Citizen Soldier - Sacred (Official Lyric Video)

Citizen Soldier - Sacred (Official Lyric Video)

Citizen Soldier

4 года назад

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@LizA-fx4oi - 10.05.2022 18:02

Never have I been at such huge loss of words.

@bailaabrams3897 - 17.05.2022 19:59

I like the lyrics

@fatima_44. - 21.05.2022 19:32

Was trying to drown myself in sadness but suddenly found this jem... Thank you for making me realize that what I have is enough!

@LightintheDark2056 - 28.05.2022 19:43


@ziegevonmendes7077 - 31.05.2022 23:33

BROOOOOO your music is legit like pulling me in n idk why.

@QueenNiaUTube - 25.07.2022 06:36


@bensalemomar8001 - 27.08.2022 15:35

What in other people's minds: People in their last day, they come out, they do good things, they become the happiest people ever in that day and they apologize to everyone they have fought with.
What last day actually is: Staying alone, in a dark room, thinking..waiting untill the moment comes.

They will never understand

@joshkeever1779 - 29.08.2022 22:58

I feel like Marv on home alone cause these lyrics hit like a brick . You guys are amazing 👏

@bensalemomar8001 - 09.09.2022 01:09

Chasing ghosts, chasing dreams
What is next? What might be?
Never content, always hungry
Overlook this moment and you'll be sorry
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
If you do you've got the rest of your life left to regret it
You're gonna miss these days, I hope you never forget it
The present is precious
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
Wasted time, wasted love
What you have now, why can't that be enough?
What you're most terrified to lose
Take it for granted when it's right in front of you
Yeah, you're such a slave to anxiety
Your future, your past, pulling you away
It made you so blind, now that must change
'Cause right now with who you love, this is everything
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
In this moment, will you live?
Embrace the unknown, your past forgive?
Every minute's a priceless gift
It's all yours, so what you gonna do with it?
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
You're gonna miss these days, yeah, the present is precious
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
One life, one chance
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
If this day was your last
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again

@jjfrenzy789 - 14.09.2022 10:41

Citizen soldier is the Team cherry of rock

@zpezar8532 - 30.09.2022 15:18

Chasing ghosts, chasing dreams
What is next? What might be?
Never content, always hungry
Overlook this moment and you'll be sorry
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
If you do you've got the rest of your life left to regret it
You're gonna miss these days, I hope you never forget it
The present is precious
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
Wasted time, wasted love
What you have now, why can't that be enough?
What you're most terrified to lose
Take it for granted when it's right in front of you
Yeah, you're such a slave to anxiety
Your future, your past, pulling you away
It made you so blind, now that must change
'Cause right now with who you love, this is everything
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
In this moment, will you live?
Embrace the unknown, your past forgive?
Every minute's a priceless gift
It's all yours, so what you gonna do with it?
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
You're gonna miss these days, yeah, the present is precious
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
One life, one chance
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
If this day was your last
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again

@Denji.Is_Heree - 21.11.2022 15:14

I love this song it reminds me of my troubles and it makes me inspired to never give up

@scottlally8374 - 21.01.2023 23:24

One life one chance make it right

@bobbiescholl970 - 12.02.2023 16:58

Talk about a screen beating!!

@emilyrocamora828 - 14.02.2023 11:16

This is my favorite song

@emilyrocamora828 - 14.02.2023 11:20

First time ko lang I listen tapos favorite agad

@emilyrocamora828 - 14.02.2023 11:21

I'm sacred Hahahahha

@emilyrocamora828 - 15.02.2023 13:46

Sacred? Ganda naman ng song

@ummahaninishe5265 - 16.02.2023 16:34

Citizen soldiers is such a band which express our true feelings that we can't share to anyone except Allah.
Hats off all the mamber of this band and thanks for reducing our inner pain. We feel like someone can understand our frustration in this world😢

@patrickmadison8061 - 21.02.2023 00:37


@aniyahl8572 - 18.03.2023 18:07

"Yeah your such a slave your anxiety your future your past pulling you away" as someone who struggles with truamatising events in their life time and who has terrible social anxiety this hits so much differently and harder then it should

@darkemperor9581 - 28.03.2023 09:53

Chasing ghosts, chasing dreams
What is next? What might be?
Never content, always hungry
Overlook this moment and you'll be sorry
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
If you do you've got the rest of your life left to regret it
You're gonna miss these days, I hope you never forget it
The present is precious
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
Wasted time, wasted love
What you have now, why can't that be enough?
What you're most terrified to lose
Take it for granted when it's right in front of you
Yeah, you're such a slave to anxiety
Your future, your past, pulling you away
It made you so blind, now that must change
'Cause right now with who you love, this is everything
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
In this moment, will you live?
Embrace the unknown, your past forgive?
Every minute's a priceless gift
It's all yours, so what you gonna do with it?
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
You're gonna miss these days, yeah, the present is precious
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
One life, one chance
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
If this day was your last
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again

@Hydrogenagent - 24.04.2023 09:27


@Bl4ckF1r3kurokaji - 28.05.2023 12:36

"Dom't take the ones you love for granted- not for a second" yeah i feel that. lost my best friend to Corona last year (still regret to not spent more time with him)

@Tyrantlizard127 - 15.06.2023 05:43

You know, I found you guys during a rough time in my life. I had put my dog, Sue to sleep on Christmas Eve in 2021 and was rather depressed. Add to that my cat, Loki had to be put down because she was really sick thanks to a brand of flea collar and well... I don't think I need to elaborate. So, thanks for being a band that I can listen to and be happy remembering the time I had with those two. Seriously.

@AdamDimian - 10.07.2023 12:10

Mate your a legend

@virginiagwen6523 - 16.08.2023 08:58

I find myself feeling nostalgic about years past, thinking that they were better than what I've been going through now. But in reality, when I was living my past, I wished nothing more than for everything to be over. I guess this is probably how things go. Me always regretting the past, thinking the past is better than the present, yet when I am at the present I just want everything to end.

@jasonc7503 - 17.10.2023 22:26

How did I overlook this masterpiece???

@RedReaper3 - 01.12.2023 02:21

Your music is somehow a mix of depressing and inspiring. It's a huge gift to be able to do that, great song! 10/10

@chaoticclonestudios - 04.12.2023 13:03

The only time ive felt truly happy is when im with friends away from home away from the fights away from the yelling just enjoying time with friends ive gotta admit lostening to these songs is an emptional roller-coaster for me mainly because i shove a lot of my thoughts about my mental health to the side so that i can focus on making others happy but yeah this music is great

@javelldunn3379 - 05.12.2023 05:11

Don’t take the ones you love for granted I love that line this is the best song thank you Citizen Solider ❤

@abie.4 - 16.12.2023 06:27


@ryarod - 17.12.2023 23:10

I already lost my chances. Those noose tutorial videos and the tree out my window look friendlier every week.

@SilverBlossomArt - 19.12.2023 09:41

Anyone still listening to this masterpiece years later??

@DoughyBread-- - 23.01.2024 15:02

This song actually gave me, like most of this band, an actual adrenaline kick

@takarigolliday6764 - 29.01.2024 07:51

This is a Banger true masterpiece

@daristudies778 - 01.02.2024 21:07

This song is what brought me to you guys! When it came out, I was seeing it in my YT-recommendations. Much has changed, and my mental health is still wacky, but at least you guys taught me to never give up, and even if the fight seems lost, there is still a tomorrow. You guys helped me through so much, whether it is my BPD, suicidal thoughts or just mundane stuff like exams! You rock and I want you to know that you changed my life forever, and in the good sense. Sorry for any mistake you might find, English is not my first language.

@rubymclaughlin7187 - 23.02.2024 06:02

Three years ago, I made a comment and said that I could not be proud of my life as it was. The only pride I had back then was that I was trying. I am back to say that I am proud of my life as it is now. I have seen, heard, and experienced things that I never thought I would be able to. I have experienced freedom, and learned how to love the life that I have been given. I am satisfied. I'm not whole yet, but what I have now is good enough to make me happy and that is what truly matters. I will never take what I have for granted, I can never forget that I started from the bottom and rose to what I consider the top. (I'm not famous or anything, I never wanted fame or fortune, so that's not the top for me.)

@ShortsToEngagePpl - 13.03.2024 23:34


@hamptonfamily3817 - 14.04.2024 02:24

This song reminds me of [Puss in boots: the last wish,] have any of you seen it?

@nicolesouth2657 - 25.05.2024 06:51

This song reminds me of my mother, She passed away due to cancer back in December and now I’m scared that I’m losing my gma. I am but she’s still here

@MinSungLixStay143 - 01.07.2024 09:18

I don't want to try anymore I so tired of being unwanted by everyone not being able to get a job what is the point anyways we just live to die my own mother is throwing me away like trash like unwanted garbage. I'm trying so hard to be an adult in this world but I'm so discouraged nothing happens for me eventually even those I thought were there for me will leave I'm meant to be alone. Having cherphobia downs help either I am terrified to be happy.

@devinwood2713 - 12.10.2024 20:13

just saw you guys live in portland OR last night fucking phenomenal

@Lizard-Love263 - 13.01.2025 21:40

Citizen Soldier is our soldier, they help us fight the war inside our heads!

@azurekite3870 - 01.03.2025 02:52

hm,somewhat reminds me of xenoblade 3.
