
Я слушаю песню. - I'm listening to the song.
Я вижу ... - I see ...
Мы слышим ... - We hear ...
Он знает ... - He knows ...
Я жду ... - I'm waiting ...
У тебя есть ... (Ты имеешь ...) - You have ... (watch a special video on that: How to say HAVE in Russian: two great ways
Они хотят ... - They want ...
Она покупает ... - She buys ...
дворец - a palace
красивый дом - a beautiful house
гора - a mountain
Анна - Ann
бабушка - granny
стол - a table
берег - a coast
поле - a field
деревня - a village
кошка - a cat
деньги - money
новая книга - a new book
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How to say HAVE in Russian: two great ways
How to make sentences with OVER HERE & OVER THERE in Russian: ЗДЕСЬ, ВОТ ЗДЕСЬ, ВОН ТАМ
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