These Flies Will Catch Fish & Save You $$$ (Fly Fishing for Trout)

These Flies Will Catch Fish & Save You $$$ (Fly Fishing for Trout)


2 года назад

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@matthewallred72 - 16.09.2022 16:36

It's 0630! I'm not drinking an ipa right now. I'm not a savage. I do however have whiskey in my coffee right now. ☺

@jonathongrajales4572 - 16.09.2022 16:51

same coffee in hand waiting to get to the grind. I use an Olive Wooley Bugger for my confidence fly. Did have a question real quick, I want to get into fly tying what kits would you recommend or should I buy it by piece. If so what pieces should I get.
Thanks so much for your time!
Still amazing content!!!!
Fish On!!!!!

@imagingconcepts - 16.09.2022 17:13

It might be 7:13am right now, but I am confident its noon someplace... Friends don’t let friends drink alone... Cheers

@flyguy3827 - 16.09.2022 17:34

Happy Friday! Great vid and thanks for the discount code!

@jonibelle - 16.09.2022 17:41

I like your Videos so mutch.

@Scarbis93 - 16.09.2022 17:45

Some nice confidence flies there Dan, some favorites of mine are the chubby Chernobyl, bead head hares ear, rs2 or maybe an elk hair caddis.

@bobconley6954 - 16.09.2022 17:49

That balance leach looks sorta like my confidence fly-TJ hooker. Used same all day, on my Euro rod, on the yak 2 days ago.

@Demolitiondude - 16.09.2022 17:50

I'm limited to panfish and bass.

@williamcooke6056 - 16.09.2022 17:58

Out of respect for you, Dan, I pulled out a Bodhizafa, cheers! Later, I'll fire up a Montecristo in your honor. Thanks for the peek into your fly box, as well as a way to save on quality flies!

@nathanlasha2557 - 16.09.2022 18:47

No mention of chironomids? So many of your videos highlight those, I would have guessed they would have been toward the top of your list (as they are mine)! Great video!

@nickpappas2134 - 16.09.2022 20:38

Yooo always a good day when you upload! When you were fishin that sculpin pattern were you at rock creek in Mt?!

@keng9064 - 17.09.2022 01:27

It is Friday now. Beer with Dan. Great fly shop. Thanks for sharing on flies.

@justal4844 - 17.09.2022 02:02

These thoughts and five bucks should be enough for a foo-foo coffee or a half six-pack of microbrew... confidence flies change over the seasons if you do this long enough. A couple of years ago I would not have thought to leave off a flashback pheasant tail nymph (probably as a tail-gunner to a Pat's or under a dry); neither nymph has seen much time on my rod this year and last, as I've found "new" confidence patterns that seem to outperform the legacy stuff. Same goes for dry fly patterns. Unrelated, this morning I fished a couple of hours I tried my first sculpzilla pattern (my shop was out of my "confidence streamer") ; the weighted head 'zilla is a pain in the @ss to cast a long distance but it caught me a real nice cutthroat 🙃

@reddsflies - 17.09.2022 03:58

Thanks Dan! Awesome video!

@JordanWoodwerx - 17.09.2022 05:10

Hi Dan, love your content and those flies from Jordan are top notch! He’s pretty much the only guy I buy from. Thanks!

@charlieboutin3341 - 17.09.2022 07:14

Thanks for sharing your favorites Dan! I definitely have my “go-to” confidence flies also..for whatever I may be fishing for. Many are guide flies, I figure if they get paid to take people to catch fish, they’re probably not going to use sucky flies.😂 I do make my adaptations to fit my own needs and situations..but after you catch a few lunkers, there’s nothing else needed to convince you. 🙂 Good to see your channel growing! Have a great weekend and Fish On big Dan! 🎣👍👌✌️

@finnsbiavl7483 - 17.09.2022 14:10

I wonder, how can you buy these flies so cheap? In DK 🇩🇰 a cheap handmade fly costs around 5$ 😳😳

@TheRedneckjim - 18.09.2022 03:06

Yes! The leech is also my favorite! Has always worked for me and even got me into fly tying too!

@daveschlom4033 - 18.09.2022 05:29

Just about every fly I checked on was sold out. That is a solid job of promoting! I shall return and try again in a few weeks...

@JohnJames. - 19.09.2022 15:24

Great video. Maroon balanced leech under an indicator works for steelhead to. I'm up in bc, your area looks very similar, but you find nicer fish

@thomasgruver5777 - 28.10.2022 19:30

Asked similar question in another video...what's your leader and line setup for the balanced leech? Thanks!

@cassidynickelson6096 - 15.04.2023 09:05

Do they have a firebox?

@iMpakT_CS - 27.04.2023 21:42

Thanks for the link and discount code FFD!!

@travishauss8483 - 16.05.2023 23:51

R u from Tacoma Washington

@themidnightrider6805 - 19.05.2023 00:05

Thank you for another awesome video! I needed some help with selecting flies and this video really helped me out! Next step on to Red’s fly shop.
