THIS is What Happens in NG+ in Dying Light 2

THIS is What Happens in NG+ in Dying Light 2

Murray Frost Games

1 год назад

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@Bugiisan - 30.09.2023 14:50

Hey thanks for the amazing videos and information, if I can ask a silly question. When you start a new game plus do you kerep youyr factgions upgrades like car traps and ziplines are they are reset? Thank you in advance to anyone wit hthe information

@NSD150 - 05.10.2023 11:45

I'm very excited to see that Techland is going to update NG+, allowing you to keep your Nightrunner tools, among MANYYYY other things.

@wojo6135 - 15.10.2023 07:46

You can START new NG + after NG + on this same save?

@Pooh980 - 23.10.2023 00:39

If you switch to new game + does it remove broom and kaboom revolver?

@davidamos7553 - 25.10.2023 22:56

Just wanted to say this was very informative. Thank you!

@jackskellington9475 - 05.11.2023 18:41

When i started ng i lost all my ammo and blueprints

@king_chicken144 - 07.11.2023 15:52

Do you keep your legend leval?

@maveriqueplays4537 - 19.11.2023 09:46

so its not worth doing ng+ for just the saw blades :( i wanted to farm the dank gre aberrations since i missed the grapple hook trick and it got patched :(
imma play another game i guess. iSAD!

@breathair66 - 24.11.2023 00:14

is there any way to get back to the normal story mode after u start ng plus?
and idk y recently i wanted to sell something in the shop like weapons and stuff n they would buy the stuff for 1 coin or 10 is it a bug or what?

@Ratchet-Taco - 05.12.2023 19:09

Losing your tools is absolutely lame. What is the point of ng+ when you lose the tools to make ng+ fun

@soulraider2118 - 16.12.2023 05:39

Question do they keep there stats for all weapons and other blueprints

@zurveee - 29.12.2023 23:52

How do you get the outfit that your wearing?

@peterskylocker9347 - 25.01.2024 05:46

If you finish NG+, can you then do another NG+ again?

@Oliver-rs-75-30 - 30.01.2024 01:08

What happens to the old save after new game+?

@geeso12771 - 31.01.2024 22:53

quick to the point, thank you!

@nickwilliams6869 - 31.01.2024 23:49

Do you know if they are going to come out with a 3rd

@TiyoLando - 15.02.2024 10:42

What's the use of the extra inhibitors you gain when you do NG+ when you're already maxed out in the first place? Just a curious question.

@norbertwiertelak2982 - 22.02.2024 23:56

Do i keep skills?

@skoobz204 - 23.02.2024 03:05

Once you hit legend 250 your basically a god in the game super hard to die and real easy to kill zombies

@Oliver-rs-75-30 - 01.03.2024 18:42

Hello! What happens to your old save game? In your video it's around 29 hours!? And how did you get so many springs, electrical parts, etc.?

@FakeAlastor - 10.03.2024 09:46

This wasnt the case for main game idk about dlc

@BabyQuasarX - 10.03.2024 18:01

You cant replay ng+ forever, ive found that ive replayed it three times and cant do it again for a fourth time its bad

@Harald-w7x - 23.03.2024 05:11

when you loose the night runner tools then regain them will you have to upgrade them again?. would love to know before i do the NG+

@TheReapzor - 24.03.2024 11:35

How much exp multiplier do you earn after each NG+? Does anyone knows ?

@adrianhafer7657 - 29.03.2024 01:42

Im losing my fucking mind playing this on NG+, i beat the game at around level 5 and immediately started ng+ idk why i did that, i lowkey regret it. Ts is too hard 😂

@SmartFellaOrFartSmella0 - 11.04.2024 01:20

They updated it, you keep your Nightrunner tools now

@ronnysrensen9687 - 12.04.2024 07:13

Do you keep your momentos if you go new game plus?

@x_tweezy - 22.04.2024 00:19

Is there an easy method to get max rank?

@xXOni_KenshinXx - 27.04.2024 16:18

I heard in New Game Plus there is a bug that you’re Mods and other thing that are upgradable going to reset when you get them again and you need to upgrade them again from 0.

@majinzombiegenocider - 29.04.2024 12:51

So what is the maximum value for Health and Stamina via Inhibitors?

@CeRz - 10.06.2024 17:14

the fact the prologue cannot be replayed is BS, i cant get 100% completion.

@Flo22222 - 11.06.2024 23:04

Is it recommendable to get the platinum trophy before starting the new game plus?

@SirTravis-vn6yp - 20.06.2024 03:12

Very disappointed to see I couldn't start at the very beginning of the game... already did NG+ 😡

@JaySkarzXL - 26.06.2024 01:47

29 hours and you have all that def cheated smh

@danielmaximilianolopezeliz2910 - 27.08.2024 08:55

i finish the Game and they DLC bloody ties ,what happen with the progress in the Carnage Hall i mean the tickets ,mask and other things i Lost them if i star new Game ?

@totheonethatkills - 07.09.2024 22:18

If you beat the game in normal can you start NG+ in a higher difficulty?

@ChaserMesser - 27.09.2024 06:51

The thing I’m curious on resetting are the challenges/side quests. What about those?

I put a lot of effort to get all those gold medals.

@BLZN_Sn1ck - 09.10.2024 21:28

So when I start ng+ this year in 2024 I always get all my stuff back when the game released they took everything away and forced you to work back up but now they don't take your glider or grapple hook

@JandreViljoen-o4q - 05.11.2024 10:37

How do get health bars when it comes to enemies

@Bornwolf1234 - 09.11.2024 23:34

Do my grappling hook, glider and, uv flashlight keep their levels?

@ReverseAlbinomonkey - 29.11.2024 23:21

But what if you do it twice ?

@khoaanh8040 - 25.12.2024 04:17

I Have a question if I finish NG+ and do it again.Did all my stuff i collect in first time play NG+ will bring to second time ??

@SlickGtv502 - 03.01.2025 07:05

So does everything in our stash and resources and valuables go with us when we do a new game or do we lose it jw i got alot of stuff and dont wanna lose it lol

@rd1329 - 18.01.2025 03:56

Dont think i could spend another 30 hours looting bins and fridges.

@lucietorres2948 - 27.01.2025 19:06

do we always keep the broom in new games+ ?

@TacularTony0_03 - 01.02.2025 14:51

1 year later. Still good to know this info, just wish I found this video before I started my new game plus😅😪

@thee_top_podcast - 20.02.2025 17:55

Has this changed? I just started NG+ on PS5 and still have my glider and grapple hook?

@horsewhisperer20394 - 22.02.2025 01:35

Do you keep all of your collectibles too? I have the completionist bug :/

@TrueWarrior-w4q - 09.03.2025 12:26

for me i never lost all my night runner tools i am not sure if they changed it or something since i have it all still after NG+ and i still am on the first mission after the mission you unlock open world.

@bytoxx897 - 11.07.2023 17:06

A note for everyone reading this comment: Your progress on the first DLC (Carnage Hall) will also be lost when you do New Game +. You will keep all things related to the DLC (Outfits, Armor, Weapons... etc), but you will lose the progress, rank and coins from that DLC. So make sure to buy everything of interest to you before doing New Game + or else you will have to go through the entire DLC again only to buy something you missed.
