GoPro Hero 10 vs GoPro Hero 7 - Action Camera Comparison - Should you Upgrade?

GoPro Hero 10 vs GoPro Hero 7 - Action Camera Comparison - Should you Upgrade?

Chigz Tech Reviews

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@KaiEmblem - 19.03.2022 23:32

Gopro hero 7 is quite good even if its an older version compared to the 10

@joekelly9369 - 03.04.2022 17:24

heaton park 😊 cheers buddy

@bocian6666 - 05.04.2022 15:47

I sold my old 7th and bough new 10. I done some cycling and as stabilisation is great on 10 I cannot see picture quality difference between those 2. I think it might be even worse on 10th. I done all updates what else can I do , return it?.

@jdhayes - 09.04.2022 18:24

Excellent video. I'm like you in that I have the 7 and was wondering what the quality jump was to the 10. You answered that. Thanks for putting this video out.

@progressix - 10.04.2022 05:02

Comparing my Hero 10 to my Hero 7, I am finding that the 4K video is actually clearer on the Hero 7. While the color is a bit more vibrant on the Hero 10, the Hero 7 video is noticeably more crisp and more highly detailed. My biggest reason for upgrading was the narrow video option which rendered more lifelike views of subjects. Otherwise, I had no incentive to upgrade since I have been generally very pleased with the 7. I am actually more than a bit disappointed with the 10 since it would have taken very little to please me. I'm wondering if the lens on my 10 may not be up to their traditional standards. Hard to say.

@thecopyrighter8356 - 11.04.2022 19:59


@outandaboot9647 - 14.04.2022 17:24

i dont know where you are but those buildings are hundreds of years old and the exposed brick detail is unscathed

@Michael-vw5bb - 15.04.2022 23:08

Unfortunately imagine stabilization is significantly worse in the 10

@caferacergaming5104 - 25.04.2022 20:50

I feel if the footage was color graded you'd never know at all

@dayliving2020 - 30.04.2022 19:36

not much difference wow, need to wait for hero 14

@yurxonline1629 - 04.05.2022 16:37


@kelalamusic9258 - 14.05.2022 21:50

I was thinking of upgrading to the 10. After watching this, I will stay with my 7. Stabilization is about the same. Saturation might be a tad better on the 10 but I always tweak the settings when editing, so no biggy. The only advantage to the 10 is having the screen. I got along all this time without one. Thanks mate, you just saved me some $$.

@jw2par - 26.05.2022 04:24

Only problem is my 7 gets hot

@JonZMovies - 10.06.2022 05:46

was looking to upgrade my 7 because I always shoot in evenings and hoping for a better dynamic range and this model seems to answer my needs! Impressive for a cmos sensor. The only thing i'm not convinced is the image quality comparison, the gp7 on the video may have a dirty lens which makes the lights very glary which makes the comparison potentially unfair. And I'm not sure why they put the USB C port in the battery hatch, I use the USBC port on my gp7 for continuous recording and the removable hatch is so convenient, so I'm not sure what's the deal here.

@12matze - 27.06.2022 20:55

The Gopro 10 in the underwater housing ist a huge brick. I would buy a gopro session 2022 without blinking...

@slojam100 - 28.06.2022 18:49

to be fair not a huge difference in the 4k footage..
now lets all assume your pc/mac is powerful enough to edit the content ??
personally i'm sticking with my 7 ...(for now)
great comparison btw

@weekendhomeprojects - 09.07.2022 03:14

About to hit 1,000 subs and want to upgrade from hero 7 to 10 to give my subs the vids they deserve. And also...I'm a stone cold loser.

@有声故事频道 - 10.07.2022 09:57

I feel that the color of Hero 7 is more real and clearer. If you want to achieve the color of Hero 10, you only need to use the software to adjust it later.

@wildhog3217 - 15.07.2022 05:41

I like Hero7 Black. It’s been a good action camera but the Hero 10 has a more crisp and vivid video and the
Hero 7 seems to be cropped a bit more than the Hero 10.

@sergeantsodom6969 - 29.07.2022 02:00

I use the 7 but the ability to store presets is something I absolutely wish I had. That and the outdated software and lack of updates making me want to move up

@YAMIYAD - 04.08.2022 15:46

I do streamings on Twitch (small channel) But im willing to expand to irl streaming, thats why im here. But if i buy a new Hero 10 i'm finished around 400/500 euro's. Without the extra's next to it. But if i want to buy a used 7 hero black, they ask around 250 up to 400+ euro's. Why should i buy a 7 used if the 10 has almost the same price new?

ANd my comment is based on the comments on this video, some people preffer the 7 over the 10. And i love to listen to what other people experiance.

@YoutuberMaskarado - 10.08.2022 07:39

what is the best camera for the same price as hero 7? It will be my first action cam.

@yussanid - 10.08.2022 10:46

i have this problem on my hero 7, when it is cloudy and dark, the top of the tree looks transparent and slightly white. Looks like it's time to upgrade

@edzen6122 - 27.08.2022 18:30

Still using my 7 , taking it to the sea snorkling with no problem, its been 3 years

@_alliswell - 28.08.2022 08:40

Im still using gorpo hero 7 black untill now. I dont find any significant upgrade since 7

@pulkitrock - 06.09.2022 06:32

Looks like hero 7 lens is dirty

@politikjelata8522 - 15.09.2022 22:18

Hero 7 have better shadows... Its easier to darken the shadow to make it contrasty rather than to bring up the shadow...

@nabilahmedkhan8052 - 27.09.2022 16:36

Stabilization is the only real difference to be honest, that too by not that much. Otherwise one can color grade and edit during post to get the desired look.

@ZevFei - 28.09.2022 02:32

Just the few second look, i already see Hero 10 is better

@zktube - 18.10.2022 01:26

Your video is so good but is missing the night shot :(

@vicodjaqp - 24.11.2022 17:17

Hola, siento que en la gopro 11 el video esta como raro, no veo fluido lo veo con cortes o nose... pero la gopro 7 se ve mucho mejor... o es que tiene mucha calidad?? alguien que me ayudeee gracias

@lawrencelee8602 - 05.01.2023 14:57

Thanks for the video mate! A user of hero 7 of 3 years after seeing this video, I think absolutely no reason to upgrade to 10 or even 11 if you already own a hero 7. So no upgrade for me.

@butadieneok9645 - 09.01.2023 08:09

only the resolution and battery are upgraded, for stability it's not much different

@footylovefc - 23.01.2023 09:47

how do fix battery life on the go pro 7? I love my camera but I feel like thats the only issue i have with the camera. any tips?

@Antoniosp10 - 29.03.2023 19:51

For me, the smallest size of Hero 7 is a big advanced! I use on a rc car, size and weight are mandatory.

@hayattarikov3529 - 19.04.2023 16:59

NICE COMMENT, thank you...

@googleYoutibe - 15.05.2023 17:10


@finnthinkin7695 - 09.07.2023 13:36

7 seems the best version to me.

@Kambing_2228 - 16.12.2023 09:04

Gopro 7 still the best!

@miguelitord9297 - 19.03.2024 15:04

The only thing I see is better color on the 10

@krlm2280 - 22.03.2024 04:37

Seems like the stabilization on the 7 is better looking at the 10 get me dizzy

@achafilms3968 - 13.07.2024 22:18

The audio is a great improvement. on the hero 10, it sounds more natural/clear

@MR-DNMOTOVLOG - 22.08.2024 02:51

Saya suka review yang seperti inj

@fernandovelez9314 - 02.09.2024 21:19

7 here and wouldnt change for a 10 based ln this. Thank you

@chotu5175 - 11.09.2024 06:47


@MS-kf5rr - 08.10.2024 04:16

Was wondering if my 7 was good enough for an up and coming trip where I wanted to travel as light as possible. Thanks to you snapping pictures I was able to conclude yes, it's perfect! Thanks for your time and the video.

@GeorgeHossain007 - 12.12.2024 17:06

Most, if not all, action cameras perform very poorly in low light condition. So for low light situation, recording using a cell phone with good camera spec would get the job done like a charm.

@UserUser-vo2ky - 06.01.2025 18:00

This is just what i need to make a decision on a second hand gopro 7. Thanks so much for this video man. It was either a cheap new chinese action camera or a 7. The 7 wins hands down.

@TheRobloxPotatoShark - 26.01.2025 02:45

Am in 2025 wanting a GoPro I want a cheap one but a good one is 10 worth the extra money?

@nashguy2814 - 05.03.2025 07:10

I'm going for the 10 as the 7 cost just as much where I am.
