July 3, 2024 - REBROADCAST What does it feel like to be near a Tall White?

July 3, 2024 - REBROADCAST What does it feel like to be near a Tall White?


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TOPIC: What does it feel like to be near a Tall White?

Linda is on vacation this week, so please enjoy this special rebroadcast.

#LindaMoultonHowe #Earthfiles

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@Dr_Augustus_MD - 05.07.2024 05:10

Just curious as to how you verified his credibility/truthfulness. To me, this man's credibility was one of the most lacking I've heard in the past 50 years of following this subject. Linda, you would do yourself and your audience a great service by infoming them how you've determined a guest's veracity.

@sharyllee7094 - 05.07.2024 05:45

Enjoy yourself, Linda. WE certainly love and enjoy you. Thanks for being SO amazing!

@KimSimmel - 05.07.2024 08:51

I had heard and seen you say Kim before Benji. I watched it numerous times before I am contacting you. Is this correct? Because my name is Kim and I can relate because I had a spiritual awakening and I still live it and it has led me to a higher plane that I continue to follow because I am here for our humanity.. I will not leave for my purpose. If you ever want to hear my experience let me know. Thank you. :)

@KimSimmel - 05.07.2024 09:00

I am sorry maybe you were saying him to Benji tonight.

@joebruno2119 - 05.07.2024 10:03

I think they are pulling a Richard dody on you again!!! There aren’t no tall whites. Don’t fall for it Linda

@jasonhuntley9927 - 05.07.2024 10:19


@carolaoskarsson5866 - 05.07.2024 12:32

Love you Linda and for all you do for all of us ❤ thank you

@thybaker-ed9016 - 06.07.2024 01:48

Hope chocolate is being cute n lazy

@rh5022 - 06.07.2024 01:48

It feels like you're asleep

@fvandenkommer5091 - 06.07.2024 13:12

About the Australian guy talking about this "TALL WHITE" as he describes it, I really wonder if it was such a being. I have read all the books of Chales Hall; 'Millenium Hospitality' and he sketches us an entire different type of beings. Beings that avoid contact with humans because humans are like wild animals to them. It took Chrles the full time of his army service to gain their trust. They just don't 'babble' and tell you stories about the end of times, as a friend might do. And they communicate using a pencil like device pointing it at your right temple. They do not use telepathy. I also do not hear about the white florecent suit that makes them hover a foot above the ground. I see the Charles Hall story as the most reliable source about Tall Whites and this Aussie story does not even come near to it ! - legitimate tall or white perhaps, but NOT a 'tall white' as we commonly use the term for!

@jozseferdelyi5674 - 06.07.2024 13:15

kőszőnetdeminnélelőb kőzékel teniezt az qanyagoi

@david-joeklotz9558 - 06.07.2024 20:47

Such a sweet soul :-] Now you take all the time you need. God bless you and thank U

@williamhenderson1692 - 06.07.2024 23:11

incredible invaluable work! thanks so much, linda and others. --william

@imawake11 - 08.07.2024 02:32

I find this so fascinating. I’d love to hear more about the tall whites.

@demon2others - 09.07.2024 05:53

The government is preventing humanity to know the truth and is setting our consciousness backwards, and these tall white who are saying we are not prepared for the truth is secretly working with the government. How can anyone childishly think they are helping us evolve? They are working with the enemy.

@richardh1386 - 09.07.2024 07:58

We will live better as humanity if we stop projecting crap on each other and ETs but be fully present to what is. If you don't want ETs to carry war into space, start with how you see the cosmos and use a little more discernment because you've been played for decades! The deer's eye does not lie!

@boa1793 - 09.07.2024 21:53

Benji is reading from a transcript in the first part. Whether he wrote it or not, I don’t know.
All Benjis in Melbourne watch out! You’re going to be bothered by humans.

@frankiesmart1113 - 10.07.2024 03:50

Thanks Linda. All these decades you are always appreciated. 👽

@samsilva3625 - 10.07.2024 19:00

April 2023 came and went and nothing has changed. Unfortunately none of the claims of abductees, channelers, psychics, or those who say they communicate with ETs, come true. This industry is another hoax to make big bucks I suppose.

@MrBaconlt - 10.07.2024 19:06

i love linda with her cat so much its so cute and so her lolllll

i feel like she cut off benji though i dont have any clarity on what he wanted to share about the experience on the beach and more detail from him

@brycelynch2138 - 11.07.2024 01:10


@cwatkins634 - 11.07.2024 04:37

I love your earthfiles programs Linda, and I have been following you for 6 years. I really respect your work. But…I am disappointed that you have changed your channel to only allow comments during your lives to only those subscribers who have followed you for 10 years or longer.

@760PETE - 11.07.2024 06:59

4 weeks of rebroadcasts———leaving

@victorialawhon2251 - 13.07.2024 03:44

This is bizarre.

@SaudadeAgi - 13.07.2024 18:30


@funnyanimalsmakemesmile86 - 15.07.2024 12:19

Not another rerun. This has been going on for a year

@eilaanden1112 - 23.07.2024 05:24


@lafayettemoreira4423 - 28.07.2024 00:08

Stop there. Dont ask anything further. Its an illusion.

@mysticsspath5017 - 29.07.2024 00:37

This is kalyug and so much more i can relate about consciousness by the white tall words in ancient hindu ideology i am grateful for it🙏

@tigerbeforyou181 - 29.07.2024 04:41

Linda, have you ever seen an extraterrestrial being yourself? Thanks

@mlandis8835 - 12.08.2024 07:57

Benji from melbourne sounds like a narcissist

@Menace39 - 22.08.2024 16:23

The Tall Whites are one type of Men in Black

@LucidityEngine - 26.08.2024 17:51

That cat is regal looking. 💓 They're very good companion animals. I'm going to spend my mornings checking in on content. Very good way of explaining things to a newer audience (myself). I appreciate this a lot.

@danielclancy1132 - 15.09.2024 14:41

Linda is the goat reporter on ETS and UFO's

@karshamik708 - 24.09.2024 15:07


@lonewolf1401 - 29.09.2024 21:02


@aldretaldret4310 - 30.09.2024 20:28

Well, some beings have something coming from the dna of Lezzards while others have something coming from mantis… it seems that we have something coming from the dna of monkeys but we do not look exactly 👍🏻 like them more like nordics or pleiadians so that we don’t have to get red of shame about the laboratory’s experiments. We are created. We are able of peace. Cleverness, peace, organisation. I do not see why the emphasis is only on the negative aspects of humanity. Do they only trust in humanity? Why not ? If they could be more clear, if they could really open our minds, it should be great. If they do not do this why? If they could really help they would have already done something at a macro level. Clearly. What do they wait after all ? 😊

@Ishana_Intuitive - 11.10.2024 22:42

Love you! God bless you!

@michael7018 - 03.11.2024 11:29

This is like listening to a sci-fi comedy show…especially with this stochastic narcissistic I know it all type of voice is laughable as she’s trying to confuse listeners by spilling all this b… catchy ufo terminology. 😅 this I just ridiculous and you people are giving her money? 😅 I saw a ufo and believe in them. But these charlatans like her just pushing this nonsense…. It’s entertaining anyway.

@JohnnyJitsu11 - 27.11.2024 07:32

SO COOL! I just found this channel. I like to share that I been in contact with ETs for many years. Last time I had contact was 2 days ago. I have many stories to share and I’m glad I found this page!!

@ArtBellJr - 22.12.2024 10:27

Charles Hall’s story of the Tall Whites at Nellis Air Force base is what got me into this research. I live on top of a plateau in Las Vegas and can see all the Valley and can see from my patio the base. I looked many times for these beings .

@shanesonnier6760 - 21.01.2025 02:48

Why do they seem to avoid interacting with black and other minority descent?

@TheConnieBryanShow - 24.01.2025 17:19

Linda, while it is certainly interesting this story from Benji, he was very strangely and repeatedly vague when u kept asking him for the important details of what the Tall White was there to warn him about specifically...He said this being took him for a walk and said we have to talk, but then he gave almost no important specifics of this talk...This is what undermines so many such 'witnesses' stories...they so often r lacking the basic most important relevant info they need to bring to help validate their story and more importantly to help humanity get ready for any such 'dark event' he claims they said was coming.

@wendyerskine6951 - 27.01.2025 06:57

Despise nuclear anything. It's bad, and we are too stupid to deal with it. ❤ from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@MTVBrat - 15.03.2025 18:45

What no one says... They dicks? 😂🎉 I'm v/ small but been practising my keegles nearly every day, in fact, I'm doing them right now!! ❤ 😂... I assume he is long but thin....

@MTVBrat - 15.03.2025 18:59

Crackpot!! I was at Altona the other day and yes, it was multicultural and the white poor are still the white poor and we don't know why, but it was fine, I just need a few or 399 million dollars, that's all 😂🎉

@MTVBrat - 15.03.2025 19:01

I know right?! No, I've been reading the studies. Give me me freaking salary, already tightass!!

@MTVBrat - 15.03.2025 19:04

Dark and dangerous times? Yeah, whatever,, gimme my payout and the ornnis, already!!

@MTVBrat - 15.03.2025 19:15

One hell Of an intersection. I want my elohim already!! Elohim! Elohim! Elohim! ( Euohism,of course. Or.. is it really? Whatever, he is white and he is tall and I pledge allegiance to the keegles!")

@earthfiles - 03.07.2024 01:14

Linda is on vacation this week, so please enjoy this special rebroadcast.
