Fiido Titan - A Fat Tire E-bike SUV that Takes Care of Safety and Long Range

Fiido Titan - A Fat Tire E-bike SUV that Takes Care of Safety and Long Range

FIIDO E-bike Official

1 год назад

196,926 Просмотров

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@bodeeb - 10.05.2024 00:19

Hello, may I know whether this bike is allowed in Germany or not? I want to use it to deliver orders..

@juanmanuelsousa1802 - 01.10.2024 15:39

40 Kg. De bici te quedas sin batería y ya puedes llamar a una grúa.

@lorenzosacco156 - 06.11.2024 15:59

Failure to deliver d3pro control unit Very bad for the shipments I have been waiting for 1 and a half months and I was not told that the controller was not in stock so know that service item you are the worst and I would not recommend to anyone as an electric bicycle from the FIIDO company (and I have the bicycle I used to go to work and now I walk from 5 in the morning in the cold). So the FIIDO electric bicycle company are incompetent.

@alaska1girls - 24.01.2025 05:09

It looks so good to bad it’s a total piece of trash with no customer service or warranty.
