MAC Starting a FIGHT With Charlotte Tilbury? + Fenty's New Hero Product? | What's Up in Makeup NEWS

MAC Starting a FIGHT With Charlotte Tilbury? + Fenty's New Hero Product? | What's Up in Makeup NEWS

Jen Luv

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@mzcytin - 05.03.2025 15:43

I wish that the people who gave Fenty Skin glowing reviews at launch would review the new formulas of the 3 base products. I've used FentySkin since it launched, but the new formulations are breaking me out and I'd love to see if others are experiencing the same.

@BlueSkyes17 - 28.01.2025 05:26

Meh,I was treated poorly by some MAC reps in the mall in college and swore never to give them any money. Call me petty, but a decade later, I've still never touched any of their products. Never tried Charlotte Tillbury because they seem boring. Just my opinions. Edited to say this was some fun tea, though!

@buffyramm294 - 23.01.2025 00:27

MAC is the OG of all! They have all copied. Some better than others. But MAC started it and did it better for a very long time. Everyone should just bow at the alter of MAC!

@arisah239 - 22.01.2025 22:29

Don’t watch Dexter! I feel like the very last season ruined the ending for me🥲

@foxwaffles - 21.01.2025 00:44

Does nobody remember the Sega does what Nintendon't days??? Brands used to dunk on each other all the time and it could get nasty. Let them have their fun

@mmizzles - 20.01.2025 19:10

Jen I so the same thing with shows 🤣 I thought I was the only one! I never finished game of thrones

@occhimarroni88 - 20.01.2025 06:06

🗣️ JEN! can I just say… I’m being so serious and not trying to be negative… but I truly believe that Th e pink hues look so much better on you! They make you look so much younger and so refreshed! I prefered that pinky lip on you w that blush! You looked sooooo awesome! Then u added that brown I was like NOOOOOOO 😆 but seriously I think you should try to rock it all day and try to get used it

@hauterodanthe680 - 18.01.2025 22:55

I love your necklace in this video

@SoundBlackRecordings - 18.01.2025 12:11

Make Up For Ever used to have a double ended spot concealer 25 years ago. I used to have it until they discontinued it

@victoriaf4607 - 18.01.2025 04:51

pillow talk usually means intimate conversation in bed that usually involves cuddling etc and used to be a common saying

@Username0467 - 17.01.2025 18:08

Seeing brand wars as petty is the reason we don’t have fun ads lol

@nolalady3635 - 17.01.2025 17:10


@cindicleee - 17.01.2025 14:13


@lauragalek - 17.01.2025 10:56

Do you chose how many ads go into each video Jen? I noticed there were 5 on this one. That seems a big excessive for a 30 minute video.

@nancymiller4340 - 17.01.2025 04:17

Jen, can you do a review of micro infusion systems, please!

@WhatTheKink - 16.01.2025 15:00

I read the Twilight books so those movies ticked me off! 😂

@maireadweaver8952 - 16.01.2025 04:59

I just got my Lisa Eldridge concealer pencil and I LOVE it, I know Wayne Goss recently posted that he didn't get it, but I think it is the answer to my inner eye pigmentation problems. It is just perfect for getting in there without too much product .. and it sets down really well. It is also fantastic for the slight redness I have under my bottom lash line where a concealer would be waaaay too much and just settle into my lines .. this doesn't. It definitely has a purpose, and I am 100% sold. Will definitely be re-buying when this one runs out .. which will take a while because you use so little to cover so much!! xx

@jackieturner4144 - 16.01.2025 03:45

I can't help being a mac junkie probably as I'm an older gal xx

@knox1672 - 16.01.2025 03:25

The Mac ad is funny.

@creativequince - 15.01.2025 22:09

That CT ad is so cringey. Makes me want to buy her products even less.

@laurielaliberte5873 - 15.01.2025 21:19

Phoenix is STUNNING! Clearly they inherited the best features of both parents because both of you are very attractive. Also, their makeup skills are top notch. I love when you share pics of the kids, such a treat. ❤

GO REVLON! They would be such a loss to the beauty industry, so it's heartening to see them developing new and interesting products after the trouble they seemed to be having in 2024.
Great product report, Jen. Thank you so much. 😊

@lissi034 - 15.01.2025 19:38

your daughter is so pretty ^^

@ddebarre7192 - 15.01.2025 18:13

Love the brows!

@theonlycreativeurge - 15.01.2025 17:57

I love these new intros! Gives a nice snapshot!!! She continues to level up. So excited for all these changes to your channel ❤

@samanthavandusen - 15.01.2025 17:33


@TheVelvetraindrop - 15.01.2025 09:29

Jen you have to finish watching Dexter! Then watch Dexter New Blood and then Dexter Original Sin.

@girlforpunkrock - 15.01.2025 07:53

As a random consumer not heavily into brands, I didn't even think of Charlotte Tillbury with the post. I thought of it more as a play on words, like no need to waste time with sweet nothings, get naked/the new nudes lipsticks🤷‍♀️ like maybe on the off chance it actually was accidental shade? Maybe that's why they deleted it, they might have not meant it that way?

@katia_gabriella - 15.01.2025 06:14

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ironically I do have Pillow Talk, but I've always been a MAC fan. Just was looking on Mercari for stuff. There's even brand new stuff on there! I'd rather buy MAC than CT because it's more affordable, honestly. I F-ING LOATHE HER EYESHADOW FORMULAS! I got Exaggereyes with a gift card, and of course that was the only thing I could get..but it straight up died on me. If you make expensive a$$ palettes, get the formulas right. I'm tempted to buy mint condition MAC palettes from like fifteen years ago. No other brand can hold a candle to MAC's history.

@daneekaplan4284 - 15.01.2025 05:14

Dexter is coming back. They have a reboot. There is a prequel on now.

@daddytchaik - 15.01.2025 03:54

😂 not to be the pedantic twilight nerd but… that picture of Renesmee isn’t CGI, that’s the doll they made and then tried to film with, before they decided to use a CGI baby instead. that being said, I’m super excited to see the New Moon collection, I loved that Colourpop did separate collections and made them so unique to each movie!!

@celestebelen6846 - 15.01.2025 03:27

It's makeup collections like Dexter that make me so sad to be a broke college student lol They killed the Dexter campaign! 😉

To answer your question Jen it's going to be a little long, so here we go. The ending of Dexter does suck indeed. Showtime came out with Dexter: New Blood like 8/9ish years later. Maybe 10? Anyways, it explains the ending to the first Dexter seriers. My honest opinion, it was okay. However! Currently Paramount + came out with a new series Dexter: Original Sin. It is the prequel to the first Dexter series! So far 6 episodes is out and I'm hooked! They did such a wonderful job on the casting and personally I'm enjoying the series so far. Lastly, after Original Sin, Dexter: Resurrection is set to release. This is after New Blood👀. Truthfully, I'm a bit skeptical on how the storyline is going to continue and worried it will mess it up. But we shall see.
Sorry for such a long explanation. If it wasn't obvious already, I'm a huge fan of the Dexter series and of Micheal C. Hall lol Hopefully this was enough information to help out with your decision. Much love!

@janataylor5520 - 15.01.2025 02:47

Well the term “pillow talk” was around long before Charlotte T..I mean it’s a phrase used forever…she just named her lipstick that.

@BMissCherry - 15.01.2025 02:41

I’ve bought the night box. Have to start using the products 😂

@HarryPerkins-y2j - 15.01.2025 02:13

The people going after Mac need to grow up and get a life. I’m pretty sure they’re all of consenting age. There’s no need to act like little babies.

@Windalove1 - 14.01.2025 23:15

My only issue with multi pencils is that most don't take the needed step to not cross contaminant between lips and eyes. I think companies need to be more vocal on how to safely use it. Usually you have to sharpen to completely shave off a certain amount which leads to product waste. So honestly I think it's best to just keep it for either eyes or lips and not both. It might seem like you are getting more bang for your buck but it really isn't once you think about the sanitize aspect.

@qtheepie4023 - 14.01.2025 22:51

In Canada Sephora carries MAC…😂

@jennypettersson - 14.01.2025 22:48

Haha I did the same with Greys and with Sons of Anarchy!! That Plastic palette gave me JS vibes 🙈.

@1015SaturdayNight - 14.01.2025 22:37

Lisa has been doing that technique for years, she’s not the first to make the product though. MAC used to have skin toned pencils. Wish they still made them

@Keren.BeautyScienceLife - 14.01.2025 22:29

JEN! OMG I'm so glad that I was watching this cuz I have been thinking about this a lot lately, but never remembered to comment. So - Vitamin C - why and how is it unstable in cosmetics? Why does it not have that same instability in, for example, apple juice? I recently stopped getting WIC and was laughing that "well, now I won't have apple juice as my daily source of VitC for my kids", and then I realized - is it possible that it isn't stable in processed foods either? But then a government agency would be lying and pumping up kids full of sugar without vitC -- which I guess wouldn't be a complete shocker.. So which is the truth? what is the mechanism? how does vitC remain stable in clear apple juice containers but become unstable in opaque skin care jars?

@getreadywithmegirlstyle - 14.01.2025 22:29

Jen baby, you should know consiversive sells

@jaxb.8351 - 14.01.2025 22:21

I can never bring myself to buy from CT bc I find her to be so cringy.

@inma_m.f. - 14.01.2025 21:48


@CowGirlKat8691 - 14.01.2025 21:05

Never fell onto the CT band wagon. Do like her setting spray though. I think Mac is spot on!! 🤠

@amberjewel_beauty - 14.01.2025 20:46

I really enjoyed Twilight growing up, but I love what you both talked about. Thought the same things when I rewatched in my adult life. I was someone to read book first

@amberjewel_beauty - 14.01.2025 20:33

I was just watching your live stream talking about decluttering and I was going to comment - I tell myself "I will not buy any new makeup" and then That dexter collab gets released and it is one of my favorite shows ever so I am beyond excited and so broke tho hahaha. I agree. Watching the Dexter promo videos it gives me goose bumps!

@Ddddbbkks - 14.01.2025 20:30

Fenty already had a setting spray, but then she took it away out of nowhere😢

@kellisklozzet2942 - 14.01.2025 19:24

Ok the Mac post was cute. It was tongue in cheek and honestly, CT should be more confident in her brand and products than to possibly pitch some kind of fit behind the scenes! What is the saying about imitation being the most sincere form of flattery? I mean don’t read the entire quote because it’s as shady as an oak tree in full summer but… Come on CT! Grow up girl.

@christi_w - 14.01.2025 19:14

there's a new dexter out so the collection makes sense!! don't give up on dexter - it's still good although the ending is underwhelming.

@Lady.alchemy29 - 14.01.2025 18:57

Thank you for being honest about the AE palettes. I almost considered buying one, I'll just save up to get the ND palette
