Logan’s Speech to Deadpool || Deadpool And Wolverine

Logan’s Speech to Deadpool || Deadpool And Wolverine

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@Nynaeve_Sedai - 04.03.2025 12:44

That last line is so reminiscent of the 90s cartoon Logan ❤

@eddieblancher7557 - 27.02.2025 23:36

This is Sasha Waybright who would say to Hailey Banks for dooming the future.
Sasha: You know something Hailey, you're a coward, no wonder why those people want to killed you or why any Disney Squad is rejecting you. Because you are a selfish, coward who takes the easy way just like I used until I pushed everyone I care about away. Then I atone for my actions, gave others another chance just like my friend: Anne did. We save both Earth and Amphibia from the Core and that's something I'd never forget. And I'd tell you, the professor was right, you had every chance to save the future by completing the list and chose you throw it out. You had every chance to ask Scott out but you chose to date someone you created. Now the future is doom because you chose to date (punches the roof) SANJAY OVER SCOTT. Is there anything you want to add, Hailey?

@MiyaTakamura - 17.02.2025 15:12

Ace Combat Version:
"You know what? You two are a joke. No wonder ISAF didn't take you guys or the OADF and man, they'll take anybody even a fifteen year old. I mean, you two (Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson) are a bunch of ridiculous, immature, half-witted morons. I have never met a pair of sadder, more attention-starved, jabbering little pricks in my entire life and that says a lot since I'm been alive before the goddamn Belkan War. I'mma tell ya boys, my friend Keynote was right about one thing: you two will NEVER SAVE THE UNIVERSE! You (Vin Diesel) couldn't even save a relationship with a goddamn lesbian! Goddamn it, I wish I could say you two should die alone but it's one of KAMISAMA'S BEST JOKES THAT YOU GUYS COULDN'T DIE NO MATTER HOW HARD I PRAYED TO HIM AND THAT'S ON ALL OF US!!!"

@LukeKetchum7003 - 16.02.2025 22:56

After that speech I would say "That's enough driving today. Let's camp out here for the night." (And get out of the car to collect firewood.)

@LTJfan - 15.02.2025 20:24

[After the harsh criticism speech for 50 seconds]

Deadpool: [softly but threatening voice] "I'm gonna fight you now..."

@admiralclittyblaster5325 - 15.02.2025 16:23

Reminds me when me and my best friend broke up lol i punched him in the face after that, too

@adambump5297 - 14.02.2025 04:43

Pretty sure there was some self hatred coming out at the end there.

@HughieBearhead - 10.02.2025 02:45

So you're telling me I'm immortal? Thanks . I don't use abbreviations. Say the word, English speaking only please.

@HughieBearhead - 10.02.2025 02:44

So you're saying to I (Hughie) that I'm immortal? Thanks

@randomiser2267 - 08.02.2025 08:00

Now that the Justin Baldoni situation has confirmed Ryan Reynolds is a gutless waste of space that lets his harpy of a wife control him like a dog on a leash this speech feels way more real and true.

@KreepaEvoX - 04.02.2025 03:36

This part here... you feel things

@Angyali - 28.01.2025 18:03

This monologue has more value than all of Deadpool's 4th wall breacking winks and jokes in the trilogy COMBINED !

@regipokemon9408 - 25.01.2025 20:33

What you got nothing to say, Blitz?!!

@phoenixflame5526 - 24.01.2025 02:10

And they say words will never hurt more than sticks and stones

@gellister - 20.01.2025 21:00

Hugh Jackman incorporating his wolverine rage bellow tone as vocal fry in his last few lines when he punches the roof of the car, masterful command of his talents.

@juanpaulobatallones3767 - 18.01.2025 15:47

God’s Best Jokes That You Can’t Die Except that’s On All Of Us!

That line with a shout though 😭😱

@Scarfanimations-x7p - 14.01.2025 21:49

When my crush said she hated me

@QyntonBlake-sj1np - 13.01.2025 05:00

Can you imagine he roasted the loud house parents?

@AidenRobotnikSpenglerDogman - 10.01.2025 23:19

Me to people who take the entire supply of sonic movie 3 merch

@farcry223 - 10.01.2025 02:42

This scene was absolutely perfect

@emanuelacola726 - 07.01.2025 00:48

That why Hugh deserves the main role on any movie, he sold this monologue like it was nothing

@Wolverine13th - 04.01.2025 19:45

Thats me speaking to everyone i hate

@t-rexcellentreviews1663 - 02.01.2025 16:07

Moral of this story: if you want everyone to stop treating you like a joke, stop treating everything and everyone around you like a joke.

@AndresRubio-y1s - 01.01.2025 11:21

Who’s here 2025?

@V12Gaming1 - 28.12.2024 13:17

I can’t heart all of these😭😭😭

@makvande576 - 28.12.2024 13:14

Fine. Screw it.

@ArmandoRodriguezzz737 - 25.12.2024 10:27

Hugh jackmans acting is incredible!! You can feel every word he says.

@ArmandoRodriguezzz737 - 25.12.2024 09:26

His words cut deeper than his admantium claws

@captainhowlerwilson508 - 17.12.2024 11:39

What I say to Taika Waititi for his work on Thor: Love and Thunder.

@KalemPayment2005 - 16.12.2024 07:32

He's Really Pissed Off

@AlphaXFighter - 13.12.2024 11:33

Biggest rant about Astro Bot for GOTY

@bloodhoundman8697 - 11.12.2024 21:20

This just always lives rent free in my head, Hugh Jackman's acting is really one of a kind 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌

@sammyjones2081 - 11.12.2024 14:28

The way he wiggled his eyebrows at "Relationship", he knows he's hitting below the belt with that.

@theo-potter - 09.12.2024 23:30

"Damn, Hugh! Your line was "Shut up, Wade!"

@sassyimps - 09.12.2024 21:38

TV Tropes has this speech listed on their MCU page (that is, an entire page dedicated to "Reason You Suck Speeches" featured in the MCU exclusively). But the speech is missing quite possibly THE most stabbing line in the whole thing: "Oh you got nothin' to say, Mouth ?"

@thomashottersall5204 - 09.12.2024 02:12

Bold take guys, Hugh jackman is pretty good at this whole acting thing

@Titanusrex1616 - 07.12.2024 04:19

Arkham/Dark Night Batman speaking to TTG Robin:

@BigJDawg4523 - 05.12.2024 10:38

"I'm gonna fight you now..."

@VampireFan-rf5kb - 05.12.2024 09:55

With Nova altering a memory between Wade and Vanessa that only made Wade's breakup with her much worse and Wolverine's huge "the reason why you suck" speech to Wade, it's no wonder why the only thing Wade could resort to now is rage, depression, and violence.

@thedoctor4327 - 05.12.2024 01:55

My depression and my anxiety sitting in a car be like...

@NFSweat278 - 02.12.2024 17:57

When the bullied kid finally has had enough and loses it

@PharaohIshmail - 01.12.2024 06:09

That what his ass get for having Johnny Storm Killed lol 😂

@eddieblancher7557 - 28.11.2024 21:26

Imagine Batman delivering this line too.

@nunka34ify - 28.11.2024 04:19

You can’t just simply cast an A-list actor in your superhero movie and not expect him to show off his acting chops

@JinKun-v6b - 27.11.2024 20:11

Funny fact is that Ryan wrote this line himself😂😂😂

@StefunnyStrange - 27.11.2024 03:14

The longest I’ve seen Deadpool remain silent. 😂

@ryanporter4689 - 25.11.2024 01:55

Imagine Wolverine giving this speech towards Blitz from Helluva Boss
