Vision: The Rapture, The Wedding Feast / Nuclear War Is Near, The Great Tribulation,

Vision: The Rapture, The Wedding Feast / Nuclear War Is Near, The Great Tribulation,


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@BrianJackson-f2l - 11.10.2024 03:01

That day is near

@AndyGonzales-s7u - 11.10.2024 03:12

Mark 13:11
But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry before hand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.

@JenniferSojourn - 11.10.2024 03:25

God gave me dream too... when raptured, do not look back or call out for those left, like Lot's wife, she looked back and was killed.

@GODSGIRL-7 - 11.10.2024 03:29

Yeah, praise the Lord God is going to a lot of sisters and brothers. Are seeing the bombs coming down and we’re going up so as soon as that begins, we are going up. We will not be here for God’s wrath. We are not appointed to wrap so we are free tribulation we will probably come into some of it or be taken up right at it, but it will not be. We will not go through it it

@GODSGIRL-7 - 11.10.2024 03:30

Yeah, praise the Lord God is going to a lot of sisters and brothers. Are seeing the bombs coming down and we’re going up so as soon as that begins, we are going up. We will not be here for God’s wrath. We are not appointed to wrap so we are free tribulation we will probably come into some of it or be taken up right at it, but it will not be. We will not go through it it so that means that we’re fixing to go up any day any hour

@AndyGonzales-s7u - 11.10.2024 03:30

1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written: " Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart
of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

Keep your head up brothers and sisters. Do your best to run from sin and pray to the Lord Jesus daily. Do not get discouraged by the modern day scribes and pharisees that make salvation and heaven something you must always reach for but never grasp. You can grab hold of the kingdom of heaven it is only a heart beat and breath away.

@tyieshamcdonald5295 - 11.10.2024 03:46


@kennethstalley351 - 11.10.2024 03:54

So correct.! 20 yrs. ago I asked the Lord what city is Great City Babylon, he said it was NYC.! A big surprise,
then praying for confirmation he took me to Demitru Duduman. Watch his story on UT. In 1954 Pastor A.A.Allan saw it's destruction, then it was Henry Gruver & Maurice Skylar, all have seen the fulfillment of God's word concerning the destruction of America Mystery Babylon. God called it his Golden Cup in Jeremiah 51:7 then judges it in Rev 17,18 Jeremiah 50,51 Isaiah 13,47 so sad the Pastors don't see it only teach it's Rome or Iraq. Never have those Nations held that position with the Lord. He sends other Nations to judge her as he did Israel in the OT. When China strikes Taiwan, Russia pulls off a surprise Nu Attack & Invasion aided by China & other Nations. Same day as the Rapture like in Luke 17:28-30 We are close now. Watch Incoming planatry system
on UT Channel, The Final Days, signs in the Heavens just before Jesus returns. Blessings, Watchman in Costa Rica 😊

@JesusLovesYou-r1b - 11.10.2024 04:10

I had a dream late July 2024. In this dream I’m walking outside on a road with someone it wasn't revealed to me who it was but i could sense the calmness of this person next to me. It was like this person was showing me what is about to happen. All of a sudden it was like the whole sky opened up right above us like another dimension. I saw UFOs on the right side the sky was filled with them. It felt as if they are on hold and waiting any second now and they are about to come on the ground they were super close. On the left side i see a full moon and i point to the sky and say look that’s not a moon that’s a ship. As soon as i say that the ship fell towards me so fast diagonally i thought it was going to hit me. Then another moon appeared and it did the same thing another ship came towards the ground. The UFOs and the ships were both army green colored. It all happened so fast like in a second and i knew in my dream that because those ships are falling the UFOs are about to fall too. My dream ended when the ship came towards me.

@dianaclayton5377 - 11.10.2024 04:16

God gave me a dream so so so real , first off I live in Washington State. I was given this dream of the aftermath of a nuclear Bom. I saw the red-orange glow & flames running along wires, I was looking out my window in the living room telling my husband that everything out there was dead. There was nothing left, no wildlife like I feed nothing left alive it was horrible. But I & my husband were in our house the only thing left standing looking at all this, all I can say is that God was showing me what would happen here I believe that He will save me.

@MJKOLODZIK - 11.10.2024 04:32

and in war
ובמלחמה 131
גדלים 87
============= Total: 218

Genesis 7:11 (KJV)
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life,
in the second month, the seventeenth
day of the month, the same day were
all the fountains of the great deep broken
up, and the windows of heaven were

[17 Chesvan]

@kimrice8230 - 11.10.2024 04:38

+ + + SPOT ON MY FIEND , SPOT ON !!!!!!!!!!!! + + + WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@kimberlyarial3540 - 11.10.2024 04:39

You are an excellent speaker. I got admit I got really teary-eyed a couple of times looking so forward to meeting Jesus. I’m so glad we go up when the bombs come down.

@midnighthour698 - 11.10.2024 04:43

Yes, many believers have seen the same...we go up when the bombs go down.

@kaibaby998 - 11.10.2024 04:50

For the love of GOD somebody please pray for me in OZ. I am into my 5th day without food, the last food I had left I gave to my only friends in this world ; my precious beloved blackbirds, the sparrows, pigeons the large honey eater, the magpie and the crow. I have not a single dollar left, nor any hope of receiving any money. I have no friends or family. Please show your loving kindness and mercy and say a prayer for me that GOD would come and save me

@AnnalieseForJesus - 11.10.2024 04:51

I grew up in Washington state... Lord cover Your Children in this state even in its unholy partnerships

@emilyames3825 - 11.10.2024 04:56

The scripture describes the opposite of a nuclear war. It says they were eating and drinking and getting married like it was every other day. Life will be normal when the rapture happens.

@stephsserenity7290 - 11.10.2024 05:01

I think I they will bomb the coasts. They will take out the coasts and anyone who survives will try to migrate inward. They can then gain control over everyone easier. These world leaders all play on the same team, our lives mean nothing to them….its about control and ultimately taking away as many from the LORD as possible under the enemy’s instruction with fear aka the mark. They are deceived, be ye not deceived.

@sebastianvalencia2387 - 11.10.2024 05:43

I don’t think the rapture is this year. It might be close to 2030

@waynekeef2840 - 11.10.2024 06:08

Great war mentioned happens as a full moon is over the United States on a Friday night. God has shown me that in all of my dreams were a moon is shown are a time period is mentioned for the Rapture and World War 3 beginning. Also God has shown me that the 2 witnesses are 2 Christians in this time who are lifted up at the time of the Rapture and they are let back down instead of going on with the elect and their ministry begins then.

@lullabyesmom - 11.10.2024 06:18

Lol wow i wld need WAY more faith to believe that new age crap! Lol glad u got out of that and joined Jesus and us who know, love, and follow Him! 👍🙏✝️🕎🇮🇱😻⛪🦁🐑

@lullabyesmom - 11.10.2024 06:47

Yep those that are LEFT BEHIND The Book of Revelation tells them what they will go through! It will be horrible awful, but you've got to be willing to NOT TAKE THE MARK in Revelation 13:16-18 and be willing to be Beheaded For Christ. Otherwise Eternal torment and unquenchable fire God's Word says. So ya receive accept Jesus Christ NOW stop using Him as a curse word and realize He WILLINGLY went to The Cross for you n me ALL our sins! Anywho i think God wanted someone ta hear that!
Yes many hv had dreams n visions of us going up while bombs comin down!!! And PRAISE THE LORD FOR PRE TRIB!!! Elijah, Enoch, and Lot are some great examples of pre trib. And Thessalonians says WE ARE NOT APPOINTED UNTO WRATH The Time of Jacob's Trouble. The thing i wonder is....will we get to see the flames comin out of The 2 witnesses (most scholars say prob Moses and Elijah) mouths in Revelation 11.?! It was pretty coolin The old Kirk Cameron Left Behind films, but to really see it in real life. But anywho i digress .....We'll see what The Lord has allows us to see. I will just be glad to make it to heaven waving the lil bit of smoke off my coattails as the saying goes. Lol PRAISE THE LORD I AM FORGIVEN AND HV ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM!!!👍🙏✝️🕎🇮🇱⛪🦁🐑😻

@lullabyesmom - 11.10.2024 06:50

Ya not doom n gloom ..but boom 💥n⚡🚀 zoom! off to be with Our Lord meeting Him in the clouds! !!!

@lullabyesmom - 11.10.2024 06:52

Leave vids cds letters etc Bibles books .....i bought more of Jimmy Evans book WHERE ARE THE MISSING PEOPLE? Leave em at yer home, yer work locker or office er whetever u can! 👍🙏✝️🕎🇮🇱⛪🦁🐑😻

@truthfinder5842 - 11.10.2024 06:58

People need to accept they are a sinner in need of the Saviour, understand the simple gospel message. Believe/trust in Jesus the Son of God, that he died on the cross shed his blood in payment for your sin, was buried and rose the third day. John 3:16. Asking Jesus into your heart is nowhere in the Bible. Neither is repent of your sins to be saved. His sacrifice alone is grace. We accept or not by faith . Zero works on our part. Nil, None. Once saved the Bible by the Holy Spirit instructs us how to live but none is dependant on Salvation. God loves you so much he died for you to have an everlasting relationship with you. Time is very short. Please consider this truth. Repent means to change your mind.

@WatchwomanDavis - 11.10.2024 08:57

APOPHIS, / Wormwood

@samanthaq3422 - 11.10.2024 10:28

Praying for putin. To push the button soon😢😢
