W3C Web of Thing Standards (demo)

W3C Web of Thing Standards (demo)

IoT Community Belarus

55 лет назад

89 Просмотров

"W3C Web of Thing Standards" (ru)
Ege Korkan, Researcher Siemens AG/ TU Munich and W3C WoT Working Group Member
1. Introducing the set of standards by the World Wide Web Consortium addressing the interoperability problem in IoT.
2. Importance of Interoperability, how to integrate with other IoT systems, Web of Things.

Доклад прозвучал в рамках онлайн-конференции IoT FOCUS TechConf 2020 (8-10 июня 2020)

Приобрести видеозаписи докладов, воркшопов (более 20 часов) от 19 EUR

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