Wait, so are we Skipper? Idk why but im a bit confused 😅 where's Breckett and the original listener?😢😅
Ответить"I have no plans for starline 3" he says
nearly 3 years later
Not another song about love is their theme song 😂
ОтветитьWait is our name skipper ?
ОтветитьIn a parallel universe breckett and his human are together with kids and wtv 😔❤️
Ответитьskipper: "kowalski, analysis!"
ОтветитьDon't mind me just here to ruin the 666 number of comments :3
Ответитьthis is like my fifth time watching this video....... i have a life i promise
ОтветитьGav please don't let this be the end of this story
ОтветитьI was trying to fall asleep to this, but I forgot just how heart-wrenchingly sad it gets near the climax. Now not only am I even more awake than I was before, but am also weeping like a baby 😭😭 How dare you write and perform such a compelling and powerful series!! 🥺❤️🔥
ОтветитьIdk if anyone’s gonna read this, but I figured I’d share this little piece of trivia about myself
As of writing this comment, I’ve been going by (Just a Random) Skipper online for give or take two years. I named myself after the MC, cuz I feel a deep connection to the character, and this story just left that much of an impression on me (…and I think Skipper is a v cool name)
Listening to this again after a few months, now well accustomed to being addressed as Skipper, it feels funny
I feel more in character, I guess? Tbh I’m writing this in the middle of relistening to Ch. 1, I’ll probably come back and edit this when I’m done listening lmao
Fun fact I mean not rlly: the listener from the first star line thinks the big b is dead
ОтветитьI was sleeping to Royal VA X Listener Videos and woke up to the Episode 11 "Alien noise" now I am scared to leave my bed 😅😢 or to sleep again 😅😂
ОтветитьHe’s so Garrus Vakarian coded
ОтветитьI don’t think I can accurately describe the feeling of pure euphoria I got when hearing Breckett again
ОтветитьHow awkward do you think he felt making those makeout scenes? I Imagined it in my head and I couldn't stop laughing.
Ответитьain't no way Skipper isn't preggo
ОтветитьI feel like im cheating on brecket
ОтветитьI love the trope of “wha-no don’t say that.” Or “no, don’t laugh at that”
Idk what it is but it’s just… somethin about that kind of fluff makes my heart melt
I saw trailblazer would be a serious AI with not much emotion, but oh my gosh he’s so happy and I love him 🥺
ОтветитьBRECKETT my Husba- i mean Wassup friend
Ответить(English not my first language)
It's gonna be two years since you post Starline II
And it is still my favorite story (and series)
I have been dealing with trying to be a adult and a lot of shits, so has quite a time since I last hear this and I could experience some things again because I had forgotten some parts of it (like the vr sparring session).
So it gave me a lot of comfort, nostalgia...
You definitely did a good job. Hope your doing fine.
Im super late on this but I loved this series so much it has a place in my heart
Ответитьwait I ended starline one with Breckett and the listener getting married 😵💫
The way he says babe 😍
This whole thing was amazing i really enjoyed it i wish it didn't end
Ответитьthis has been my most reoccurring hyper fixation since I found this literally incredible stole my soul for like 4 months last year when I was not doing great
Ответить"see you space cowboy" I AM SOBBING. CRYING. SCREAMING THROWING UP
ОтветитьI hope that one day there will be a part 3, I would LOVE to explore more of these characters and worlds!!
ОтветитьNot me giggling like hell that the background for Episode 8 is Shep's cabin from ME2/ME3. Shakarian and Skipper/Hakir would be best friends and swap the best stories.
ОтветитьBLAZER 😭😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьSKIPS 😍😍😍😍😍
Ответитьthis should be a movie, but with absolutely no changes cuz its gold <3🥰
ОтветитьIdk how im a year late, but here i am 😂 i literally have no words to describe how wonderful this series was written. The world building was spectacular and the characters were chiefs kiss spectacular!! If a season 3 is written, i will be one of many to be listening with popcorn and a big box of tissues!
yk i thought iron man would be like a cool vintage hero for Skipper but the idea that the MCU is still going is the most realistic part of this
ОтветитьLol I made hakir into a dnd character for a spelljammer campaign (don’t worry I only really used his name and personality notes but yaknow lol)
ОтветитьMe, going to sleep by ep 1 After starting to rewatch the moive.:*sleepy sounds*
That one loud af af as i start falling Asleep: "SIKE! HAH! YOU THOUGHT THOT!"
Me: ...
the very end had me fucking DYING of laughter.
Ответитьi love the iron man refrence, because its exactly what i would have said.
Ответитьthis legitmently has better writting then some newer movies
Ответитьa yes who needs dreams wen i can just rest while listening to this
ОтветитьAm I the only one confused 😅 like did I miss something. Are we Skipper or what like I'm so confused 🥲 someone explain what is happening (I did watch the first one too)
ОтветитьIt’s the fact that when skipper and Hakir was called into the bosses office I knew what it was about and I was like he knows
Ответитьi just watched the first season, and then go straight to the second one and- I SAW YALL COMMENTS AND IM FREAKING SCARED BECAUSE WHAT THE HELL BRECKEET AND HIS PARTNER GOT SEPERATED OR SUM? I CANT-
NOOOO FUK THIS THING (no actually you're doing amazing ) BUT I AM BAWLING MY EYES OUT AT 3 AM GODDAMN
I'm going to pretend that this season two is not here
I genuinely cried yesterday (while hanging out with friends) when I realized very harshly how weird it was to be this attached to this very fake alien dude. Like this fictional character has been more of a comfort to me than most family & friends. 😃. Like - wtf - when I first listened to this (this is my 3rd or 4th FULL rewatch) I THOUGH funny haha alien hot. Now I cry every time I hear the word trail blazer - h e l p. But like without this I might be in a darker place. Maybe. I just- wish my life hadn’t gone in the direction to where a alien from a asmr series hadn’t been my only source of comfort when things got really bad or I was scared. Thanks , asmr creator for this beautiful, heart wrenching, masterpiece.❤❤❤❤❤❤